The sky was a sea of fire.

The clouds burned red wherever it passed, and then evaporated without a trace.

The people of Liyue below were all stunned when they saw this scene, with thousands of fears in their hearts.

Fortunately, the sword of fire cut through the sky like a meteor, and disappeared in the sky of Liyue in a blink of an eye, leaving only the smell of burning and the clear sky.

However... the sea area was completely different from the Liyue City.

When the sword of fire disappeared in the sky above Liyue, it suddenly changed rapidly.

At the port, countless porters threw down the heavy objects in their hands and pointed to the distant sea.

"Look, the sword energy is about to fall on the sea!" Just as the words fell, as expected, the 'Sword of Regret' used by Huanhuan did not deviate at all, and chopped down the boundless sea surface with unstoppable force. Bang!!!! Wherever the sword energy passed, the sea suddenly split into two sides, stirring up huge waves. It was as if the sea was cut in half, leaving an endless abyss. What a spectacular sight. Just as everyone at the port was stunned, someone desperately shouted:

""Oh no, the waves are coming, everyone leave the port!"

Hearing the shouts, people realized it and ran back to Liyue.

However, most of the seawater that was cut in half evaporated in an instant after touching the sword of fire.

The huge waves that were stirred up were also divided outside the sea area, and did not rush to Liyue Port as imagined.

It can be seen that the size of the fantasy is well grasped.

However, the workers at the port who saw this scene did not feel lucky for it.

They looked dull and shocked as the sea was divided into two halves in the blink of an eye. Their eyes and mouths were all wide open and could not close for a long time.

It is conceivable...

Such a picture is enough to be imprinted in their hearts, no matter how long it is, it is afraid that it will never be erased.

Among them, Ningguang and Keqing, who were standing on the terrace of the Qunyu Pavilion, were also pale, and their shock was no different from that of the people in Liyue.

Because the Qunyu Pavilion is in the air, the vision from a high vantage point can be seen more clearly. The sea is cut into a straight line by the dreamy sword energy like tofu. There is no end in sight……


Almost at the same time, both of them swallowed.

To ordinary people without power, they might only be shocked and horrified.

But to those who hold the Eye of God, they know how much terrifying power is needed to do this...


God! I'm afraid it's no more than that.

This blow... is comparable to a blow from God!

Gradually, the wind blew again. After a long time.

The sea horizon also slowly closed as time went by.

The shocking scene before seemed like a dream, as if it had never happened.

Only the sky was clear and bright, telling that... the scene just now was not a dream.

Even so, Ningguang and Keqing were still stunned and unable to come back to their senses.

At this moment...

Su Yan suddenly spoke and brought their minds back.

"How about it, Miss Ningguang, are you satisfied with this answer?"


Hearing this, Ningguang suddenly got alert.

Oh, right.

She had forgotten that the reason for this scene just now was the question she asked Su Yan.

Do Pokémon really have powers comparable to those of gods and immortals?

Now, the answer is self-evident.

Ningguang nodded absentmindedly:"Mr. Su Yan, Pokémon is indeed beyond imagination, and it is worthy of being an existence outside the world."

"Well, now that you have got the answer you want, we should go back."

Su Yan smiled slightly, and then signaled Menghuan to change back to its original appearance.

Then... when Menghuan recovered, the surrounding space flashed.

Ningguang and Keqing were confused again.

When they reacted, they had returned to Su Yan's shop.

It was amazing.

In just a blink of an eye, the three of them, together with Menghuan, seemed to travel through space and change freely between the two places.

This alone was enough to shock Ningguang and Keqing.

This made Ningguang blurt out:"Menghuan, is this also your power?"

"Huh?" Menghuan blinked

, then covered her mouth and laughed,"No, it was another big guy who did it."

"Another big guy?"

Ningguang and Keqing immediately looked around.

Another expert?!

"Haha, don't look for it. If it doesn't want to see you, you won't see it."

Su Yan smiled and then said,"Then Miss Ningguang, Miss Keqing, do you have anything else to do? If not,……"

But he hadn't finished speaking yet.


Ningguang quickly said,"Mr. Su Yan, I want Pokémon too."

Seeing the other party's impatient look, Su Yan's mouth suddenly flashed a knowing smile.

"Of course."

Then he waved inside.

"Rotom, come here!"

After a while...

Su Yan asked:"You should have heard about the process from Miss Keqing, right?"

"Yes, Keqing has already told me roughly, and I understand your rules."

At this time, the Rotom Encyclopedia was in front of Ningguang, but she looked a little nervous and anxious.

After all, according to Su Yan's rules, what kind of Pokémon you want must be decided by drawing.

What's more, you can only draw five times a day.

Ningguang didn't care about money.

But she really wanted a legendary Pokémon that Su Yan mentioned, or even a quasi-god above the legend, or even those beings that Su Yan hadn't mentioned yet.

"As usual, the first free draw, Miss Ningguang, please"

"Okay, thank you Mr. Su Yan."

Ningguang took a deep breath, and then the Rotom Encyclopedia began to flash various pictures.

However, the speed was too fast...

Ningguang couldn't tell what the pictures were.

Of course, even if she could see it, it would be useless. Pokémon���I don't know

"Please, it must be a powerful Pokémon, it must be!"

Until Ningguang gritted her teeth and shouted


The flashing image of Rotom suddenly stopped.

Ningguang was very nervous.

But when she saw the image of Rotom clearly, she felt even worse.

"Hey, what kind of Pokémon is this… Why does it look a bit stupid? ?"

After hearing Ningguang's sudden words,

Keqing also ran over curiously to look at the Rotom Encyclopedia, then looked at Ningguang and said,"Oh, this Pokémon is wearing a crown, it must be king-level, Ningguang, I think it suits you very well."

"Crown? King?"

Su Yan suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of joy.

Looking at the picture again... he laughed dumbly.

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