

On the outskirts of Liyue, a slashing commander, like a general leading troops to war, was leading seven slashing soldiers to attack the city (referring to the camp of the hillock people).

Ying was sitting on a nearby rock watching them.

When the slashing soldiers beat the hillock people to a pulp, Ying would sometimes clap his hands.


These little guys are really good. In fact, they are a bit like Inazuma's warriors.

""What, are you moved?"

Ying suddenly heard a familiar voice behind her.

She didn't even need to turn her head to know who was standing behind her.

After all, there was only one person in the entire Liyue who could appear behind her silently.

"I, I see that……"

Ying wanted to tell the name of the general who led the horse sword soldiers, but found that he didn't know the name at all.

"Here you are."

At this moment, Ying saw a hand behind him suddenly handing over a fairy encyclopedia.

"Also, the elf you're interested in is called Slash Commander."

"Commander Slash... huh?"

When Ying repeated the name and took the elf illustration, he quickly thanked Su Yan.

"Thank you for your Pokémon I really need it"

"You're welcome. In fact, I should have given it to you a few days ago. After all, you need this elf encyclopedia to help me spread the elves to Inazuma."

At this moment, Su Yan and Ying were standing on the same parallel line. His eyes fell on Commander Slash's team that had destroyed the Hilichurl camp.

Then... he turned his head and asked Ying with a chuckle,"Since you have set your eyes on that elf, why are you just sitting there watching?"


When Su Yan asked this, Ying's face suddenly became a little stiff. After a while, she answered:"I don't know how to communicate with it."

Generally speaking... if you want to subdue an elf, you either need to cultivate feelings with it or show your strength. This depends on the elf's personality and temperament.

But Ying has been alone in Yi Xin Pure Land for so many years, and she is the high and mighty God of Thunder.

So since yesterday, she has only been observing Commander Slash and the others in the dark, but she doesn't know whether she should communicate with them.

After all, when Ying saw them, they were either bullying the Prank Flower, or beating up the Rock Slime, or they were on the way to attack the city.

Ying was worried that if she suddenly appeared, what if they chopped at her, wouldn't she have no chance to subdue it?

So she hesitated for a day.

After Ying expressed her concerns……


Su Yan suddenly laughed, then looked at Ying and asked,"Do you want me to teach you?"


Ying nodded without any hesitation.

At this moment, she suddenly found that the person in front of her... seemed to have changed a little.

In the past, he was more or less scary.

But today... he seemed to be much easier to get along with?

And at this time, he had a smile on his face, and his smile was very gentle...

Just when Ying was a little dazed, Su Yan immediately explained to her:"In fact, Commander Slash is a very aggressive Pokémon. If you want to conquer it, the best way is to challenge it head-on. Besides, this is a female general."

"Female general?"

Ying was a little stunned after hearing this.

The more he listened to Su Yan's popular science, the more he liked this elf.

Moreover, this simple and rough way of conquering was a bit similar to Inazuma's duel in front of the emperor.

"It really suits me"

"Go ahead."

Su Yan nodded, and then said:"Don't worry about anything, as long as you show your spirit of the Thunder God, it will only appreciate you more."


Ying nodded and took a deep breath.

Suddenly, she turned into thunder and fell from the huge rock directly into the camp of the hill people.

The moment Ying appeared, Commander Cleave and the soldiers with colt swords all looked at her...

At this time, a long-handled naginata appeared out of thin air from the palm of Ying's outstretched hand. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

She raised her sword to Commander Cleave, and obeyed Su Yan's guidance, shouting with the lofty posture of the God of Thunder:"Commander Cleave, Ying, I want to challenge you now. If you lose, how about you follow me in the future?"


As expected, the Commander Slash jumped up from the hilltop tower after hearing the challenge.

It was about 1.6 meters tall, humanoid, and looked like it was wearing red armor. In addition, its head, hands, abdomen, and feet were all equipped with blades.

"I'm going to make a move!"[]

I saw Ying waving her long-handled naginata, with a faint flash of lightning.

Of course, Ying couldn't use her full strength. She had watched Commander Chop and Slash these past two days and knew roughly how much force was most appropriate.

There were no surprises...

After just a few moves of the blades fighting, Commander Chop and Slash was defeated by Ying's naginata.

"You lose."

Ying's naginata rested on Commander Slash for a moment, then she pulled it back.

Then, she smiled gently.

"Commander Pi Zhan, will you follow me from now on? Your fighting skills are still immature, I can teach you."

Sure enough, it was just as Su Yan said.

After feeling the power of Ying, Commander Pi Zhan nodded without much hesitation.

"You are very strong, and I can see that you haven't used any of your skills at all, so I am willing to follow you."

Of course, Elf Shadow couldn't understand, but Commander Slash's expression and actions had already told her the answer.

"Thank you for believing in me."

As Ying finished speaking, a Poké Ball was suddenly handed to her.


This sudden gift made Ying stunned and looked at Su Yan. He felt that he was really different today.

"Thank you, Mr. Su Yan."

After receiving the Poké Ball, Commander Slash voluntarily stood there, waiting for Ying to put it into the Poké Ball.

As for the Colt Saber Soldiers, seeing their leader being subdued, they left the camp.

Presumably, a new leader will emerge from among them soon. After a long while...

Su Yan and Ying found a rock nearby and sat down.

"When will you return to Inazuma?"

"Well... Shenzi has lost the game, and now I have my own Pokémon, so I might leave today."

At this point, Ying suddenly looked at Su Yan, and then said:"I will complete your third task as soon as possible, so that the people of Inazuma can get along well with Pokémon in the future, and then have someone draft a national policy for this aspect."

"Well, OK."

Su Yan knew very well that after Ying had seen Liyue's appearance, he would definitely complete this task well.

He then looked at Ying, and their eyes met.

"It's a waste of time to take a boat from Liyue to Inazuma. I'll take you to pick up that scumbag fox and then send you directly to the castle tower."

"Is it okay?"

Su Yan's words made Ying feel a little unbelievable.

"Since you are working for me, I will naturally take care of you."

At this moment, Su Yan had already stood up, and Ying also stood up.

When Su Yan took her hand... the two of them disappeared in an instant.

Before disappearing, it was vaguely seen that Ying's face suddenly turned red.

And about ten minutes later...

Su Yan, the person had already appeared in the Qun Yu Pavilion!

When he appeared, Ningguang went out to greet him in person not long after.

"Su Yan, you are here……"

Today, Ningguang changed her clothes on purpose. Different from the golden and white cheongsam she usually wore, she wore a dark blue feathered dress...

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