Attack boosting potions, as the name suggests, can increase the attack power of elves.

Cao Zhihong’s hand was extremely fast, and he directly took the medicine bottle.

This lifting agent is produced in limited quantities in each country.

It can be said that every bottle is precious.

Prices on the black market are even higher.

At one point, it rose to nearly 500,000 bottles.

This is still priceless.

Can’t buy a few bottles at all.

For low-level elves, it is the most treasured.

“Student Lin Yu, continue.”

Cao Zhihong handed it to Lin Yu.

This potion should be the golden director in front of you, pressing the bottom of the box.

After all, the stick country and the dragon country are different, and the resources are very different.

The sticks deceived themselves.

Lin Yu did not hesitate and directly gave the attack booster to Leo Lu.

For now, Leolu has a little more physics skills.

“Drink and taste.”


Leolu took the potion with his fuzzy paws and drank it all.

With the attack booster into the body.

Suddenly, Leolu could feel that his attack power had increased slightly.

The whole body is full of power.

Leolu looked at Lin Yu gratefully.

“It’s really a good thing.” Lin Yu sighed secretly in his heart.

Items that permanently improve attributes are rare.

See Leo Road has a lifting potion to drink.

The little fire dragon on the side was very envious and looked at it dumbfounded.

“Ahem, I have two elves and only one bottle of potions.”

“It’s hard for me.”

Lin Yu made a very embarrassed look.

Cao Zhihong comprehended and echoed:

“It’s difficult, I think then don’t do it!”

He waved his hand and pointed in the direction of the door.

“Old Peng, Old Liu, block the door, you can’t let him go if you say anything today!”

The principals of the second and third middle schools immediately released their respective spirits and prepared for battle.

Jin Taeming’s eyes were almost desperate: “But I really don’t have props!” ”

“As a trainer, you always have a pokeball, right?”

Lin Yu trembled at Jin Taeming in front of him.

Not worth pity at all.

“Okay, I’ll give it all to you!”

Kim Tae-ming gritted his teeth: “I brought two quick balls and two pokeballs when I went out this time.” ”

“Yue Lun used one, there is still a fastball left!”

“There’s really nothing else!”

Kim Tae-myung opened his backpack and poured it all out.

Apart from a change of clothes, there really isn’t anything of value.

Lin Yu looked at the side of the backpack, there was a slender rope, which was very extraordinary.

He pulled out the rope, and the string, which was originally several meters long, grew to more than ten meters again.

Sure enough, it was exactly as he expected.

【Ding! Got the item: Piercing Rope x1! 】

“Look at you, Director Jin, how did you forget this thing?”

Lin Yu put away the rope and smiled.

Jin Taeming in front of him turned blue: “Without this rope, I can’t go back!” ”

“Yes? Did I invite you here?” ”

Lin Yu did not give in and stared at him directly.

Look at Kim Tae-myung’s back hair.

Don’t dare to say another word.

Lin Yu put away the piercing rope and the fastball.

Two pokeballs, Lin Yu handed to Cao Zhihong.

He has a premium ball now and doesn’t need that.

“For me?”

Cao Zhihong was overjoyed: “Lin Yu’s gift, my old Cao must treasure it!” ”

Lin Yu pouted: “You are all elite trainers, do you want this?” Give it to the students. ”

“Okay, Lin Yu has the final say!”

Cao Zhihong immediately complied.

The two principals of the second and third middle schools saw Cao Zhihong’s appearance and were disdainful.

They all scolded secretly and licked the dog.

Kim Tae-myung took advantage of the fact that no one was paying attention to him now, and slipped towards the door little by little.


Lin Yu’s tone was cold and his eyes were sharp.

“What else to do! I’ve given you all the props! I’m going home! ”

Kim Tae-myung panicked.

Lin Yu said lightly:

“Let you hand over props, it’s just Lao Cao’s meaning…”

“I didn’t promise, after handing over the props to let you go.”

After Lin Yu said this, the air was cold to freezing.

Kim Tae-myung’s eyes were almost desperate.

How can a student less than twenty years old be so ruthless?

Only Lin Yu understood in his heart.

To survive in such a world, there can be no mercy.

If you were still very weak, you might have been strangled by such enemy spies today.

So, Kim Tae-myung, can’t go.

What he said.

Jesus couldn’t keep either.

Behind Lin Yu, the little fire dragon and Leo Lu were full of fighting spirit.

Looking at one person and two elves, slowly coming.

Jin Taeming completely broke his defense, and said with a distorted face: “I said classmate Lin Yu!” Don’t deceive people too much, I’m also an elite-level trainer!” ”

“Elite-level trainer?”

“Is it strong?”

The waveguide power of Lin Yu’s body instantly exploded, wrapping around his body like blue flames.

A strong sense of oppression spreads instantly.

This powerful waveguide force, everyone present held their breath and froze.

Horror as if so!

“This kid is actually so strong…”

In the dark, a middle-aged man wearing a cloak secretly smacked his tongue.

Beside him, there was also a weather-beaten old man.

Looking at Lin Yu, who was full of combat strength, the old man was also excited, and sighed: “With such a genius coming to the world, why is my Dragon Country unhappy?” ”

“This son, I want it from Jingcheng University!”

The middle-aged man directly spat out the fragrance: “Let you fart!” Old man, it was my Mordor University who came first! ”

“Lin Yu, he must be a special admissions of my Magic Capital University!”

The shouts and curses of the two quickly reached the ears of those present.

Cao Zhihong looked behind him, a middle-aged man wearing a cape.

And old men with white beards.

Instantly reflected.

The three presidents all beamed: “The admissions envoy of Longguo University has arrived!” ”

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