After Qin Ze read this mission information, he found it interesting. It was the first time he saw an elf robbing a human.

"Okay, this is the task."

Qin Ze applied for this task online.

After deciding to accept the task, the website will prompt that the task has been successfully accepted.

Then let Qin Ze go to a toll station, find the publisher, and get more information.

Once this task is completed, he will get a bonus of 30,000 yuan.

Among elite trainers, it is considered a relatively high reward.

However, Qin Ze is not interested in this reward, he just wants more training.

After receiving the task, Qin Ze immediately took a taxi to the toll station where the publisher was.

Toll station.

The publisher is the stationmaster of a toll station. He has a big belly and a bald head. He looks a bit old.

"Another trainer has come. That's good. More people can handle this matter sooner."

The toll booth manager said this after seeing Qin Ze.

"Hmm? Are there many trainers who have taken on this task?"

Qin Ze asked curiously after hearing this.

"Well, that's true. You are the fourth trainer, so it doesn't matter. As long as it can be solved, I will pay whoever solves it."

The stationmaster shrugged. He didn't care about it. He even hoped that more trainers would come to deal with it.

This week, many passing vehicles were robbed by Pokémons every day.

As a result, the traffic here decreased rapidly.

All of them piled up on other highways, causing serious traffic jams on other highways every day.

So in order to restore traffic flow, reduce pressure on other highways, and ensure personal safety, he must deal with this matter as soon as possible.

"So, where and at what time do those giant bees and flying mantises usually rob people?"

Qin Ze asked curiously.

"This is totally irregular. On the first day, they appeared at the service center at noon, on the second day, they appeared at the lower half of the highway, on the third day, they appeared at midnight, and on the fourth day, they appeared early in the morning. It is totally irregular."

The stationmaster shook his head and replied.

Qin Ze thought that these elves were quite smart and knew how to rob in an irregular way, so it would be very difficult to catch them.

"No matter what, you must find a way to help me solve this problem, otherwise, we will be in trouble!"

The stationmaster requested

"Don't worry, I will take care of it. But you have to lend me a car and a driver, so that I can drive back and forth on the highway, so that I can meet that group of Pokémon."

Qin Ze explained his request.

This is a highway, you have to drive, it's impossible to ask him to patrol on foot on the highway.

The stationmaster naturally had no objection to this request, and other trainers said the same thing.

So he arranged a driver and a car for Qin Ze.

Qin Ze patrolled around this set of highways, waiting for the group of Pokémon to appear.

If they really wanted to rob, they would not let Qin Ze go.

The journey was very smooth, which was in stark contrast to the highway congestion Qin Ze had encountered in the past.

Obviously, the impact here is really great.

However, after patrolling the entire highway for two hours, Qin Ze still did not encounter any emergencies.

"Are they not working today, or will they work until late at night?"

Qin Ze couldn't help thinking so.

Then he felt a little bored, so he just scrolled through the videos on his phone and saw a host.

It seemed that he was broadcasting live on this highway.

"Hey guys! I'm the elite trainer, Lao Wu! Have you heard that recently, there was a Pokémon robbery on this highway? I'm here to deal with it!"

"Please give gifts to the anchor for his bravery!"

After the anchor finished speaking, many people immediately gave him gifts.

It is not uncommon for trainers to broadcast live. In order to have another way to make money, many trainers will broadcast live for everyone to watch during their training and battles. This satisfies the wishes of many people who do not have the ability to become trainers.

If you cannot become a trainer yourself, you can watch the trainer's every move through the live broadcast, so that you can have a sense of substitution and comfort your spiritual disappointment.

"Friends! From my experience, this kind of Pokémon basically has no strength, so they would rob passing drivers. Beedrill and Scyther are very common Pokémon. I guess, in the wild in human cities, I guess, their strength is at most level 20, not that strong."

"So, my friends, get ready to watch me show my power and teach those elves who dared to rob and hurt people a lesson! When the time comes, please give me more gifts! If you have the conditions, it’s best to send a rocket!"

While Lao Wu was speaking, people kept giving me gifts. It seems that he is a very famous anchor.


""Ahhh!" (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Just then, there was an explosion and screams from Lao Wu's side.

Lao Wu was so scared that he almost threw his phone away.

"Friends, it seems that the group of elves has appeared and there are victims! I will go to rescue them immediately!"

After Lao Wu shouted, he immediately went to the scene of the incident.

"I heard it too"[]

Qin Ze looked out the window. He also heard the explosion, and then saw smoke coming out of a place behind the highway. Maybe it was there.

""Master, drive there quickly!"

Qin Ze pointed to the back and shouted.

If it were normal, turning around on the highway would definitely be illegal.

But now the situation is urgent, it doesn't matter.

After hearing this, the driver immediately turned the steering wheel, turned the car around, and rushed to the scene of the incident.

Qin Ze has been watching the live broadcast room.

The anchor has arrived at the scene of the incident.

The scene is quite chaotic, with dozens of giant bees and flying mantises flying in the air, densely packed and looking disgusting.

Several cars on the road were overturned.

Some people fell to the ground with injuries all over their bodies, and they all looked beaten.

The group of flying mantises and giant bees were rummaging through the car and taking out anything they liked.

This group of elves is the domineering elves on this road!

"Friends, this group of evil elves have started to hurt people! As a messenger of justice, I must stop them! Please give me gifts to encourage me!"Old Five said as he released his own elves.

There were three in total.

Mook, Luke and Makuhita.

When Old Five finished speaking, many people in the live broadcast room were giving gifts.

Qin Ze looked at the screen and observed Old Five's elves, as well as the group of Beedrills and Scythers.

The Eye of Appreciation can work even when looking at the elves on the screen.

According to observation, Old Five's three elves are only level 23.

But that group of Beedrills and Scythers.

The worst are all level 30, and the strongest are level 35!

Old Five's lineup is simply going to die!


This is my mother: I am a man Tôn

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