Yongjila and Nightowl complained about their master's inhumane behavior!

What trainer would use his own Pokémon as punching bags for others to level up?

"Sorry, sorry, I was forced by Qin Ze too!"

Lily quickly knelt down to apologize to her elf, and pushed the responsibility onto Qin Ze.

"Hey! What do you mean I force you?"

Qin Ze shouted unhappily after hearing this.

"Really, how could you, such an idiot master, not let the elves cut your throat overnight?"

Qin Ze couldn't help rolling his eyes, thinking so in his heart but not saying it out loud.

After dinner, Lily didn't continue filming, but actually commanded her elves to train seriously, and it looked very professional.

Qin Ze was not idle either, and asked Windy Dog, Wind Fairy and Candlelight to wear gravity rings for gravity training to strengthen their basic strength.

In order to boost the morale of the elves, he simply put one on himself.

Seeing their masters participating in the training, the three elves, who were originally exhausted by torture, were indeed encouraged and continued to train more diligently.���

"Ah, this Qin Ze is quite amazing, actually training together under gravity."

Lily, who was not far away, showed a bit of surprise when she saw Qin Ze's training method.

Gravity training is no joke, it is very torturous to the body, and if you are not careful, it may leave sequelae.

So many people are unwilling to wear it themselves, and only know to command the elves to wear it for training.

""Okay! We have to work hard too!"

Lily shouted with great vigor, and immediately looked at Yongjila, Chirulian and Nightowl who had just finished training and were resting. The three elves were stunned by their master's abnormal mood.

"Ah, let's stop here for today, I really can't do it anymore."

Qin Ze lay limply on the grass, feeling Qingfeng and soothing his exhausted body.

He has never thanked the earth's gravity for being so friendly to humans.

Not only him, but the other three elves are also exhausted now.

Although they have not been able to fully adapt to the half-time gravity in one night, they can already move normally. Sooner or later, they will adapt after a few more times.

After Qin Ze put away his elves, he wanted to stand up, but as soon as he moved, his body protested, so he could only continue to lie on the grass.

"You look very tired, let me help you."

At this time, Lily came over with a smile, and then ordered Yongjila to use his telekinesis.

Yongjila immediately released a wave of telekinesis, gently wrapped Qin Ze, and lifted him into the air.

"Thank you very much."

Qin Ze knew what Lily wanted to do, so he thanked her.

"You're welcome. We'll need your help with the filming tomorrow. You've worked hard these past few days. Let's go, Yongjila, take our brave warriors who have finished their hard training to defeat the devil and fly back to the tent!"

Lily immediately gave Yongjila an order.

Yongjila just shrugged his shoulders as usual, and then used telekinesis to take Qin Ze to the tent.

"Who is the devil?"

Qin Ze was speechless about this statement.

Then he looked at the night sky. The night sky in the secret realm was not polluted by the exhaust gas of big cities, so it was particularly clear and beautiful. The sky was full of stars and the soft moon formed a beautiful scenery that anyone who saw it would be unable to look away.

I really don't understand how the sky in this secret realm was formed. It is said that many people tried to fly high in the sky, but in the end they would fall for various reasons. No one knows whether the end of the sky above the secret realm is the same universe as the real world.


Just then Qin Ze discovered that something seemed to be wrong in the night sky. He felt as if there was something moving.

"Did I see it wrong?"

Qin Ze looked at the sky and couldn't help but look puzzled. He squinted his eyes and stared at that spot.

As a result, that spot seemed to move slightly.

"Hey, Lily, look at the sky and see if it's moving!"

Qin Ze immediately called out, asking Lily to help observe.


Lily looked up at the sky in confusion when she heard this.

However, she saw nothing.

"How could it be possible that the sky is moving inexplicably? Are you exhausted?"

Lily used her hand as a telescope to scan the entire night sky, but she didn't find anything unusual, so she felt bored.

At this time, Qin Ze also observed the position he had just seen. Indeed, there was nothing unusual. The vibration just now seemed to be just Qin Ze's illusion.

"Am I really too tired and blurry? Maybe."

Qin Ze could only think that he had seen it wrong. Forget it, it's no big deal anyway.

"You know, I just heard you say there was something wrong with the sky, and I thought you saw Biligion."

At this time, Lily suddenly mentioned Biligion.

"Ah? Biligion! ?"

Qin Ze couldn't help but wonder after hearing this.

Biligion is one of the three holy swords in the Unova region in the game, and is among the second-level gods.

Why did he suddenly mention Biligion?

"Well, don’t you know that Biligion has appeared in this secret realm before?"

Lily looked at Qin Ze in confusion.

"More than a decade ago, when this C-level secret realm came, many people were trapped here and their survival was threatened by wild Pokémon. Although there were some powerful trainers among the trapped people, they were nothing compared to the powerful and more numerous wild Pokémon.

So the survivors at that time could only try their best to survive without being discovered by wild Pokémon and wait for official rescue."

"As a result, before official rescue could arrive, the wild elves broke through the human shelter and launched a series of attacks, killing the humans who they saw as invaders."

"Just when everyone was in despair, Biligion appeared."

"Although she is an elf, she helped the humans and made the hostile elves disperse."

As Lily said this, her eyes sparkled, and she seemed to admire this kind of hero who appeared at a critical moment.

"Since then, many people have come here to find Biligion as their own fighting force.

However, it is not easy for a mythical beast to appear. Every day, many people return empty-handed. Gradually, some people think that Biligion left this secret place to find Gopalion and Delagion. I don't know where in the world he is helping others and elves."

"But there are still people who believe that Biligion will come back, so they come here every day to look for him, and say that they have found traces, but it's actually a lie."

Lily said the last part, shrugging helplessly.

"Hey, Qin Ze, do you think Bilijian will still be here?"

Lily asked

"Who knows?

Qin Ze didn't know the answer, so he gave a vague answer.

He kept thinking about the information about Biligion.

"Humph, how is it possible? It's not that easy to meet a mythical beast."

Qin Ze smiled, closed his eyes and rested in the air.

The night passed peacefully.

The next day, Qin Ze accompanied Lily to shoot a few scenes. Candlelight played the wise man to guide Princess Kirlia and Windy Dog Warrior, and Nighthawk was the supporting partner.

As for the villain, it was Brave.

After shooting the short film, Qin Ze continued to train. Today, Brave and Nighthawk refused to be sandbags.

Qin Ze had to find wild Pokémon to fight.

This is the outer circle, common Pokémon, most of which are level 15 to 20, and higher levels are required. The middle area. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

In order to meet powerful wild Pokémon as soon as possible, Qin Ze moved closer to the middle area. He met several trainers along the way, and decided to fight without saying a word after seeing them, just like in the game!

However, these trainers were not as strong as Qin Ze, and they were defeated in a few moves.

The only difference from the game is that when fighting in the wild, you have to pay attention to the surrounding environment. Some wild Pokémon will take advantage of the trainers fighting and the Pokémon on both sides will run out and attack when they are weak!

Now Qin Ze is facing this situation.[]

As soon as he defeated a trainer, more than ten Diggers and Alidos appeared around him, surrounded Qin Ze, and wanted to capture Qin Ze and his Pokémon in one fell swoop.

"Arcanine! Use your super speed to get behind each Alidos, and then use your Flame Fang to kill them all!"

"Wind Fairy! Immediately fly into the sky and launch Leaf Blade to attack the Digging Rabbit."

"Candlelight spirit, shrink and move around! Use strange light on injured enemies!"

Qin Ze gave orders in an orderly manner.

Although the dozen wild elves here are all level 20 to 22, and they have an advantage in numbers, Qin Ze is not weak, and he has a great advantage here.



Faced with attacks that restrained their own attributes, both Alidos and the Digging Rabbit suffered great damage, and each howled in pain.

But this also greatly angered them and stimulated their wildness, making them want to fight even more even if they were seriously injured, to hunt Qin Ze!

But at this moment, a strange light appeared around a Digging Rabbit, and the color kept changing, flashing at a strange frequency, and the color was relatively dim, which looked particularly strange.

Then it was confused by this strange luster and fell into a state of confusion. It actually attacked the companions next to it.

Not only it, but other Digging Rabbits, and even Alidos, also had strange lights inexplicably appearing.

Any wild elf who saw the strange light would fall into a state of confusion and attack the companions next to them.

This made the group of companions who were not in confusion feel particularly angry, and they simply fought with the companions who attacked them first, causing a big melee.

"Hee hee hee"

All I could hear was a strange laugh. It was the candlelight spirit that had shrunk and was laughing.

It stood in the middle of the battle circle, covering its mouth and laughing.���If you look closely, you will find that the flame on its head is burning more and more vigorously.

On the contrary, the more vigorously the flame on the candlelight spirit's head burns, the more fatigued Ariados and the Digger Rabbit become.

""Candlelight Spirit, the last blow, misfortunes never come alone!"

Qin Ze ordered.

After receiving the order, Candlelight Spirit immediately restored its original size, and then burst out with a particularly dark and strange energy.

Misfortunes never come alone is a move with relatively low power among the ghost skills.

However, if the opponent is in a negative buff state, the damage will be doubled.

The attack power reaches a point that only a few skills can contend with.

It is a very useful move to cooperate with the last hit in team battles.



The Digger Rabbit and Alidos were hit by the powerful moves of the Candlelight Spirit, and they could no longer hold on and fell to the ground in a dying state.

They defeated more than a dozen wild Pokémon starting at level 20 at once, allowing the three Pokémon to gain more than 8,000 experience points at the same time.

Now the Candlelight Spirit has finally upgraded to level 20 and has also learned the Will-O-Wisp. 157

"Well done!"

After Qin Ze finished speaking, he took out medicine to heal the elves and restore their physical strength, so that the three elves can be in the best condition at any time.

"So, is there anything good around here?"

After saying this, Qin Ze took out the prop detector. He had been using it to investigate the surroundings today, looking for treasures that had not been discovered by others.

However, what he found were basically some rare tree fruits.

Although they were of great value, Qin Ze was not satisfied.


Just then, Qin Ze discovered a red dot flashing on the radar.

The higher the flashing frequency, the more precious the treasure is.

"Where is it?"

After Qin Ze saw the display of the detector, he immediately looked around to find something that looked like a treasure.

But at first glance, he saw nothing at all.

This made Qing Zeng look at the tablet with increasing doubt.

However, it showed that Qin Ze had some precious treasure.

"Where is it?"

Qin Ze immediately started a carpet search and asked the elves to help.

However, he looked through every blade of grass and every tree, but he didn't find anything useful.

Then he stared at the detector intently.

The screen clearly showed that there was a treasure, but he couldn't find it. What was going on?


Just then a gopher came out from the side.

It turned around and saw the wind speed dog looking at it fiercely.


This frightened the gopher so much that it went back underground.

"Hmm, wait, underground."

The sudden appearance of the mole gave Qin Ze an inspiration.

Could it be that the reason why he couldn't find the treasure was because the treasure was underground?

"Windy Dog, dig a hole and see if you can dig out something."

Qin Ze pointed to a location.

According to the detector, his position and the treasure's position overlapped.

That means the treasure is right under his feet.


When the wind speed dog heard it, it immediately did as it was told and dug the ground quickly, digging up a lot of soil, but there was nothing inside.

"Keep digging."

Qin Ze stared at the hole that the wind speed dog dug deeper and deeper. No matter how much the wind speed dog dug, he didn't see any treasure.

On the contrary, the mound next to it was getting higher and higher.

"Is it that deep? Keep digging."

Qin Ze continued to order


In the next second, there was a sound of something breaking at the bottom of the cave.

Then there was the scream of the wind speed dog.

Qin Ze's face changed and he immediately looked down at the bottom of the cave.


Say goodbye: Bất Hủ

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