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【Professor Oak: Is this the White Kyurem?】

According to legend, Kyurem needs to devour Reshiram to"evolve" into the White Kyurem. Now it seems that the legend is not entirely true.

Combining the legend with his own understanding, Professor Oak concluded that Kyurem does not have to devour Reshiram to transform into the White Kyurem. It is enough to obtain Reshiram's genes.

With Reshiram's genes, Kyurem can switch freely.

This should be the final truth.

【Dr. Yew: As expected of Dr. Oak, this inference should be the truth. 】

It's impossible to think about it. If Kyurem really needs to absorb Reshiram or Zekrom in order to change, then the condition is too harsh.

Besides, Zekrom and Reshiram can't just stay there and wait for Kyurem to"eat" them.

【Xiaozhi: Will Keldeo be okay?

Xiaozhi has no interest in these so-called professional analyses. He is more worried about Keldeo. Will this guy really be killed by Kyurem?

【Serena: Don't worry, Xiaozhi. Biligion and the others are here. Keldeo will be fine. 】

The holy swordsmen are all here. Even Kyurem can't kill Keldeo from their protection.

Xiaozhi thought so and was relieved.

Video continues——

【"I will never let anyone off easily, no matter who they are, who dares to interfere with our battle!"】

【Kyurem gives it attitude】

【Ice bullets were constantly fired from Kyurem's back, and soon the temperature in the cave dropped to minus 30 degrees Celsius.】

【In such a terrible low temperature, ordinary elves can't even move.】

【All the ice bullets were fired at the Holy Swordsman who tried to stop the battle.】

【Under the continuous attack of ice bombs, all the holy swordsmen fell into a frozen state. This is Kyurem's unique skill - Frozen World】

【"how come"】

【Only then did Keldeo feel the fear from the bottom of his heart.】

【Driven by fear, Keldeo forgot everything. He forgot his pride, the glory of the Holy Swordsman, and even forgot that Biligion, Delakion, and Copalion were in dire straits because they had saved him.】

【Keldeo escaped】

【It escaped from the mine and didn't even dare to look back.】

【Looking at Keldeo's departing back, Kyurem said in a stern voice:"This battle is not over yet!"

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【Lijia: Is this the power of the strongest dragon? The Holy Swordsman was frozen in one move.

Lijia also felt the pressure from the legendary dragon for the first time.

The three Holy Swordsmen are all legendary Pokémon, but when facing Kyurem, they have no ability to resist. 170

This should be a perfect portrayal of the gap between the legendary beasts.

【Xiaozhi: Just run away like that? What is Keldeo doing?!

Xiaozhi is very dissatisfied with Keldeo's performance.

At this time, you can't run away even if you die!

Think about Biligion and the others. They broke the oath of the holy swordsman for you and intervened in the most revered duel.

Is this how you repay them?


If it were him, he would definitely, definitely not run away!

【Shirona: Keldeo is like a flower grown in a greenhouse. Although it is equally beautiful, it will soon wither and die once it is exposed to wind and rain.

Copalion should have seen this, so he did not allow Keldeo to challenge Kyurem.

Without going through wind and rain, you will never see the rainbow.

I hope Keldeo can keep this failure in mind, cheer up again, and prove to Copalion and others that he can become a true holy swordsman.

【Kalune: I suspect Keldeo's heart has been broken. I guess from now on he won't even have the courage to fight Kyurem. 】

An even scarier thing is waiting for Keldeo, that is, Kyurem doesn't seem to have any intention of letting him go.

This battle is not over yet.

Video continues——

【The train is speeding on the tracks】

【Inside the train, the Pokémons were making a lot of noise.】

【Pikachu, Otter, Fang, Slippery, and Cauliflower Monkey, these elves are always busy jumping around.】

【At the top of the carriage, where the suitcases are stored, the conductive flying squirrel is leaning against the suitcase and sighing.】

【Maybe he was lamenting that they were all children.】

【As for the vine snake, it half-closed its eyes and took a nap on its seat.】

【After a long time of noise, the train finally arrived at the station. The next stop was Qingfeng Station.】

【The train only stops at Qingfeng Station for three minutes, and time is very tight. In order to be able to buy the specialty bento at Qingfeng Station, several people dare not waste a second.】

【Under Tiantong's command, everyone finally got back on the train at the specified time.】

【The three were about to breathe a sigh of relief when they suddenly discovered that the sly boy was still at the station. This was bad news.】

【After a lot of hard work, with the help of Snake, Slippery was finally brought back to the train. Just when they were about to breathe a sigh of relief, Pikachu discovered something.】

【On top of the cargo box, they saw a Pokémon they had never seen before, and it was covered with wounds.】

【"Did something happen?"】(bhai

【Xiaozhi just put his hand on the Pokémon's head to help check the injury, but the Pokémon woke up instantly and kicked Xiaozhi with two kicks.】

【Xiaozhi was kicked out, and Alice behind him was also implicated. The two were almost kicked off the train.】

【Tiantong couldn't sit still anymore and quickly climbed onto the roof. Before the three of them could say anything, the mysterious elf took a fighting stance, panting heavily and saying,"Here it comes, Kyurem is coming!""】

【The three were shocked. This Pokémon actually spoke.】

【The three were still in shock when Keldeo suddenly rushed to the left. If Xiaozhi hadn't stepped forward to save it, it would have rushed directly off the roof of the car.】

【He was already covered in injuries, and if he fell from the speeding train, no one knew what the consequences would be.

At this time, the audience in the live broadcast room also sighed.

Kyurem is really guilty of a heinous crime.

Keldeo used to be such a sunny and brave boy, but now he looks like a broken heart.

He wanted to escape as soon as he sensed Kyurem's breath.

He no longer looks like a brave swordsman. Can such a Keldeo really become a holy swordsman?

The audience really doubted it.

【"Did it just say Kyurem is coming?"】

【Tiantong was a little suspicious whether he had heard it wrong】

【"Kyurem, I think I heard"】

【Alice was recalling frantically, trying to remember where she had heard of Kyurem.】

【Keldeo on the other side has reached his limit and fainted.】

【The three thought that what Keldeo said about Kyurem coming was just talk, but when a giant dragon appeared at the other end of the sky, they realized that everything Keldeo said was true.】

【Kyurem came and landed on the roof of the car opposite them.】

【They were less than three meters away from Kyurem at the moment.】


【With a slight hum, the train beneath their feet began to freeze rapidly. The freezing continued to spread, and soon spread from Kyurem's carriage to their carriage.】

【I don't know what happened, but I'll just run away now.】

【Xiaozhi dragged the awake Keldeo and ran away, with Tiantong and Alice following closely behind.】

【Freeze Beam】

【The aurora was emitted from Kyurem's mouth. In order to avoid Kyurem's attack, several people jumped directly into an empty carriage, which was originally used to load sand.】

【"Why attack us!"】

【Xiaozhi raised his head and questioned Kyurem, but Kyurem did not answer. The freezing beam condensed again, and Kyurem's new round of attack was about to come.】

【Everyone was extremely nervous. At this moment, the train entered the tunnel. In order to avoid it, Kyurem had to leave the roof.】

【Xiaozhi and his friends just escaped the disaster.】

【In the dim tunnel, Alice recalled everything about Kyurem. It was a snowy night.】

【"What is the strongest dragon-type Pokémon?"】

【That’s how she asked about beating her mother-in-law. 】 (To read the exciting novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【The old lady, holding a cup of hot tea in her hand, said calmly:"You may hate that Pokémon, Alice"】

【"How could I possibly hate a dragon-type Pokémon?"】

【Alice waved her hands repeatedly, indicating that such a thing could not happen to her.】

【She wants to be a dragon Pokémon master. She likes all dragon Pokémon.】

【"The dragon was born at the same time as Zekrom and Reshiram. It has the strongest genes, and it exudes an extremely cold air."】

【Alice shuddered when she heard this. Like most dragon-type Pokémon, she absorbs heat and fears cold.】

【"It is the strongest dragon-type Pokémon on earth!"】

【That's what grandma told her.】

【Luoxiang City Pokémon Center】

【Miss Joy used the instrument to examine Keldeo's body, and soon found that Keldeo's horn had been broken recently.】

【Facing Miss Joy's question, Xiaozhi and the others had no way to answer it, because they had no idea what exactly happened to Keldeo.】

【However, they could guess that the elf who broke its horn was probably Kyurem.】

【After hearing about Kyurem, Miss Joy became surprised. She told Xiaozhi and the others that Kyurem lived on the other side of the mountain, in a closed mine, but it basically would not leave the mine.】

【Ms. Joy seemed to understand something, and she looked at Keldeo in the ward,"Has Keldeo and Kyurem fought before?"】

【It was also the first time that Xiaozhi and his friends knew that the name of this Pokémon was Keldeo.】[]

【After learning that Xiaozhi and his friends had never seen or heard of Keldeo, Miss Joy opened a video】

【At the beginning of the video, three Pokémon appeared. Miss Joy introduced them to them as holy swordsmen who constantly traveled to train themselves.】

【And their purpose of becoming stronger is to protect Pokémon and the world.】

【Just like the knight in the picture book story, Xiaozhi became excited all of a sudden. This is the Pokémon he likes.】

【Dailakion, the embodiment of strength and impact, Biligion, the representative of speed and justice, Gopalion, who is calm and has a steel-like will and heart, and Keldeo, who will inherit the Holy Swordsman.】

【After hearing that Keldeo is also a member of the Holy Swordsman, Xiaozhi looked at Keldeo with admiration in his eyes. 】

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【Lijia: Biligion is really elegant and powerful. It would be great if I could have a Biligion as a partner.

For Biligion, she can even give up her status as a young lady and follow Biligion to do good deeds around the world.

【Sheba: Delakion and I are a perfect match. We both represent strength and impact, and we both have the heart to protect the weak.

This time, Kona did not ridicule Sheba.

Although Sheba's words were exaggerated, the actual situation was indeed very similar.

It is indeed difficult to find a human being in the world who is more powerful and impactful than Sheba. Xiaozhi does have this potential, but Xiaozhi is too young now, and Xiaozhi may not necessarily develop in that direction.

As for the heart to protect the weak.

Needless to say, Sheba is one of the Four Heavenly Kings who came out of the common people.

【Daigo: Since both Biligion and Terakion were chosen, I will choose Copalion reluctantly.】

【Mikoli: It's so reluctant. If Gopalion really became your elf, you would probably wake up laughing in your dreams at night.】

【Shirona: Okay, the dreaming part is over. Holy Swordsmen don't need trainers. 】

From Miss Joy's introduction, it can't be heard that Holy Swordsmen are very opinionated Pokémon. Such Pokémon don't need trainers.

They just need to think about it.

Video continues——

【After leaving the Pokémon Center, the three introduced themselves to Keldeo and asked him what happened.】

【Keldeo lowered his head and slowly told everything that happened.】

【In order to become a holy swordsman, it took the initiative to challenge Kyurem, but halfway through the battle, it began to get scared.】

【All the holy swordsmen who wanted to help him were frozen by Kyurem.】

【"I escaped!"】

【At this point, Keldeo ran away guiltily.】

【"What about the Holy Swordsmen?"】

【Xiaozhi hurriedly asked】

【Keldeo came to the pool and poured cold water on the broken horn. Only in this way could it���Feel a little better】

【"Everything is frozen!!!"】

【"I escaped, Kyurem will never let me go"】

【After figuring out everything, Xiaozhi ran to Keldeo and asked loudly,"Keldeo, are you shaking with fear?"】


【"If you start shaking with fear just because you were defeated once, you will never be able to become a holy swordsman!"】

【Xiaozhi said sternly.

Xiaozhi's scolding made it impossible for the audience to find any fault. Most people are not qualified to blame Keldeo, because if they face Kyurem, their performance may not be better than Keldeo.

Well, in fact, 99% of people, if they face Kyurem, their performance will not be better than Keldeo.

But Xiaozhi is different. Xiaozhi is the only 1%.

Although everyone has not seen Xiaozhi and Kyurem fight, they can be sure that even if they face the strongest dragon on the ground, Xiaozhi and Pikachu will not be afraid.

"From this point of view, Xiaozhi is actually more suitable to be a holy swordsman than Keldeo."

Kalun suddenly said

"It seems to be true."

Pakila nodded, agreeing with Kalune's statement.

Xiaozhi has all the qualities that a holy swordsman must have. When it comes to protecting Pokémon and the world, who can compare to Xiaozhi?

Don't forget that Xiaozhi has saved the world many times, and the number of Pokémon that Xiaozhi has saved is countless. In terms of glory, let alone Keldeo, even the holy swordsman can't compare.���Even the leader Copalion may not be better than Xiaozhi.

As for courage, Xiaozhi completely crushes Keldeo.

It's a pity that Xiaozhi is not a Pokémon. If Xiaozhi were a Pokémon, he would definitely become a qualified holy swordsman.

At least more qualified than Keldeo.

Video continues——

【"I'm not shaking with fear!!!"】

【Keldeo loudly retorted to Xiaozhi,"I'll go now and rescue all the holy swordsmen!"】

【Seeing the courage returning to Keldeo's eyes, Xiaozhi smiled,"Isn't that right?"】

【"We two will help you too!"】

【"Pika Pika!"】

【Tiantong and Alice came over, they will help too! 】.

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