The Ultimate Hole was chopped into eight pieces by the three holy swords.

The eight pieces of the Ultimate Hole trembled wildly, and then turned into a cloud of mist and disappeared.

When the Ultimate Hole disappeared, the sky, which was originally covered with dark clouds, gradually turned back to the original blue sky and white clouds.

The sun shone on the land destroyed by war.

It seemed to symbolize that everything would be reborn.

"It's amazing, it can even cut off a black hole!"

After seeing this scene, Qin Ze had to open his mouth wide, and he had a better understanding of the power of the beast.

""Buzz buzz buzz!"

Just then, he heard a sound similar to that of an airplane in the sky not far away, and then he looked over.

He saw more than ten airplanes flying back and forth in the secret realm!

The exhaust from the airplanes actually formed clouds in the sky and then it rained, which was obviously artificial rainfall technology.

Then a lot of Pokémon balls fell from the airplanes, and after a bunch of water Pokémons landed on the ground, they immediately prayed for rain to the sky, expanding the area of the rain clouds so that more rain could fall on them.���Fire extinguishing at the local fire scene

"Discover the ultimate beast and prepare for battle!"

"It's the Bang-Head Clown, try to capture him!"

The people in the plane began to send out elves to fight the Ultra Beasts.

It is not appropriate to use military weapons in such a place, so as not to expand the disaster.


"The humans are here to finish the job, so we should do other things."

Gopalion looked at the battle situation and confirmed that the remaining things could be handled by humans, so he took Delakion and Biligion and disappeared into the dense forest.

"It's a mythical beast! It's confirmed to be Copalion, Delakion, and Biligion!"

"Track now!"

"They are too fast! It's hard to catch up!"

The sudden appearance of the three beasts made the humans immediately think of ways to track them.

However, as the Three Holy Swords have lived for who knows how many years, how could they be tracked so easily?

In just a moment, the people sent to track them were left behind and not even their shadows could be seen.

Instead, they were besieged by a group of clowns.

So they had to temporarily give up the idea of tracking the Three Holy Swords and concentrate on fighting against these ultimate beasts.

As for where the Three Holy Swords will go, according to their personalities, they should go to rescue the elves who are suffering.

After all the elves in the secret realm have been rescued, they will leave here.

"Then I should go too. I have to leave here quickly."

After Qin Ze finished speaking, he immediately drove the wind speed dog to leave here immediately.


Just after running a few steps, a Boom-Head Clown fell from the sky.

Qin Ze and Windy Dog jumped back in fear.

Just as the Boom-Head Clown was about to stand up, a Metagross fell from the sky and hit the Boom-Head Clown, putting it on the verge of death.

"Why are there still people here? Why don't you leave now?"

The sexy and beautiful woman standing on the giant golden monster looked at Qin Ze and said

"Yes, I'm here..."Eh?"

Qin Ze looked at the woman opposite him carefully, and then couldn't help showing a look of shock, because he recognized who she was.

It turned out to be the famous star and the owner of the Meidie Dojo - Lin Meidie!

"The gym leader is actually here! Then the other two must be here too!"

After Qin Ze recognized Lin Meidie, he immediately looked at the people on Charizard and Magneto.

They must be the Fire Gym Leader of Huadu and the Steel Gym Leader.

"Since you recognized me, you know that the situation here is very complicated. You will be in danger if you stay here."

After Lin Meidie finished speaking, she released a Pokémon.

She was wearing a pale white long skirt, a slender waist, white and tender arms, 1.8 meters tall, short green hair, and pale red pupils.

It was Gardevoir! It was the first time that Qin Ze saw Gardevoir. Only by looking at it from such a close distance did he realize that Gardevoir was so beautiful. She was worthy of being the wife of countless Pokémon fans!

"My Gardevoir will teleport you away from here.

Lin Meidie was a very nice person and sent Gardevoir to take Qin Ze away.

"Thank you very much!"

Qin Ze nodded his head immediately after hearing this.

"Hmm? Wait a minute."

At this time, Lin Meidie suddenly focused her attention on the wind speed dog.

"Your Windy Dog."

Lin Meidie reached out her hand and touched the fur of the Windy Dog in confusion, which made Qin Ze and the Windy Dog confused.

Then when Lin Meidie touched a spot, she suddenly pressed hard.


It was just a weak woman's casual press, but it made the wind speed dog let out a particularly uncomfortable cry.

"Wind Speed Dog!"

Qin Ze saw that Wind Speed Dog was in pain, and immediately waited for Lin Meidie unhappily.

"What are you doing! Even if you are the gym leader, you can't do this!"

"You are the one who is messing around, right? Has your Windy Dog experienced a series of upgrades in a short period of time?"

Lin Meidie frowned and stared at Qin Ze and Windy Dog and asked

"Yes, just now after the Three Holy Swords defeated many Bang-Headed Clowns, I found that they still had a breath, so I let the Wind Speed Dog finish them off."

Qin Ze nodded and replied, and was surprised that Lin Meidie could actually find this out.

"You are so brave, you dare to follow the fight between the beasts and join in the fun."

After hearing this, Lin Meidie's expression became strange.

"But don't you know that continuous upgrades are a huge burden on the elves?"

Lin Meidie changed the subject, with a bit of blame in her tone.

"After the elf is upgraded, it takes some time to adapt to the changes in the body. If it keeps upgrading, the body will not be able to keep up with the upgraded power and there will be certain sequelae. If this is left unchecked, it is easy to leave a huge hidden danger in the near future."

"It's not just a matter of being seriously ill, it may even be difficult to continue upgrading, do you understand?"

After hearing Lin Meidie's words, Qin Ze remembered this point. When he was in high school, his teacher taught him this knowledge point.

However, anyone who saw so many experience points on the ground would probably pick them up and upgrade without thinking!

""I'm sorry, what should we do now?"

Qin Ze apologized first, and then asked immediately.

He didn't want the wind speed dog to have any sequelae.

"This kind of thing is actually not a big deal as long as it is discovered early. You don't have to keep leveling up to accumulate experience points for a period of time. Just do basic training to let your body keep up with the upgraded strength."

Lin Meidie explained considerately.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

At this time, there were a lot of flames falling all around, causing a lot of explosions. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"Hey! Lin Meidie! What are you doing down there? Hurry up and support us!"

The gym leader on the Charizard shouted anxiously.

"Okay, let's go, kid."

After Lin Meidie finished speaking, she commanded Metagross to return to the sky to fight.

At this time, Gardevoir took the initiative to reach out and grab Qin Ze and Wind Speed Dog[]

She used teleportation and disappeared in an instant.

When Qin Ze reacted, he was already in front of the entrance of the secret realm. There were many staff members here directing the survivors to escape quickly.

When Gardevoir teleported Qin Ze here, she immediately teleported back to her master, without even giving Qin Ze a chance to thank her.

"Next, it's none of our business."

Qin Ze said, then he jumped off the Windy Dog, put him back into the Poké Ball, and left through the exit of the secret realm.

The things that happened later were naturally handled by the Pokémon Alliance, and had nothing to do with Qin Ze.

It was unknown where the three holy swords would go in the end.

When Qin Ze returned to the real world, he saw many people outside discussing the situation in the secret realm.

They were all in training, and as a result, they encountered this kind of thing. Everyone escaped with injuries, and they were lucky to be able to save their lives.

"Congratulations to the host, for surviving the disaster of the Ultimate Beast for the first time. The system has decided to give a reward."

At this time, the system's prompt sounded in Qin Ze's mind.

This made Qin Ze feel a little surprised.���Thinking about this incident, it can also bring him rewards.

【"Reward Host, Top Vitality Block Recipe"】

【"Vitality Cube is a drug that can quickly restore the strength of elves. If elves on the verge of death eat it, they can quickly restore their strength."】

【"The top vitality block can instantly restore to a fully charged state."】

After the system's voice ended,

Qin Ze had several more pieces of paper filled with drawings in his hands.

This was the formula for the top vitality cube.

"Top vitality cubes, this is a good thing!"

Qin Ze couldn't help but get excited.

The vitality cubes on the market now can only restore 70% of physical strength at most.

How can it be like the top ones, which can fully restore.

And the higher the recovery ratio of the vitality cube, the more expensive it is. The 70% one costs millions to buy.

If Qin Ze collects the raw materials and makes the top vitality cubes himself, he can definitely save a lot of money.

As for where to make it?

There are special rental houses for making food in this world, and there are also corresponding rental houses for making vitality cubes.

"Ah! Qin Ze, you finally came out!"

Just then Qin Ze heard a very familiar voice.

Lily ran over excitedly, hugged Qin Ze, and shook him back and forth.

"I was so scared! I couldn’t find you all of a sudden, and I didn’t know where you went! I was so afraid that you died in there!"

Lily was so excited that she even shed tears while shouting, and she looked very sincere.

"Don't be so hard, it hurts."

Qin Ze quickly reminded Lily, she shook herself very hard.

He had fought with Biligion and was covered in wounds. Now being shaken like this, the wounds would be torn even bigger.

"Sorry, sorry! You're bleeding!"

Lily then saw that Qin Ze's body was bleeding. It was conceivable how many battles Qin Ze had experienced!

"I'll take you to the Pokémon Center right away!"

Lily said, and immediately released Yongjira

"Yongjila, take us to the Pokémon Center!"

After receiving the order, Yongjila immediately took Lily and Xie Yun and teleported to the Pokémon Center.

The Pokémon Center was now overcrowded, with Pokémons waiting for treatment everywhere.

This was the first time the Pokémon Center encountered such a large-scale situation, and all the nurses and doctors were busy, and the equipment was almost exploding.

After waiting in line for so many times, it was finally Qin Ze's turn.

"Your elves are not in big trouble, they will be fine if they rest more. However, their bodies are burdened by the continuous leveling up, so they need more basic training to adapt and can no longer continue to level up."

The doctor's words were exactly the same as Lin Meidie's, and Qin Ze remembered them very carefully.

After putting away the three elves, Qin Ze went outside the elf center and saw Lily waiting outside.

"How is it, is your elf okay?"

Lily immediately ran over and asked with concern.

"Don't worry, nothing happened, just take a good rest. Thank you very much for letting Yongjila send me to the Pokémon Center by teleportation.

Qin Ze thanked her.

Although Lily was a bit nervous, she was still a very nice person.

"Of course, we are partners in the short film, so we have to take care of each other."

Lily replied with a wink.

"Let's stop with the short film cooperation. I'm really not used to doing those things."

Qin Ze immediately shook his head. He felt it was troublesome to carry the equipment everywhere before.

The worst thing was that he had to imitate different tones for dubbing.

In the past two days, he was frantically dubbing for Arcanine, Brawlhalla, and other male elves.

Imitating voices in various ways that strained his throat was so uncomfortable.

"Really? But your elf really enjoyed it."

Lily said so.

Qin Ze looked at the elf ball after hearing it.

The three elves inside all looked like they wanted to do it again.

"We'll talk about it later."

Qin Ze twitched his eyebrows. These guys clearly built their happiness on their own pain!

"Oh, by the way, I saw the gym owner Lin Meidie in the secret realm.

Qin Ze changed the subject and said

"Yes, I know. I saw my aunt go in.

Lily nodded, and inadvertently, she seemed to say something extraordinary.

"Wait, who did you say Lin Meidie is to you?

Qin Ze immediately looked at Lily with a shocked look.


Lily's head was covered with cold sweat, and she finally realized that she had said the wrong thing.

"Don't tell anyone else, Lin Meidie is my aunt."

Lily immediately pulled Qin Ze's ear and told him the secret.


This is my mother: I am a man Tôn

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