"Ladies and gentlemen, there are a total of 10 areas in the Imperial Cultivation Base of our Flower City, and the centimeters are: Stone System, Electricity System, Fire System, Ice System, Water System, Grass System, Dragon System, Insect System, Earth System, and Ordinary Department. A

young man in the overalls of the Imperial Cultivation Base pointed in front and explained in detail.

"Among them, the fire, grass, water, and insect systems are the widest, the dragon system is the smallest, and the others are relatively average.

"Before disbanding, I would like to remind you that the elf eggs provided by the empire each time are composed of, in addition to the explicit elf eggs issued by the cultivation base of the empire headquarters, some are provided by the distribution base.

"However, the elf eggs provided by the distribution base must be approved by the original elf egg parents, of course, the advantage is that the students can check the qualifications and ethnicity of the elf egg parents.

Speaking of this, the staff deliberately paused, looked at the people in front of them and went to some people who couldn't wait to listen impatiently, and said calmly with deep meaning.

"Remember, there are also some elf eggs that the major exploration teams found in the secret realm that cannot be identified, if there are students who choose such elf eggs, they must consider carefully. "

I know that before you came back, you heard that someone had reached the overlord or even a quasi-god in an unrecognized elven egg, but you must know that this probability is lower than the probability of you advancing to the ten great schools of the empire!" The

staff was obviously a little serious, after all, this is about the future of the elf trainer.

"So, I suggest that you don't have a gambler's mind, after all, this opportunity to get elves for free is only once in one for most of you, and I hope you will cherish it.

Regarding these reminders from the staff, Sun Ye only paid attention to the unknown elf egg, and didn't even care about the second one.

It's not that Sun Ye himself complains, after all, what good elves can a cultivation base in a third-tier city have.

It seems that this is my unique opportunity.

"Alright, you can go it alone.

After hearing that it could be disbanded, Sun Ye did not go directly to the unknown elf egg area, but walked straight to the petri dish of the ice elf egg.

Because of his father's reminder before, he said that there might be a surprise in the ice elf egg, so Sun Ye wanted to see if this surprise was big enough.

In fact, the ice system is also one of Sun Ye's preferred initial elves, not only with high appearance, but also with strong control.

The ice cultivation area is relatively small, and the number of scale may be second only to that of the dragon type.

Maybe it was Sun Ye's awakening or crossing, and his spiritual power was much stronger than before.

So Sun Ye just glanced at it, and there was an approximate result in his mind, almost a thousand elf eggs.

Don't look at these are quite a lot, but in the case of more than 40,000 high school students, there are some that are not enough.

Looking at the elf egg in front of him, Sun Ye couldn't help but feel a little big, this is still the second smallest in scale, wouldn't there be tens of thousands of fire and the like.

It seems that the leak is not so easy to pick up.

Sun Ye walked while checking the information provided by the system.

"Elf: Huhu Pig

Main Attribute: Ice Secondary Attribute: Earth

Gender: Level: 1

Race: Ordinary Inferior

Qualification: Normal

Skill: ......

Item: None "

'Well, good, next!'"

Elf: Snow Doll

Attributes: Ice

Gender: Level: 1Race

: Ordinary / Medium

Qualification: Normal

Skills: ..........

Props: None" "

Well, yes, come again." "

Elf: Snow Leopard BallPrimary

Attribute: Ice Sub-Attribute: WaterGender

: ♂

Level: 1Race

: Ordinary Medium

Qualification: Elite

Skill: .............

Items: No ""

Snow Leopard Ball, Ice and Water Dual System, Final Form of the Imperial Snow Lion Race in Boss Superior, Elite Level Qualification.

Sun Ye looked at the information in front of him and hesitated, this kind of elf is also a good elf egg in the outside market.

Although it is not as valuable as the foal that Sun Ye ordered at the beginning, the price of this one is also around 150w elf coins.

As for why Sun Ye was able to know the approximate price, it was also fortunate that he had planned to buy the initial elf egg for himself.

In the market, generally speaking, the qualifications of self-purchased elves are at the elite level.

If you want a higher qualification, this is easy to say, just add money.

Obviously, this elf egg can't be the treasure that Sun Ye said, thinking of this, Sun Ye didn't stay, but continued to check other elf eggs.

"Elf: Little Snowman

Primary Attribute: Ice Secondary Attribute: Grass

Gender: No

Rank: 1

Race: Ordinary Inferior

Qualification: Ordinary


"No, no, not yet... Fortunately

, the time to choose the elf egg was until five o'clock this afternoon, Sun Ye had plenty of time, but he couldn't use it all here, Sun Ye also wanted to go to the area of the petri dish where the elf egg was not recognized.

'No more delays, another hour at most.

Sun Ye screened another one, and then looked at an elf egg in front of him.

In this way, Sun Ye stayed here for more than forty minutes.

"I've finally found you!" Sun

Ye looked at the somewhat broken elf egg in front of him, his mouth was dry, and then he hugged it, and said a little tiredly.

"Elf: Snow Spirit Beast

Attributes: Ice

Gender: Level: 1

Race: Ordinary · Medium

Qualification · Star Skill

: ♀


Item: None "

" This baby turned out to be a snow spirit beast, and the final evolved type of snow drinking beast has a level of overlord and medium.

Sun Ye stared at the snow spirit beast's elven egg with some joy, but frowned again.

"But this qualification is a hard flaw.

Looking at the information on qualifications, Sun Ye felt a little congested-_-||.

According to the research of elf doctors and scholars in this world, elves with ordinary qualifications can be successfully promoted to the intermediate level.

And the elves with elite qualifications can be successfully promoted to the elite level.

As for the star position qualification of the snow spirit beast, it can only be promoted to the commander level.

The elves of the mortal qualification level on it can be successfully promoted to the king level.

The god-given qualification-level elves are like names, and the God-given qualifications have no problem smoothly advancing all the way to the taboo level.

As for the elves of the last level of divine qualifications, it is difficult to see the elves whose race is below the sacred, and on the official records of this world, there are only a dozen records in the history of training elves for a thousand years, and they are all ace elves of sacred-level trainers.

Therefore, although the snow spirit beast with star rank qualification can be successfully promoted to the commander level, it is a little difficult to go up, and the resources consumed are also multiplied.

In this case, it would be a pity to have the race value of the Overlord Medium level.

For Sun Ye, who didn't have a system before, such an elf was already a pie falling from the sky, but now it was really inappropriate for him.

Although this system may have a type of medicine to improve qualifications, Sun Ye is sure that the price will not be low.

Therefore, Sun Ye is now very entangled, whether to choose the elf egg of the snow spirit beast in front of him, or take a risk and go to the area of the unknown elf egg to fight.

"Forget it, if you lose my life, I'm lucky!" Although

he thought so, Sun Ye still hid the elf egg in a hidden place while others were not paying attention, plus the appearance of the egg itself was good, so it should not be discovered.

This is also a way back for Sun Ye to leave for himself, not to mention that Sun Ye is selfish, he does not harm the interests of others in this kind of behavior, he just wants to do his best to benefit himself.

After all, this is the reality, in this game, if you have a little less, then you will be surpassed by others and end up in the crowd.

Sun Ye didn't want this, so he would do his best to his advantage.

After a simple meal at the cultivation base, Sun Ye continued to set off.

Continuing towards the destination, I looked at the number of people around me.

Sun Ye obviously noticed that the number of people who came in was much smaller than in the morning.

After all, it's been two or three hours now, and those who want to try their luck have already chosen.

Most of the students who remain here now are those who are good at studying but from poor families.

They all have some knowledge of cultivating families, and they will have the skills to see their qualifications through the appearance of elf eggs.

Others are more courageous, planning to discuss with the parents of their future initial elves to see if they can get them to give their son or daughter to themselves.

No, there was a student in front of him who actually spent a lot of money to buy elf food and implemented a bribery strategy.

And his ambition is not small, he actually aimed at the dragon elves.

I saw him carefully holding a few pieces of elven square food, and nervously walked in the direction where a pterosaur was.

And the pterosaur that was taking care of his eggs also spotted him.


the pterosaur raised its head, its eyes fixed on the

two-legged beast, afraid that he would hurt his own child, and its mouth was open in warning.

Seeing this, the male classmate did not panic, but raised his hands to signal to the pterodactyl that he had no malicious intent.

This pterosaur is also an elite-level elf, and its IQ is basically equivalent to that of a teenager, so after seeing the movements of the male classmate, he also understood the general meaning, so he didn't let out a roar, but stared at him with some curiosity, wondering what he wanted to do.

After more than two minutes of rubbing, the male classmate finally walked in front of the pterosaur, looking at the behemoth in front of him, the young man couldn't help but wipe the sweat on his forehead, and finally lifted the dragon elf Fang Shi in front of her under the puzzled eyes of the pterosaur.

"This is for you.

After hearing the young man's words, the pterosaur first sniffed it to see if it was safe, and finally couldn't tempt the charm of the elf Fang Shi, and stuck out its tongue and rolled it into its mouth.

The big eyes were also narrowed, and it seemed that he was very happy to eat.

For the next ten minutes, the boy was talking, and the pterodactyl was listening.

"Well, please entrust the child to me, please trust me, I will definitely make him a powerful elf like you!" Finally

, the boy shouted loudly with a resolute face as if he had made some big decision, and finally bowed solemnly to the pterodactyl.

Hearing the young man's solemn words, the pterosaur did not show any surprised expression, because she was born in the imperial cultivation base and lived next to humans, and she also knew the importance of a good trainer to elves.

So from the beginning, she had a general understanding of the purpose of this young man, and the previous performances were all tests for him.

With the boy's outstanding performance, the pterodactyl can be sure that he is worthy of trust.

The pterosaur stared at the boy like this for more than ten seconds, and suddenly the corners of his mouth moved, revealing a smile.

Don't say it, it's quite cute\(//∇//)\!The

big paw gently patted the boy's back, prompting him that he didn't need to bow.

In this way, under the young man's somewhat confused expression, he handed his child (elf egg) to his arms.

"Thank you, thank you!"

the boy was a little surprised at first, but when he was completely sober, tears could not help but flow from his eyes, and he bowed vigorously to the

pterodactyl in thanks.

"Elf: Little Pterodactyl

Primary Attribute: Dragon Secondary Attribute: Wing

Gender: Level: 1

Race: Ordinary • Superior

Qualification: Star Skill

: ♂


Item: "

'The dragon elf is worthy of being the first race elf.'

Sun Ye looked at the data panel in front of him and couldn't help but sigh.

The pterosaurs that rank inferior in the dragon line alone have ordinary and superior race values in their first form, and although there are only two evolutions, the evolved pterosaurs also have a leader and medium race values.

Looking back at the young man, he was obviously prepared, first he ruthlessly invested a lot of money and bought a few pieces of dragon elf food, and then he was even more fearless under the intimidation of the pterosaur, and he was full of everything.

Elf food is the best food for elves to grow and develop, replenish energy, and improve strength.

There are four levels of Elven Fang Eclipse, low-level, medium-level, high-level, and perfect.

And the elf food will be made at different prices according to different attributes.

Among them, the dragon system is the most expensive, followed by the moe, ghost, demon, and machine, followed by the electricity and martial arts.

Even the most common low-level insect elf food alone has a price of 100 elf coins.

And the market price of that young man's low-level dragon elf fang food is at least 500 elf coins.

Just those few are probably a month's salary for an ordinary worker.

"Such a person can't succeed if he doesn't want to (▼Dish▼#)!"

Sun Ye gave him a thumbs up of encouragement with emotion, and continued to walk in the direction of the unknown elf egg.

The further you go, the fewer people there are.

It seems that there are still few people who are whimsical or easily gamble on their future.

The area of the Unknown Elf Egg is set in a corner, and the appearance of the egg in this area is a bit worse than that of the other areas.

But there are still other protective devices that should be there.

And the advantage of this area over others is that the elf egg attributes are relatively complete, although it is few, but at least there are still there.

For example, the ghost and demon systems that are not available in this base have a place area here.

Because the staff of the Imperial Cultivation Base did not know the information of these eggs, there was also some information missing from the outside of the table, and they were just discharged according to their attributes.

Of course, there may also be something wrong with the information, for example, there was once an elf egg selected by someone in the fire system, and finally hatched a cute elf, cute and cute.

Looking at the few poor people around, Sun Ye also relaxed and slowly investigated.

"Elf: Spark

Attributes: Fire

Gender: Level: 1

Race: Ordinary · Medium

Qualification: Elite

Skill: ♂


Props: None""

Yo, the watchman is red!The three royal families in Locke, but the overall is not as good as the snow spirit beast just now. Said

that it was a spark, Sun Ye still remembered that this was his starting elf when he first played Locke.

At that time, I didn't know anything.,I just know how to catch elves.,Fight.,When there's no blood, go to the pet hospital.,Find Meng Meng treatment \(//∇//)\.。

Speaking of which, youth is so good!

Sun Ye shook his head, not thinking about it, it was still important to find his own initial elf, so he continued to look down.

No, but I found another good one in ten minutes.

"Elf: Mantis Baby

Attributes: Worm

Gender: Level: 1

Race: Ordinary Medium

Qualification: Star Position



Item: None "

''The initial form of the Golden-winged Mantis with a race value in the Overlord Medium, not bad

'', but it's still the same old problem just now, the qualification is too low, and the elves of the insect department can't

master it themselves. "

Except, of course, the insect elf king, hehe(º『º ).

Sun Ye couldn't help but rub his eyes when he saw this, cheered up, he didn't believe that he couldn't find a suitable elf today!

In this way, more than an hour passed, Sun Ye found good elves during this time, but there were some problems.

The problem is either in qualifications or in ethnicity.

You can't blame Sun Ye for being too picky, after all, this is his initial elf, and he used to deal with it casually without conditions, but now that he has the conditions, he can't wronged himself.

After all, it's better to start with Tianhu than to deal with things casually!

There are only two attributes that haven't been checked yet,

the dragon type and the ghost type.

If these two elven eggs did not satisfy him, he planned to go back to the ice elven egg area and take the ----elven eggs of the snow spirit beast that he had prepared.

(Snow Spirit Beast: So I'm just your spare tire?) ò ∀ ó。

In the area of the dragon elf egg, Sun Ye continued to look.

No matter where they are, dragon elf eggs are always few.

Sun Ye looked at it about it, and there were almost 100 of them.

It took about half an hour to read it.

Only one made him somewhat satisfied, but only some.

"Elf: Thunderbolt

Dragon Attributes: Dragon

Gender: Level: 1

Race: Ordinary Medium

Qualification: Metamorphosis

Skill: ♂


Items: The

original form of the Thunderbolt Golden Dragon without ""

Overlord Inferior, race OK. "

The elf attribute is a dragon, and the attribute is OK!" "

The qualification is in the mortal transformation, and he can be promoted to the king!"

"Well, (≧∇≦), yes, the three conditions are met, but it's a pity that it's only a main defensive elf." "

I know a little about this pet Sun Ye, the scene of Dragon Valley, but in the final analysis, it is still the main dragon system.

Sun Ye plans to make a decision after watching the ghost department, and this egg will be used as a standby.

Walking to the ghost department, the elf eggs here are only twenty percent more than those of the dragon type, about one hundred and thirty.

Although this is the last time to check it, Sun Ye doesn't dare to be sloppy yet, for fear of pulling one off.

It was silent for more than twenty minutes.

Just when Sun Ye passed as usual, the information in front of him made him very excited and excited.

"I'll go, I'll go to it, I'll really send it this time!✪ω✪" "

Elf: Little Phantom

Attribute: Ghost

Gender: Level: 1

Race: Ordinary · Medium

Qualifications: ♀


Skills: ..........

Props: None

" "Labor and management are really the protagonists of the novel!" "

You can't blame Sun Ye for being out of shape, Xiao


The initial form of the quasi-god inferior Youyou Doll, and she can also carry out multiple evolutions, and there is room for growth.

The most important thing is that her qualifications are also very high

!In this way, it seems that this little guy is even higher than the Chiyan Yaojia that Sun Ye saw just now!


Sun Ye did not hesitate, directly took the elf egg into his arms, and walked quickly to the exit of the cultivation base, after a series of inspections and identifications, Sun Ye also smoothly carried the hatching backpack containing the elf eggs and walked into the bus.

Sun Ye sat in the corner, holding his backpack in his arms, quietly waiting for the bus to start.

There were still two hours left before the end time, and Sun Ye was stroking the elf egg while listening to the song with headphones.

"Shake, shake

", "Fifteen shakes, it's the spring equinox bridge",

"Pan, pan", "Grandma and grandma are crying sweetly

", "noisy, noisy", "rice candy hangs on the corners of the mouth, and I can't eat enough",




"Little foot bridge upturned aqiao

", "..................",



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