On Times Square in Golden City, there is a huge curtain that records the names and achievements of the top 100.

The top 64 can go directly to the finals through the primary selection.

According to the division of the competition, it will be divided into four groups.

Groups 1-4, the rules for assignment are 1, 5, 9 … 61 is a group.

2,6,10…… 62 in a group.

3,7,11…… 63 in a group.

4,8,12…… 64 in a group.

The rules of battle are not yet out.

What is certain now is that the ranking of the primary is important, of course, this level of importance is not as terrible as the city playoffs.

In the crowd, two had very strange expressions.

One of them was in a wheelchair, pale and looking very weak.

His other sleeve was empty under his other sleeve.

When the other person looked at the person in the wheelchair, his eyes were a little embarrassed, for fear that the person in the wheelchair would be angry.

Because on that curtain, only one of the two names he chanted appeared, Gu Qiu!

The other Lin Crepe did not appear for some reason.

That’s right, these two are Luo Xiu and Luo Gan.

Luo Gan’s original intention was not to come, shame.

No way, originally full of confidence, I felt that I would definitely have a chance to participate in the finals, but in the end, not only did I not enter the top four, but even Luo Xiu, who was previously the first stable, was eliminated.

But I can’t bear Luo Xiu’s thoughts, it belongs to the kind that can’t be pulled by any pull.

Luo Xiu, who has not yet recovered. , come in a wheelchair.

He couldn’t help it, and he didn’t know why, looking at Luo Xiu’s miserable appearance, his heart felt much better.

What Luo Gan didn’t expect was that Luo Xiu didn’t get angry, and his face was very ordinary.

“Let’s go!”

When Luo Gan heard this tone, his expression couldn’t help but be stunned, and he seemed to be a little confused.

“What do you say? Don’t watch it? ”

“Let’s go back to the elf center first, it’s still early.”

Luo Xiu’s pupils did not have much focus, making it impossible to understand his inner thoughts.

As the two were about to leave, an exaggerated scream came from the scene.

Luo Xiu looked back, his other hand clenched, and his brows furrowed.

Because Gu Qiu’s ranking has climbed to the first place!


“Itachi… How many elves have you defeated! ”

When Gu Qiu used the Flying Thunder God Technique to teleport to the side of the pickup ferret, he found a pile of elves as tall as a hill.

The pickup ferret clapped his hands and turned his head with an arrogant face, indicating that he was too lazy to pay attention to Gu Qiu.

“It’s a real headache.”

No way, Gu Qiu could only start scanning one by one.

After sweeping one, throw it directly to the side.

There were too many elves, and Gu Qiu scanned the code for a few minutes to complete the task.

“Really, you can’t just beat the elves to get points like in other novels?”

Gu Qiu couldn’t help but complain, and when he looked at the score on the electronic watch, Gu Qiu nodded with satisfaction.

25342 points, temporarily climbed to the first place.

“It’s okay, but next time I can just look for a king-level elf, the ordinary elf score is too low.”

When he just scanned the code, Gu Qiu found that the scores of this king-level elf and the level 60 elf were much different.

Level 60 elves only have six hundred points.

The elf score of level 61 goes straight to 3721 points.

The score of 62 skyrocketed again, becoming 7688.


“Flaming Ace uses the Flame Ball to attack!”

On the other side of the hunting space, a man with short black hair was expressionlessly controlling a flaming ace.

The Flaming Ace resembles a rabbit in shape, with a yellow oval in the center of the ear.

The head has a streamlined pattern of red and yellow, and the pupils on the eyes are red.

The combination of lower body colors resembles shorts and sneakers, with yellow flesh pads under the feet.

Flaming Ace has excellent physical strength, especially explosiveness, bounce power and kicking power, which are the top of all elves.

In addition, it has a strong body and excellent sense of flatness, so it can use powerful kicks no matter what posture.

The Flaming Ace can inject fire energy into small stones and create a flame ball to attack, also known as the Flame Ball.

It will play with the opponent’s rhythm with feints while kicking the ball, or use flashy footwork to play with the opponent’s palms with fancy moves, or make unavoidable attacks by spinning the ball.

The opponent of this Flame Ace in front of him was a powerful Heavenly King-level Flying Mantis.

This flying mantis is full of momentum and speed, but under the play of this flaming ace, it looks very clumsy.

With great skill, it took less than ten minutes to win.

Looking at the flying mantis that fell to the ground, the man’s eyes carried death.

“What a weak opponent!”


This person was none other than Ning Feng, who only liked to fight with the strong.

To be honest, Ning Feng was originally not much interested in this competition.

Although those rewards were good, Ning Feng himself did not have much interest in those things.

He came for the strong.

“Gu Qiu… Interesting, I hope you can let me fight as hard as I can. ”

Sweeping the score of the flying mantis into the electronic table, Ning Feng’s score once again reached the first place.

Judging from that score, the elf just now turned out to be a level 66 middle-rank heavenly king.

This Flame Ace was able to defeat so easily, you can imagine his strength.

“The score is almost 64th.”

Ning Feng didn’t have much interest in the elves in this.

There were no elves to interest him.

He just wants to finish in the top 64 to qualify for the final.

As for the ranking? This one is casual.

It didn’t make much difference to him.

This is a bit similar to Gu Qiu, except that because of the problem of the task, he will fight casually.

The rest of the people didn’t have so much confidence, and they were all trying to avoid going against Ning Madman in the group stage.

As for Gu Qiu? That’s casual, they don’t think Gu Qiu’s strength is stronger than them.

“Let’s go directly to the hunting tower in the center.”

The staff sent almost 718 people to various locations at a certain distance, and the straight-line distance between these people and the hunting tower would not exceed 10% error

There is a map on the electronic watch, and at the normal walking speed, it basically takes three days to reach the hunting tower.

The closer you are to the Hunting Tower, the stronger the elves will be.

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