Chapter 69 Mega Evolution! Super Lucario!!

Heard Lin Yu’s arrogant remarks.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Daniel’s mouth: “Ignorant little devil, you are really a newborn calf and are not afraid of tigers.” ”

Saying that, he greedily looked at Mu Bingwan: “President Mu, you are not as ignorant as him, you know what the strength of the Dragon Emperor represents!” ”

“Now, the only choice is in front of you, and that is surrender!”

“Like me, believe in the power of the gods!”

Daniel’s words made Mu Bingwan feel sick.

She said with a look of disgust: “Shameless.” ”

Mu Bingwan looked at the garbage-like eyes, when Daniel felt humiliated.

“Good, good! One by one, all good! ”

Daniel gritted his teeth.

“Let me show you today, what is despair!”

Saying that, Daniel knelt on his knees and begged again: “Great Dragon Emperor, Dragon Emperor of Yindi!” Destroy these two impudent mortals! ”

Seeing this, Hong Hai also learned to kneel down.

I was afraid of angering the terrifying Dragon Emperor.

Looking at the appearance of the two of them, Lin Yu couldn’t help but be amused.

“Servants who have mixed into foreign beasts, you can be regarded as the ancestors of the Guangzong Yao.”

Saying that, Lin Yu grabbed the evolution keystone in his hand and whispered to the woman on the side

“Mu Bingwan, it’s okay to let you drag those two dragon emperors for a while, right?”

“I killed these two people, so I will go over and help you.”

Mu Bingwan nodded and shook her head again.

“Hong Hai’s strength is not much worse than me, you can’t kill them.”

“Besides, I can’t delay it for long.”

She said very pertinently.

“You can just hold on, I can’t kill it, you don’t have to worry.”

Lin Yu held a high-level ball, and Lucario appeared instantly.

One person and one elf, all the waveguides on their bodies broke out.

“Hmph, I don’t know if I live or die.”

Saying that, Daniel was still a little jealous of Lin Yu’s strength.

“Senior Hong Hai, it’s up to you.”

Therefore, he must join forces with Hong Hai, two against one.

“Come out, super armor rhino!”

As a senior student, Hong Hai has practiced for the longest time here.

At present, he no longer hides his strength, and he is full of momentum.

A huge rhinoceros Pokémon landed on the ground, smashing the ground to pieces, which is the final form of the iron-armored rhinoceros, the super-armored rhinoceros.

“Use Super Angle Drill!!”

Under Hong Hai’s order, the huge body of the super armor crazy rhinoceros flew at a very fast speed to the terrifying diamond horn on his forehead, containing terrifying energy.

“Very well, Soroyak! Find an opportunity to attack the point! ”

“Remember not to hurt that Sha Naiduo!”

Daniel couldn’t hide his joy and rubbed his hands excitedly.

“No, that Sha Naiduo must be mine.”

Hong Hai looked at him, his eyes did not seem to be negotiable.

When Daniel heard this, a coldness in his eyes was fleeting.

He immediately flattered, “This is natural, since Senior Hong Hai said, then it’s up to you!” ”

Lin Yu looked at the two elves that pounced, and the two people not far away were talking.

Neither panicked nor hurried, he threw out two more pokeballs.

“Charizard, Sha Naido!”

“Use the power of Jet Flame and the Moon!”

The two elves accepted the order and each performed a move to block the attacks of the super-armored rhinoceros and Soroyak, respectively.

However, due to the large gap in level, the battle was almost one-sided form Super Armor Rhinoceros One elf ate two attacks, and the amount of HP was still very healthy.

“Eh, it’s meaty?”

Lin Yu smiled faintly and clenched the stone in his hand.

It seems that the status quo does not allow him to hide his strength.

Seeing the colored stone in Lin Yu’s hand, Daniel didn’t care at all: “Pretend to be a ghost.” ”

He still feels that he is determined to win.

On the battlefield not far away, Mu Bingwan was wrapped in the power of pink goblins.


The Heavenly Dragon Emperor gulped, and a shock wave sprayed down.

The entire surface of the earth seems to be roasted dry by this dragon flame.

Laplace’s freezing light seemed so small at the moment.


Under the collision of the two attacks, the dragon Laplace was seriously injured.

Mu Bingwan’s body was also churning with qi and blood.

If it is not the ice system, the goblin system is both restrained dragon system.

She can’t withstand the attack of the two dragon emperors now.

Laplace’s blood volume bottomed, and Mu Bingwan took out a Yuan Qi block to restore its vitality.

If you want to defeat one Dragon Emperor, you need the cooperation of many people, and she faces two Dragon Emperors alone.

It’s basically waiting to die.

Mu Bingwan looked at the teenager in the distance and bit her lip.

No matter what.

I must abide by the agreement and drag it on.

“Laplace, blizzard!!”

“Fairy Eevee, use the moonburst!”

Just when Mu Bingwan went all out.

Between heaven and earth, the colorful light is dazzling.

An unprecedented force swept through the desert.

Mu Bingwan looked at the distance in a daze.

“Lucario, mega evolution!”

In the colored light, the power of waveguides up and down Lin Yu’s body exploded.

The super-evolved keystone in his hand echoes the evolutionary stone on Lucario’s body.

In the light.

Lucario’s form changed, red hair grew, and the fighting qi on his body expanded rapidly.

“Then, what’s going on with that elf!”

Daniel said in horror.

“You can’t go wrong, like the headmaster… It’s super evolution! ”

Hong Hai was also stupid.

“Super evolution? What an international joke! ”

Daniel almost doubted life, and said hysterically: “A trainer who can super evolve, count it with your hands!” ”

“How can it be such a little devil who has just awakened!”

Daniel stared at the elf in front of him.

Lucario, he had never heard of it.

Why so strong!

Moreover, can it be super evolved?

How is this possible!!

Hong Hai’s head was confused, and his eyes showed past experiences, like a horse lantern.

Principal Tao Huashan once swept away the three Heavenly King-level trainers of the beautiful country with a super-evolved fire-breathing dragon in front of him.

Today, he saw hyperevolution for the second time.

It turned out to be an elf that was even more shocking than Charizard!

“Lucario, enhance the punch.”

Lin Yu suppressed the manic waveguide and turned into a source of Lucario’s power.

Between electric flints.

It’s too late, it’s fast, and Lucario’s speed is already too fast to be captured by the naked eye.


Hong Hai and Super Armor Rhinoceros didn’t see Lucario’s movements clearly at all.

The enhancement fist has been swung in front of you!

The super-armored rhinoceros who prides himself on defense feels that this punch is not something that Pokémon can block at all!

Bang punch, under the increase in adaptive characteristics and black belt.

The super-armored rhinoceros restrained by the fighting department directly distorted and deformed his face!

The extremely hard rhino horn was interrupted by this punch.

Super Lucario, kill the super armor crazy rhino in one punch!

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