【The Sea Temple slowly sank into the sea again】

【It will then continue to drift along with the ocean current until the next total lunar eclipse.】

【On the deck, looking at the boundless sea, Xiaoyao couldn't help but feel sad.】


【It's time to separate】


【The calm sea surface was disturbed again】

【A small blue Pokémon moving quickly on the sea】

【It's Manaphy】


【Manaphy happily jumped into Xiaoyao's arms】

【They both knew that this might be their last hug in this life.】


【"You have to protect your companions."】


【"And don't forget me"】

【"Small, remote"】

【At this moment of separation, Manaphy clearly called out Xiaoyao's name.】

【"Goodbye, Mana"】

【"Goodbye, Xiaoyao, goodbye"】

The video ends here.

Watching the parting scene of Xiaoyao and Manaphy in the video, the audience in the comment area also fell into deep memories.

Xiaoyao is not the only one who has experienced such an experience. Most of them have also been forced to separate from their beloved Pokémon.

I don't know if they are safe now.

The audience is still immersed in the sad atmosphere of the ending, and the live answering system has entered the next stage.

Answering stage

【Question: How many types of Water Pokémon appeared in this inventory?】

【A: 20】

【B: Thirty】

【C: 40】

【D: 50】

【Please、B、C、D. Choose the one that is closest to you among the four options.】

【The discussion time for this question is three minutes, and the quick answer session will begin after three minutes.】

【Those who answer correctly will be rewarded, and those who answer incorrectly will be punished.】

【Countdown begins——】


As soon as the question came out, the comment section exploded.

【Xiao Mao: How many types of water Pokémon appear in the video? Oh my god, I might as well be killed! 】

Who would pay attention to such an insignificant thing? The system is too good at choosing topics

【Xiba: Wait, there will be a penalty for answering the questions incorrectly? Goodbye. 】

The difficulty of the questions is high, but there is a penalty for answering the questions incorrectly. This is too much.

Whoever wants to answer can answer. Anyway, he is not going to join in the fun.

【Daigo: Satoshi, Haruka, Brock, Hiromi's family, and the water Pokémon in the wild, my head is about to explode】

【Professor Oak: Xiaozhi, Xiaoyao, and Xiaogang have three water-type Pokémon in total, namely Squirtle, Squirtle, and Swampert. Guangmei's family has Swimming Ring Weasel, Horned Goldfish, Wooper, Mud Loach, White Sea Lion, Little Sea Lion, Sakura Fish, Catfish King, Goldfish King, Frog King, Frog Tadpole, and Frog King, a total of twelve. The rest of Team Rocket, Ghost, etc. have never used water Pokémon. Ajie has captured Megafinger twice.】

【Daigo: Dr. Oak, are you a humanoid computer?

Daigo was really shocked.

What kind of god is this?

【Guangmei: All correct, so amazing, Professor Oak!!!

No wonder he can become the most famous Pokémon professor in the world, his memory is unmatched by ordinary people.

However, it is not enough to just list these Pokémon, we must find out how many wild water Pokémon have appeared in total.

【Professor Oak: Xiaozhi, do you remember how many wild water Pokémon you have seen?

Professor Oak tried to find clues from Xiaozhi.

【Xiaozhi: Huh?! 】

Professor Oak really found the"right" person.

How could he possibly know how many water Pokémon appeared in total?

【Xiaozhi: Uh, uh, uh, there should be a lot of them.】


Obviously, it was impossible to get clues from Xiaozhi.

In the end, everyone decided to use the power of the team, and they found a lot of new water Pokémon. The three-minute discussion time was coming to an end. Under the leadership of Professor Oak, everyone came to the conclusion that the answer to this question was not A. As for

B、C、Which one of D is the answer? You can only rely on luck.

The answering has entered the countdown stage, and there is an additional answer button on everyone's pad.




The quick response begins

【Congratulations to Hiba, Kaluna, Daigo, and Mikoli for answering the question successfully】

【The four contestants will answer the questions in turn.】

【When a questioner gives the correct answer, the question-answering session ends.]

Comment area chat room

【Adu: Oh my god, Xiba, didn’t you agree not to answer first?】

【Xiba: Ah, I was just kidding you, did you take it seriously?】

【Adu: Okay, I treat you as my brother, and you treat me as a colonel, right? Wait for me! 】

Adu drew a circle and cursed Xiba for answering wrongly

【Xiba: Oh, you are so old, but still so childish. 】

Xiba doesn't believe in curses at all, he only believes that man can conquer nature.、C、Among the three options, Xiba chose option B without any hesitation.

As for the reason, it is simple. The Pokémon of Xiaozhi and Guangmei's family add up to 15. According to the principle of symmetry, there should be the same number of wild water Pokémon.

So the correct answer to this question is option B.

This is the wisdom of Xiba.

Learn from him.

Xiba is very confident in his answer. When he thought about being the first person to try something new, Xiba trembled with excitement.

It's time to let Xiba's name resound throughout the world.

He will become the world's first fighting champion!

Kanto Champion��——Sheba!

Then the next second

【Wrong answer.】


Impossible, his theory cannot be wrong, could it be that the system is wrong?

【Adu: Ha, this is what happens when you betray your brothers, Xiba! 】

Want to eat alone?

No way!

【Adu: Come on, system, let this betrayer receive the punishment he deserves!!!


Yes, there will be punishment for answering the questions wrongly.

The unknown is the most frightening.

Xiba is in a complicated mood now. If he is given another chance, he will definitely not rush to answer again.

【Punishment: No shirtlessness for a month】


: No!...

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