Bell Ranch Area 3A.

The big milk tanks here are larger than those in Areas 1A and 2A in terms of size.

Their overall potential has also reached good.

The level is between 5 and 10.

If they are simply raised as dairy cows, their quality is already excellent enough.

Song Yan picked up an ordinary tree fruit and fed it to the big milk tank that came close to it and said,"In fact, the really high-quality big milk tanks are all kept by us to raise."

"However, if it were you, I think mom would let you pick out a few big milk tanks with real high potential."

Song Yan clapped her hands and looked at Natsume and said,"What do you think?"

Natsume looked at the big milk tanks in front of him and said,"No need"

"I can choose it myself."

Song Yan was a little surprised when he heard what Xia Mu said:"Are you sure?"

Xia Mu looked at Song Yan and smiled:"Of course"

"Come on, take me to experience how to milk"

"Okay, follow me."

Song Yan took Natsume, Kirlia and the others and walked towards the big milk tanks.

Ai Butler looked at Song Yan and Natsume who were walking over and bowed slightly to say hello.

Song Yan came to a big milk tank and said,"Big milk tank, cooperate with me."

"" Milk~"

Milk Tank looked at Natsume and Kirlia and the others beside him curiously.

Song Yan took a bucket and placed it under Milk Tank, then put on gloves.

Song Yan demonstrated and said,"It's very simple to milk Milk Tank."

"Just be careful not to point the nipple at yourself"

"Otherwise you will be sprayed all over your face."

Song Yan said as she aimed the nipple of the big milk can at the iron pipe below and then squeezed the nipple of the big milk can rhythmically from top to bottom.

Soon, a stream of fresh milk with a milky aroma flowed out.


Miss Qun'er looked at the big milk can in surprise.

"Do you want to try it?"

Song Yan looked at Miss Xia Mu's skirt and asked


Miss Qun'er pointed at herself.

Natsume smiled and said,"Go and try it."

Miss Qun'er then walked forward and imitated Song Yan's movements and began to squeeze milk from the big milk can.

"Be careful not to squeeze too hard when squeezing, otherwise the big milk can will hurt."

Song Yan instructed from the side:"There should be a rhythm, squeeze up and down, and then the white milk will come out"

""Qun Nuo~"

Miss Qun'er squeezed out the milk smoothly under Song Yan's command.

"Jirachi wants it too~"

Jirachi pulled Natsume


Chirulian also looked excited.

Song Yan then called two large milk tanks for Natsume and the others.

Jirachi and Chirulian each had a large milk tank.

Song Yan patiently guided them.

Jirachi and Chirulian also squeezed out milk smoothly.

"You can try it too."

Song Yan took out a new pair of gloves and handed them to Xia Mu.


Natsume took it.


Big Milk Tank greeted Natsume with a happy expression.


Song Yan smiled at Xia Mu and said,"Many people will have some weird thoughts when they help the big milk tank to milk for the first time."

"This is normal"

"So there is no need to have any psychological pressure"

"Come, put your hand here first."

Song Yan took Xia Mu's hand and taught Xia Mu how to make the big milk can squeeze out his milk smoothly and comfortably.

Xia Mu imitated Song Yan's movements and squeezed up and down.

Soon, the milk in the big milk can flowed out successfully.

"That's it."

Song Yan praised:"Everyone can learn it once."

Xia Mu looked at Song Yan and smiled:"Because you teach very well."

"Very professional."

Song Yan scratched his head a little embarrassedly:"Hehe"

"Because I've lived here since I was a kid."

"When I was little, I would help the big milk tank to squeeze milk and drink it myself, so I became more skilled."

Natsume and Song Yan chatted while squeezing milk.

"Where is your father?"

"Doesn't he usually manage the ranch here?"

Song Yan shook his head slightly:"My father is the gym owner."

"He is usually very busy, so he doesn't come to the farm very often."

Song Yan's father is the national ground gym leader.

As a national gym leader, he can participate in domestic policy decisions.

In terms of power, a national gym leader is equivalent to the head of a province.

Therefore, there are naturally many things to deal with.

While Natsume and Song Yan were chatting,

Jirachi came over with a small bowl.

The small bowl contained fresh milk that exuded a sweet smell.


Jirachi handed the bowl to Natsume

"This is what the butler just gave me. He said it was fresh milk with honey."

Jirachi communicated with Natsume telepathically and said,"It tastes good." Natsume took it and tasted it,"It's very sweet."

Song Yan noticed this and smiled and said to Natsume,"Your 'Jirachi' is very cute."

"My butler seems to like it very much."

The arrival of the Millennium Comet is a grand event for the whole world.

Trainers with Ditto in various places will turn their Ditto into Jirachi.

The streets are full of Jirachi balloons and Jirachi posters.

Movies related to Jirachi will also be shown in theaters.

Therefore, Song Yan did not find it strange that this"Jirachi" beside Natsume.

Song Yan continued:"Although Milk Tank's milk is great even if you drink it directly, this processed one will be sweeter."

"Ai Guanshi rarely takes out this special fresh milk to treat others."

Song Yan said, looking at Xia Mu happily and said,"By the way, do you want to try drinking fresh milk directly from a large milk can?"

Xia Mu quickly waved his hand and said,"Uh, forget it."


The sound of the wind speed dog came from a distance.

Natsume turned his head and looked back.

The two herdsmen riding the flaming horses and the group of small fire horses were running towards this side.

"Amu, Atie."

Song Yan looked at them and waved, then introduced them to Xia Mu:"Amu and Atie are both my father's apprentices."

"They are both very good trainers."

Amu and A Tie look like a pair of brothers.

They look very similar.

Song Yan stood up and said to them,"He is the owner of Linhai City, Natsume, and he came to us to buy Miltank."

The young man named Amu jumped down from the flaming horse.

He looked at Natsume and said cheerfully,"Hello, are these Pokémon all yours?"

Natsume nodded,"Yes."

"These guys didn't cause you any trouble, did they?"

"How could that be?"

Amu smiled and said,"Your elves are all great."

"Especially the wind speed dog, it looks so handsome when running"


Windy Dog barked proudly.

Natsume touched Windy Dog's big head and said,"This guy came to the grassland for the first time, so he seems a little excited."

"Is this your first time on the grassland?"

Amu looked at Natsume and said,"Then you must have never experienced the unique fighting style of our grassland."

"Do you want to experience it?"

Natsume asked curiously,"What is the unique fighting style?""


A Tie beside him patted the flaming horse under him.

"We command the battle from our own riding elves"

"There is no restriction on the venue. Trainers can sit on the mount and move around freely."

"If a skill comes, let the riding elf deal with it."

"There are two ways to win. The first is when the trainer is defeated, or when the battle elves lose their ability to fight."

"No matter which one happens first, the match will end."

Amu added:"You can also think of it as a doubles match."

"However, the difference is that if the riding elf does not attack, or hides behind the fighting elf, then you cannot attack the riding elf directly."

Song Yan looked at the two of them unhappily and said,"Hey, hey, this is the first time that Master Natsume has come here."

"What if I hurt someone?"

Tie shrugged:"We just mentioned it."

Natsume said at this time:"It doesn't matter, I am also a gym trainer after all."

"The rules are very interesting, I want to try it."

Amu immediately said:"That's right!"

"What's the point of fighting in the arena?"

"A real man should go on the field with the elves!"

It must be said that the folk customs on the grassland are indeed a bit tough.

Seeing this, Song Yan said to Xia Mu helplessly:"Okay"

"Then I'll get you a set of protective gear and riding equipment."

Natsume nodded slightly:"Thank you"

"Come with me."

Song Yan took Xia Mu to the small house nearby.

Song Yan took out a set of riding equipment that could be mounted on the wind speed dog.

While helping the wind speed dog put on the equipment, she said:"Our fighting style here may be more barbaric."

"If you can't adapt, just sit on the wind dog and command the battle. You don't need to go forward."

"that is...."

Xia Mu looked at Song Yan and said,"You might be considered a coward?"

Song Yan said awkwardly,"That's true."

"However, you are not a grassland person, so just fight normally."

"I think Amu and the others will understand you."

Song Yan said, pulling the reins on the wind speed dog and said,"That's fine."

"Finally, your protective helmet.

Song Yan handed a fiery red helmet to Xia Mu:"When you are hit, the energy protection device will open."

"Although there are protective devices, accidents are inevitable."

"So, my suggestion is that you just need to command with Windy Dog from behind."

"After all, this isn't a very important match."

Natsume smiled after listening to Song Yan's words:"Okay, I got it."

Song Yan motioned for Natsume to squat down slightly.

Song Yan helped Natsume put on the helmet:"Come on then"


Natsume touched his helmet.

This kind of fighting style was the first time Natsume had experienced it. It was indeed very exciting.

""Horse, let's go."

Natsume said as he rode on the back of the Horse.


Windy Dog shook his body, quickly adapted, and ran out excitedly.


·· ··Request flowers· ······

The flaming horse carrying Amu sneezed.

The flames on its body swayed and burned in the breeze.

Although the flames on the flaming horse are very hot, they will not burn the humans it recognizes.

This characteristic makes the flaming horse the best partner of many herdsmen on the grassland.

Therefore, the first elf of many grassland boys is often a little flaming horse.


Windy Dog looked at Flame Horse, and flames came out of his mouth.

Tie rode his Flame Horse to the middle of the two and said:"The rules of the game are one v one"

"The game ends when the trainer falls off the mounted Pokémon or the opposing Pokémon loses its ability to fight."

"Now, both parties, please choose your battle spirits!"

As soon as Tie finished speaking, Natsume's green onion soldiers immediately stepped forward.


Amu glanced at Natsume's Green Onion Soldiers and released his own Pokémon:"Go, Mudslinger!"

Mudslinger, a ground-type Pokémon, level 47.

After watching the Pokémons of both sides come on the field, A Tie immediately ordered:"The game begins!"

"Heavy mud horse, mud shooting!"

Natsume followed and said:"Charge over, lightning flash!" The green onion soldier was very fast. It waved its shield to block the mud shooting at itself and rushed straight to the heavy mud horse.

Natsume's eyes were always on Amu at this time.

The green onion soldier had rich combat experience.

Natsume was not worried about the green onion soldier.

At this moment, Amu rode the flaming horse around to the side of the game.

"Flame Horse, spray flames!"

The flames from the Flame Horse's mouth were aimed at the Green Onion Soldiers.

"Windy Dog, so fast!"


The wind speed dog was very fast and quickly rushed to the front of the jet of flames.

0. 0

Natsume sat on the argent.

Natsume looked ahead and felt a sea of fire coming.

All he could see was blazing flames!


Song Yan couldn't help but exclaimed as he watched the wind speed dog rushing towards Natsume with the flames.

Kirlia, Dragonite, and Jirachi all focused their attention on Natsume at this time.


Windy Dog roared excitedly.

Windy Dog quickly raised his body and completely blocked the raging flames.

The flames rushed into Windy Dog's body.

Fire-attracting feature: When attacked by fire-attribute moves, it absorbs the flames, and the fire-attribute moves it uses will become stronger.


The wind speed dog let out a soft moan of comfort.

"Fire-starting, it turns out to be this characteristic."

Amu smiled at Natsume, then patted Flame Horse.

Flame Horse immediately circled back behind the heavy mud horse, looking for an opportunity to attack.

Song Yan breathed a sigh of relief at this scene:"This guy is too crazy."

A Tie glanced at Song Yan and said:"He is the trainer of Dragonite, how could he not even have this little courage"

"The courage of a trainer and the mutual trust between partners"

"This is why our fighting style has been passed down to this day."

At the same time, the Cong Youbing had already rushed to the front of the heavy mud horse.

A head-on attack!


The heavy-handed mud horse rushed towards the attack of the green onion soldier.


With a violent collision, the green onion soldier and the heavy-handed mud horse retreated together.

Natsume looked at Amu's actions just now and completely understood the rules of this battle.

Simply put, this is actually a doubles match.

You can of course choose to hide behind the elves.

But if you do that, the elves in front of you will be in a 1 vs 2 situation.

"Howl, Windy Dog!"

Windy Dog took a deep breath.


The wind speed dog let out a long howl.


The onion soldier's attack did not stop.

At this moment, it used a wild dance to attack the heavy mud horse.

"Windy Dog, so fast!"


Arcane accelerated and rushed towards the heavy mud horse.

Amu looked at Natsume and Arcane and laughed:"This is the right way."

"Flame Horse, let’s go!"

"A flash of lightning!"

""Hu Chi!"

The Fiery Horse immediately accelerated from the side and charged towards the Windy Dog in front!

At the same time, the Heavy Mud Horse withstood the attack of the Green Onion Soldiers.

It directly ignored the Green Onion Soldiers and also rushed towards the Windy Dog!

"" Chamu!"

The green onion soldier suddenly became anxious and quickly turned around to chase after the heavy-drawn mud horse.

Natsume glanced at the heavy-drawn mud horse in front and the flaming horse rushing from the side and said directly:"Windspeed dog, jump over!"


The wind speed dog flew into the air at the moment when it was about to hit the heavy mud horse.

"Onion Ranger!"


Cong Youbing immediately understood what Natsume meant. The moment the Wind Speed Dog landed, Cong Youbing jumped behind Natsume.

The Wind Speed Dog rushed towards the Flame Horse!

"Good job!"

Amu patted the Flame Horse under him excitedly:"Flame Horse, charge forward!"

The Flame Horse accelerated and rushed towards the Windy Dog

"Heavy-duty horse, 100,000 horsepower!"

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