
Battle facility.

Qin Ze walked out with Kapok Ball and Caterpie.

Kapok Ball and Caterpie were both exhausted and staggered as they walked.

"You guys have worked really hard tonight, go to the rehabilitation center and have a good rest."

Qin Ze said with a smile.

In order to master the two new skills of digging holes and mysterious guarding,

Qin Ze specially trained tonight to ensure that he could use them proficiently before he stopped.

This is also thanks to...The two elves have super high qualifications, so they can be effective quickly. Otherwise, it would take more time to replace them with elves with lower qualifications.

It is already past ten o'clock in the evening. The championship game will start at eleven o'clock tomorrow. There are still twelve hours of rest, which is enough!

Qin Ze thought of this and put the two elves into the elf ball, then hurried to the school rehabilitation center. After handing them over to the school doctor here, he would go back to the dormitory.

"Are you here? Can you hurry up? What time is it?"

Just then, Qin Ze suddenly heard a familiar and anxious voice.

He followed the voice in confusion.���When I went over, I saw someone in a corner of the rehabilitation center anxiously making a phone call.

Upon closer inspection, that person turned out to be tomorrow's opponent, Wang Jiang!

"What is he doing?"

Qin Ze looked at Wang Jiang in confusion. Why is this guy making a phone call here instead of taking a good rest to prepare for tomorrow's game?

And he looks very anxious.

Qin Ze didn't want to meddle in other people's business, but he is tomorrow's opponent. If what he is doing now is related to tomorrow's game, he has to pay more attention.

"You're here, right? Or the same place, I'll find you!"

Wang Jiang said anxiously, and immediately hung up the phone.

Then he ran towards the door.

Qin Ze immediately squatted down to tie his shoelaces, perfectly avoiding Wang Jiang's attention.

"School nurse sister! I need to get the kapok balls back for something!"

"It's really urgent! I'll bring him back for treatment soon!"

After Qin Ze got the cotton ball back, he immediately and carefully chased after Wang Jiang.

As a result, he saw Wang Jiang running towards the most remote corner of the school.

This location is a blind spot, and no one would notice if something happened.

""What is that guy doing there?"

Qin Ze looked at Wang Jiang in confusion, his sneaky and cautious back.

He wanted to go over, but seeing how alert he was, he would be in trouble if he was discovered.

At this time, Kapok Ball appeared!

"Kapok ball."

After Qin Ze released the kapok ball, he took out his phone, turned on the camera function, and adjusted the focal length to the maximum.

"You take my phone, fly into the air, and follow that person. Just point my phone at him, and when he comes out, you can come back to me."

Qin Ze explained in detail what to do, and looked at the Kapok Ball expectantly, hoping that it would understand.

However, the Kapok Ball still had dead eyes, and no emotion could be seen at all.

Kapok Ball:"So you haven't let me sleep until now, so that I can be a voyeur and a stalker, and the other party is a man. Do you want to be so perverted?"

Qin Ze:"Oh, please! I'll prepare a richer breakfast for you tomorrow!"

Kapok Ball:"Deal."

After the Kapok Ball agreed, it bit Qin Ze's mobile phone, and then released the fairy wind, allowing itself to fly quickly into the sky to catch up with Wang Jiang.

Qin Ze waited there, looking forward to what video the Kapok Ball would bring.

He was also worried that the Kapok Ball would be discovered.

After a few minutes, Wang Jiang was seen running out with an excited look on his face.

Qin Ze immediately hid behind a big tree when he saw this.

Wang Jiang didn't notice Qin Ze and ran over directly.

At this moment, Qin Ze saw Wang Jiang's profile, which was a little pale, with slightly thick dark circles under his eyes.

It looked quite weird.

After Qin Ze made sure that Wang Jiang had completely disappeared from his sight, he walked out.

At this time, the Kapok Ball also flew back.

Kapok Ball:"Here you go, I can go to sleep now!"

"No problem."

After Qin Ze got his phone back, he put the cotton ball back into the Poké Ball.

Then he immediately went to the rehabilitation center and handed the cotton ball to the school doctor.

He then hurried back to the dormitory and couldn't wait to open his phone to see what the cotton ball had captured.

Because it was in the air, and the cotton ball was difficult to control floating, the video was a little shaky.

In addition, it was a bit far from the ground, so even at the maximum focal length, it would look a bit blurry.

Qin Ze had to squint his eyes and it was very difficult to see the general idea. Wang Jiang ran to the school fence, and a takeaway boy came from the opposite side. After he looked around furtively, he threw the takeaway in his hand, jumped over the fence and fell towards Wang Jiang.

Wang Jiang was in a panic. After catching it, he opened the takeout box to check.

I don’t know what they said in the middle, so I can’t hear it.

Wang Jiang poured out all the food in the lunch box, and I don’t know what he took out from it. After he nodded, he immediately took out a thick cowhide envelope and passed it through the fence to the delivery boy.

After the delivery boy put it away, he left here immediately.

Then Wang Jiang released Haunter and Snake.

Then he picked up the thing in his hand, and this time he finally saw what it was. It looked like a syringe.

Wang Jiang didn’t know what he injected into his Pokémon, and Haunter and Snake twisted.

However, Wang Jiang didn’t care so much, just put it away and ran away.

The following is the story of Kapok’s return.

"Weird, what did Wang Jiang inject into his Pokémon? Why did Snake and Haunter behave so strangely?

Qin Ze frowned in confusion, feeling that there was something bad in the syringe.

"Should I report it to the principal?"

Qin Ze just had this idea and quickly rejected it.

First of all, the video was not clear at all. When Wang Jiang was fighting the elf, he could be said to be a regular strengthening effort.���Medicine.

However, any medicine that enhances effort value is very expensive. The lowest quality one starts at 10,000, and the good quality one can cost 100,000.

At that time, Wang Jiang can ask his acquaintances to get good quality and cheap medicine, but it is not formal and so sneaky.

Although it is unethical to do so, it will not hinder the future.

In that case, it may not be possible to figure out what medicine is in the syringe.

And it will also cause Qin Ze to be targeted.

So the best way is to wait and see tomorrow....

The next day.

Before the game started, there were already a steady stream of people at the scene.

Everyone was looking forward to today's championship game and wanted to know who would win!

In the expectation of everyone, Qin Ze and Wang Jiang finally showed up.

Their appearance undoubtedly attracted everyone's attention.

""Come on Qin Ze! You must win the championship!"

Lin Tao shouted excitedly, waving his hands.

Qin Ze smiled and replied, then walked to the battlefield.

The championship game officially began!......

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