It was suddenly heard as the audience was about to leave.

The official Dojo Challenge is about to begin.

The official Dojo Challenge is a fairly formal way to challenge.

It means that the master of the Taoist Hall will bring out all his strength to fight.

If you win, you will not get a recognized symbolic badge, but a complete badge.

The complete badge is very precious, and it is said that it will cost 200,000 Spirit Coins to create such a coin alone.

Of course, full badges are not for sale.

With the perfect badge, you can get a lot of services at the Elf Center.

Discounts are available for purchases, and discounts will be made based on the badge level obtained.

After the owner of each hall is in the examination, he must be evaluated by the alliance every year for the first three years.

After three years, it was changed to a triennial assessment.

Only by passing the assessment can he continue to serve as the owner of the museum.

The specific assessment method and the rating Gu Qiu are not very clear.

This thing is something that exists in the level of the dojo hall owner.

It seems that the rank of the dojo is divided into seven stars.

The star rating of the dojo official, even the dojo and the like, has never been explained.

An hour later.

The entire Yuhong Taoist Hall was full of people and overcrowded.

Almost everyone in Yuhong City knew that Gu Qiu was launching a formal challenge to Lijia.

Many people who came specially from Jinhuang City also went directly to the Yuhong Taoist Hall.

“Mo Jun, don’t talk about other things, this Gu Qiu’s ability to do things is indeed commendable, he just made a news last night, and he won the championship of the perfume competition this morning, but I didn’t expect to challenge the Yuhong Daoist Hall now.”

“Although Yuhong City has developed very well, the time for the owner of the Lijia Hall to take over as the Taoist Hall is not long after all, and he is just a two-star pavilion owner.”

From this person’s words, you can basically hear the situation in Yuhong City, Lijia is just a two-star Taoist hall owner.

“Mo Jun, what do you think of Gu Qiu?”

The person who spoke was wearing a black tracksuit, the nose of the plane, and a faint smile on his face, named Yan Qing.

If this place were the Eastern Theater, someone might be able to recognize who these two people were.

The prodigal son Yanqing, a genius in the martial arts department, a closed disciple of Xiba, a character on the first gear, is warlike.

According to his appearance, he does not look like a person who talks a lot, but it is estimated that he has been trained too much by Shiba.

Yan Qing only needs to talk a lot as soon as she encounters several people, especially special gossip.

I know a lot about things in the circle.

The other is also a genius in the Eastern Theater and is the grandson of Kikuko’s mother-in-law.

Kikuko’s mother-in-law is a retired member of the alliance, and Shiba took over the position of king of the Eastern Theater from Kikuko’s mother-in-law more than 10 years ago.

At present, Juzi’s mother-in-law lives in Ziyuan Town in the Eastern Theater.

Speaking of Mother-in-law Kikuko, Dr. Ohki comes to mind.

Mother-in-law Kikuko and Dr. Ohki used to be very good friends.

What exactly happened later is unclear.

It seems that Kikuko’s mother-in-law retired early from the alliance because of Dr. Ohki.

“There is a certain strength.”

Mo Jun is a very cold teenager, facing Yan Qing’s words, he thought about it and answered very seriously.

“You didn’t say anything different.”

Yan Qing was speechless, he knew that Mo Jun would be like this.


“We’ll see later.”

There are many geniuses who came this time, Gu Qiu is their opponent, and the controversy is also particularly high, and it is a person they want to know very much.


Yuhong Dojo.

Gu Qiu didn’t expect that just carrying out a formal challenge would become such a big exaggeration.

But Gu Qiu didn’t care.

He had seen all the big scenes.

“The two sides play a 6v6 elf battle, and when all the elves on one side lose their combat power, the other side wins.”

“When the competition starts, ask challenger Gu Qiu to draw the competition venue.”

“When there are three elves left on one side, the venue needs to be changed.”

The competition is very formal.

It is the most formal game that Gu Qiu has experienced, and there are rules for drawing the field and changing the venue.

However, this is also related to the Isai Dai exam that Gu Qiu participated in before, and that one person uses two elves, and there are not so many rules.

Gu Qiu stepped forward to extract the right battlefield.

A bit of bad luck, the field of the draw is grass.

In an instant, the entire battlefield shook, and a piece of green grass appeared in front of Gu Qiu’s eyes.

The field is huge, almost half the size of a football field.

Gu Qiu was a little envious of the financial strength of the Yuhong Daoist Hall.

A large field like this that can replace the battlefield may require a huge amount of money for this maintenance alone.

“Gu Qiu, it seems that my luck seems to be better.”

Lijia saw that the venue turned out to be green grass, which had a bonus effect on her elves.

“It seems so.”

Gu Qiu smiled bitterly and didn’t care too much.

In a 6v6 battle like this, there are also rules for who summons the elves first.

The challenger summons the elves first, followed by the winner summons the elves first.

The one who summons the elves first is relatively disadvantageous and easy to target.

【Ding! It is detected that the host is in the official gym challenge, and after winning, you will receive rewards: Primary Overlord Domineering, Primary and Seeing Domineering, Chakara *5000, Poké Coins *2 million! 】

“Overlord color and seeing and smelling color domineering?”

Gu Qiu’s expression was stunned, these two things are good things, but why is this thing added to his body.

Gu Qiu was speechless.

But since the system gave away the reward for nothing, let’s take it.

“Since it is the grass attribute elf who is the main one, then it is up to you.”

The Ice attribute skill has an excellent effect on the Grass attribute Elves.

“Come out, Rokuo.”

The snow-white six-tailed appearance is very cute.

If the Six Tails want to evolve into the Nine Tails, the item that needs to be consumed is the Ice Stone.

However, Gu Qiu was really a little reluctant to let the cute and cute six tails evolve into a noble and elegant nine tails.

“It turned out to be the Ice Six Tails unique to the Alora region.”

Seeing that Gu Qiu sent out the Ice Six Tails, Li Jia’s eyes were a little surprised.

“It’s really a headache elf, in that case, it’s decided to be you, coconut egg tree.”

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