
Kapok Ball really enjoyed the hug from a beauty like An Tongyue, and couldn't help showing a look of happiness. His originally dead fish eyes suddenly became so comfortable that they turned into crescents.

"It's really cute. I've heard that the cotton ball is soft, like cotton candy. It turns out it's true."

An Tongyue hugged the cotton ball and felt very comfortable. She kept rubbing her face against the cotton ball's head.

Looking at the cotton ball, Qin Ze actually felt a little envious?

What kind of Momonosuke behavior is this?!!!

An Tongyue is his friend for many years, right?

He has never enjoyed such treatment....This kapok ball, what right does it have?!


The Kapok Ball seemed to notice that Qin Ze's expression was not right, so he returned to his usual dead fish eyes and looked at Qin Ze, and then actually showed a mocking look.

Kapok Ball:"Your shit shoveler must be envious, right? Let me tell you, I was born only one year ago, and I have done things that you haven't done in more than ten years. Are you envious and jealous?"

"Fuck you!!"

The murderous words of Kapok Ball made Qin Ze's blood boil instantly. He almost wanted to grab Kapok Ball and give it a very intimate education.

However, because An Tongyue was here, Qin Ze could only suppress his anger and force a smile.

Seeing that Qin Ze did not react, Kapok Ball simply turned his head and continued to enjoy the soft and comfortable feeling.

Qin Ze was so angry that he could only eat dinner in big mouthfuls to appease his little heart.

"Didn't the dog system say that I have the ability to increase the intimacy of the elves? How can the cotton ball look like it has increased?"

Qin Ze couldn't help but roar in his heart.

However, the system would not give any response, so Qin Ze could only turn this breath into food and suppress it in his stomach.

"What's wrong with you, Qin Ze? Why are you eating so fast all of a sudden? Are you that hungry?"

Seeing Qin Ze like this, An Tongyue couldn't help but feel puzzled.

Usually, Qin Ze was quite polite when eating, so why did he become so manic today?

"It's okay. I just came back from training and I'm too hungry. There's nothing good to eat in the secret realm."

Qin Ze forced a smile and made up a lie to fool him.

An Tongyue nodded and didn't think much about it.

"By the way, tomorrow is the day when the Rookie Cup competition begins. Are you ready?"

An Tongyue asked curiously.

"Of course, the rules of the Rookie Cup are one-on-one, and the top four will play doubles. It is enough to have Kapok and Caterpie."

Qin Ze smiled and assured

"That's right! Ouch!"

"Well, I'll help you out of my difficulty."

Katie and Kapok both nodded in agreement with Qin Ze's words.

"Yueyue, don't you plan to participate? The rewards are very generous."

Qin Ze asked curiously

"No, I want to concentrate on developing elf performers, and I don't like fighting."

An Tongyue shook her head helplessly.

Qin Ze didn't say anything after hearing this. Not everyone likes elves fighting.

Living with elves, laughing together, and pursuing dreams together...Maybe this is what they want

"You better do your best. If you win, I will treat you to a meal to celebrate."

An Tongyue blinked her left eye and said with a smile.

"Okay, it’s a deal, we want a high-end restaurant!"

"Ha? You're going to kill me!"

Seeing that Qin Ze was so shameless and made her bleed profusely, An Tongyue had to puff out her lips to express her anger.

However, her look did not make people feel angry at all, but rather very cute.

Qin Ze had to lower his head and eat a few more mouthfuls of rice.

As a result, when he lowered his head, he happened to meet Kapok Ball's gaze.

Kapok Ball kept his dead fish eyes and a bit of contempt and said,"Coward, that's all?"

Qin Ze could only forcefully keep smiling after hearing this, and replied with almost no movement of his mouth,"Shut up!"

After finishing his meal with An Tongyue, Qin Ze took Caterpie and Kapok back to the dormitory to sleep.

There was no need to do any training tonight, so he could sleep peacefully to recover his strength.

Before he came back, he trained day and night every day, but now he can finally have a good night's sleep.

The two elves slept very soundly.

The next day.

Pengcheng University rarely released a lot of fireworks. Countless fireworks exploded in the air and turned into very conspicuous pink smoke.

Then you can see several big king swallows flying back and forth in this smoky sky, and performing various difficult movements.

In the end, the smoke turned into a line of big words

"The 20th Pengcheng Newcomer Cup has officially begun!"

After seeing this line of words, all the students and teachers, even the sweepers and canteen staff, were clapping and cheering happily.

The Newcomer Cup is definitely a feast of feasts for every school!

Now all the participating students are rushing to the university's competition venue.

Nowadays, the competition venue can be said to be deserted, with people everywhere.

I don't know where the vendors came from, hawking outside.

There is no need to think that part of the money earned by these vendors will definitely go into the university's pocket, otherwise how could it come in?

"Welcome all future stars to actively participate in this year's Rookie Cup Competition! You should all know what the significance of this competition is without me saying much! I hope you can show what you have learned throughout your life in the competition, and don't leave any regrets!"

After the principal finished speaking, everyone applauded enthusiastically.

Then it was the stage for the principal to introduce the guests.

There were more than a dozen guests from various fields.

Some were business tycoons who made money from Pokémon research.

Some were entertainment companies that engaged in Pokémon performers.

Of course, the most important thing is the celebrities in the battle field.

The directors of the three major gyms in Pengcheng.

The Red Flame Gym - Yin Yanshan.

The Clear Water Gym - Li Lanlian.

The Thunder Gym - Zhang Kun.

Each of them is a well-known existence in Pengcheng and even nearby areas.

However, the most important thing is the big guy sitting in the middle.

They are official personnel of the Pokémon League, and they are here to find potential trainers.

With so many people watching them, many novice trainers were excited.

If they could be noticed by one of them, they would be rich!

"Now I will tell you the prizes for the top three in this competition!"

The principal's next words were what everyone was looking forward to the most!

"Third place! Reward 100,000! And a lower-grade property-enhancing treasure!!"

"Runner-up! Reward: 200,000, and a medium-quality property-enhancing treasure"

"Champion! A reward of 500,000 yuan and a medium-grade property-enhancing treasure."

Everyone couldn't help but get excited when they heard this. Qin Ze's eyes couldn't help but show a fiery look.

The champion must be won! He was short of money!


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