"You! You! You are such a dirty and shameless villain!"

Ou Nini was so angry that she was about to explode.

She had originally thought that if she lost in the end, she would fight to the death and tell everyone about Qin Ze looking under her skirt and attack him personally.

But she didn't expect Qin Ze to go all out and let the whole school see it, so she couldn't slander him even if she wanted to!

"When it comes to villains, you are the ancestor. Don't get in the way here, you bitch."

Qin Ze said coldly and left here, leaving Ou Nini alone there in impotence and rage.

"Hey, brother, thank you so much for giving us such a feast for the eyes just now."

Lin Tao ran over with a smirk on his face, patted Qin Ze on the shoulder and said

"I didn't mean it, put away your idiotic expression."

Qin Ze rolled his eyes helplessly.

"But how did that guy become like that?"

Lin Tao quickly changed the subject and looked at Ou Nini, who was stomping on the grass in a rage and helplessness.

"Maybe I'm stupid."

"Oh, you must have been stimulated. Qin Ze, you did not do it right just now.���ah"

"Where is that guy who just thanked me so shamelessly?"

The 7 groups of competitions ended quickly.

Now it was already evening, so we might as well save time tomorrow and divide them into groups.

"Since there is one extra person, those who are not assigned will be given a bye to the next round."

"The next round of competition is about to begin, which is the doubles competition. If any student has only one elf, or all the other elves are less than level 14, they can only hope for the best."

After Saint Anhu finished speaking, he signaled the teacher to start the machine.

Then they were randomly divided into groups.

The remaining seven people attracted the attention of all the teachers and students in the audience, like the stars of tomorrow.

They are the seven most outstanding freshmen in Pengcheng University this year.

One or two began to pray silently, hoping that they would be lucky enough to get a bye to the next round. Even if they would lose in the next round, it would be a good thing to show their faces more.

"The third group, Qin Ze vs. Bai Yu, Wang Jiang has a bye."

After the teacher announced the final result, many people couldn't help but make an uproar.

They didn't expect that the first and second place in the written test would meet in this match.

Both Qin Ze and Bai Yu performed very well in the previous competitions.

In particular, everyone can see how powerful Qin Ze's level 20 Caterpie is, and the fact that the grass-attributed Kapok Ball can defeat the familiar flying Mook Bird against its attribute is enough to show how powerful it is.

Now many students are discussing fiercely, who will win between Bai Yu and Qin Ze?

"Qin Ze! I finally have a chance to fight you!"

Bai Yu stared at Qin Ze with excitement. He finally got the chance to step on Qin Ze!

Qin Ze couldn't help but move his feet when he saw Bai Yu's eyes that wanted to eat him. Should he look at him with such a disgusting look?

That's why Qin Ze really didn't want to fight this guy.

"Disband now, the competition will start at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning!"

After Principal Saint Ann Fox finished speaking, everyone dispersed with a sense of satisfaction, recalling today's various competitions and the spring scenery.

"Qin Ze!"

When Qin Ze was walking back, An Tongyue came up and pushed Qin Ze's back hard.

"Wow, why did you push me suddenly? Are you trying to murder me? I didn't list you as the beneficiary of my insurance."

Qin Ze glanced at An Tongyue helplessly and said

"Hehe, I'm just kidding you. You're so strong, it's not easy for you to get into trouble."

An Tongyue smiled and tapped Qin Ze's back.

Because he had been practicing outside for a period of time, Qin Ze also had a layer of solid muscles on his body, which was not comparable to the hard work in the gym.

"Congratulations on making it this far. If you win three more games, you can become the champion!"

An Tongyue said with a smile.

""Thank you for your good words, but it's not that simple."

When Qin Ze said this, his eyes couldn't help but show a serious look.

Among the many contestants, the one he cared about the most was Wang Jiang.

How did he manage to train Haunter and Snake to level 23 in such a short time?

The most important thing is that Haunter is only at the mass level.

Then Qin Ze remembered that when he was selecting the elves, he saw Wang Jiang choose Gastly.

At first, he was very happy to find out that it was a Gastly, but when he found out that it was a mass qualification, he was suddenly disappointed.

At that time, Qin Ze also used his appreciation eye to analyze Gastly's future.

Wang Jiang tried his best, worked part-time everywhere to save money, and even borrowed money to buy resources. Finally, he trained Gastly into Haunter, and then he was ecstatic to find someone to exchange and evolve with, so that Haunter could evolve into Gengar.

As a result, Wang Jiang got liver cancer due to overwork. He emptied his savings to train Gastly, so he couldn't afford medical treatment.

In the end, he could only sell Haunter on the black market with tears in his eyes, and he relied on the money to take anti-cancer drugs every day to prolong his life. He was depressed.

After Haunter evolved into Gengar, it fell into the hands of criminals and did all kinds of bad things.

Such a future looks miserable.

But now there is such a big change, which makes Qin Ze wonder what Wang Jiang has experienced in this month. He feels that something is wrong.

"What are you thinking about?"

At this time, An Tongyue suddenly slapped Qin Ze's back and shouted loudly, scaring Qin Ze so much that he staggered and came back to his senses.

"Sorry, I was thinking about the battle later.

Qin Ze replied casually.


After An Tongyue heard this, she couldn't help rolling her eyes and puffing her lips a little. It seemed that she had really called Qin Ze a lot just now.

"Oh, I have to go to training. Let's talk next time when we are free!"

Qin Ze thought about it and decided to use the time tonight to train more. Then he said goodbye to An Tongyue in a hurry and ran towards the dedicated training ground in the university.

"Hey, really, why did you leave me like this? Aren’t you usually willing to chat with me?"

An Tongyue looked at Qin Ze's anxious back and felt a little unhappy. It was the first time she saw Qin Ze leaving her behind like this.

Pengcheng University has a special training ground with many equipment for elves to train.

Usually there are many students coming here to train. Even at night, you can see some seniors and classmates lifting weights and running on treadmills with their elves.

Qin Ze did not use these equipment, but went to the temporarily unused battlefield and released the Caterpie and Kapok Ball.

""Growlithe, Kapok, we will enter the next round tomorrow, and it is a doubles match. Our opponents are two fire-attribute elves. I am not worried about Growlithe, but Kapok is a bit troublesome, so we need to do special training."

Qin Ze said while looking at the two elves.

After hearing Qin Ze's words, Kapok's dead fish eyes suddenly became very ugly.


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