At night, everyone has returned to the dormitory.

Qin Ze is now sorting out the materials, while Caterpie is playing with the ball by himself after eating the elf food.

"There are no skill learning machines in this world. If you want to learn skills, you can only tap into the potential combat awareness of the elves, that is, you can learn some moves when you upgrade to a certain level."

Qin Ze muttered to himself while looking at the computer data.

According to scholars' research, when elves become stronger and stronger, they will revive the combat genes inherited from their ancestors, and thus learn the skills engraved in their genes.

Of course, there is another way to learn, which is to observe the moves you can learn, and then try your best to learn them. As for how to do it, it depends on the qualifications of the elves and the ability of the trainer.

In short, if you want to match the perfect skill combination, it is not as good as in the game, where you can learn it by just putting a CD on your brain.

Fortunately, the elves in this world do not have to forget the moves like in the game. No matter how many moves they have, they will remember them. The only difference is the proficiency.

Skill proficiency is divided into novice, veteran, expert and master.

Different The proficiency, the effect of the performance, the time consumed, and the physical strength used are all completely different.

More importantly, it is related to one's own level.

Therefore, it takes a lot of time for a Pokémon to master a move to the master level. Three to five years is considered a short time.

It is even possible that you will never be able to master the master's moves for the rest of your life because it is difficult to upgrade.

Mastering one skill is so troublesome, let alone learning multiple skills.

Therefore, most trainers will carefully choose the skills to be refined and allocate training time to avoid biting off more than they can chew, and specializing in one skill will lead to various shortcomings.

Therefore, most trainers will let their Pokémon refine four skills.

Only a few Pokémon with sufficient resources and time, as well as particularly good qualifications, will refine five or six skills or even more.

"Caterpie is a supernatural talent and can master six skills. But he is still very weak and can't learn too much. He should learn what he has and improve his strength first."

After Qin Ze finished speaking, he circled the three words"spark","howl" and"self-sacrifice collision" on the notebook.

Then he switched the computer picture and the picture of the wind speed dog appeared.

"The racial stats of Growlithe are very high, especially its physical attack and special attack. It is a very powerful attacker. In addition, its speed is not weak. If it can also learn super speed, it will be a very powerful speed attacker."

After thinking for a moment, Qin Ze immediately thought of the direction for training Growlithe in the future.

The main focus is speed and physical attack. The best racial stats of Growlithe to Growlithe are physical attack, which must be the first choice, and special attack can be used as a supplement.

When Qin Ze thought of this, he immediately collected various training materials, and a training plan for Growlithe gradually appeared in his mind.

"Jingle Bell"

At this time, Qin Ze received a call from An Tongyue.

"What's up, Yueyue?"

Qin Ze answered the phone and called her so familiarly.


I don't know if it's because of such an intimate name that An Tongyue's tone suddenly changed.

On the contrary, Qin Ze thought it was nothing. In his previous life, he called An Tongyue like this and he was used to it.

"Are you free to come to the school cafeteria now? I will treat you to a meal. Thank you for helping me choose Ibrahimovic."

An Tongyue explained her purpose.


Qin Ze did not refuse. After agreeing, he went out immediately.

In order to provide students with a better living environment, Pengcheng University has set up some restaurant areas for students to choose to eat. The price is reasonable and not too expensive.

An Tongyue chose a good Chinese restaurant. As soon as Qin Ze entered, he saw her.

Because An Tongyue's appearance is hard to beat, and now she is wearing simple casual clothes, every move is like a rich lady, no matter where she sits, she will become the focus.


When An Tongyue saw Qin Ze coming, she immediately stood up and waved happily.

Qin Ze went over immediately.

Seeing that the beautiful woman had a date, many single dogs were envious and jealous.



When Katie and Ibrahimovic saw each other, they immediately greeted each other happily, and then chased each other around and played, looking very harmonious.

"Qin Ze, thank you for choosing Ibrahimovic for me, I am so happy."

An Tongyue said gratefully and gave Qin Ze a drink.

"This is nothing, we have been friends since we were little, so of course I have to help."

Qin Ze replied with a smile

"By the way, what do you plan to evolve Eevee into? There are many evolution routes for Eevee."

"Well, I haven't thought about it yet. Fairy elves are beautiful, ice elves are noble, leaf elves are heroic, and water elves are also good. I don't know what to choose from so many options."

An Tongyue stirred the drink helplessly.

Eevee's evolution is a huge worry for both elf performers and trainers.

It depends on the team configuration and the training route. Once you make a wrong choice, you can't regret it.

For people with choice difficulties, it is undoubtedly a big headache.

"Take your time to choose. Anyway, Ibrahimovic is still at a low level, so we will get back to the right place when the time comes."

Qin Ze said helplessly. If it were him, Ye would not know how to choose.

"What about you? You will definitely take Caterpie to participate in the Rookie Cup later."

An Tongyue held her chin and tilted her head to look at Qin Ze. This made her more cute and people couldn't look away.

"Yes, I want to be the strongest trainer."

Seeing An Tongyue like this, Qin Ze's eyes suddenly turned around and he drank a drink to calm himself down.

This woman is so charming, she is worthy of being a teacher at Pengcheng University.���Flowers!

"I wish you good luck and get an excellent ranking. I will cheer for you then."

After An Tongyue finished speaking, she picked up the drink and said to Qin Ze

"Thank you! I also wish you success in becoming the most outstanding elf performer."

Seeing this, Qin Ze immediately picked up his drink and clinked glasses with An Tongyue, wishing each other well.

After eating and drinking, the two returned to their respective dormitories.

The next day, Qin Ze went to the Academic Affairs Office to request to go out for a trip.

At the university stage, there are two ways of learning.

One is to learn knowledge on campus, and the second is to travel and gain knowledge through your own experience.

The former is undoubtedly the fastest way to learn.

But in Qin Ze's opinion, only experience can gain more valuable experience, which cannot be simulated by the combat equipment and classrooms in school.

"Caterpillar, let’s take the first step towards becoming the strongest!"


Katie responded to Qin Ze with great momentum.

Then the man and the dog stepped out of the campus at the same time, symbolizing the first step of the journey!


PS: About skills...There are no restrictions on the skills you can learn, including those used in combat. In theory, you can learn all the skills on the panel, but the proficiency will be different....The main theme is mastery, and elves with different potentials have different numbers of mastered skills.

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