"If you lose, you lose. You said that a real man should pay the price for his choice, instead of playing tricks here like a scoundrel!"

The coach scolded Wang Lin fiercely.

Wang Lin was as dejected as a wronged young wife.

Then the coach looked at the other students.

"As a student of our Chiyan Dojo, you must be able to afford to lose, be responsible for your own choices, and don't embarrass yourself!"

After hearing the coach's scolding, the students lowered their heads and dared not say anything.

Then they couldn't help but whisper.

"My god, this challenger is so powerful. I didn't expect his Growlithe to be so strong."

"Yes, that flame is not something that ordinary Caterpillars have."

"Looks like we have to be careful, this challenger is not simple."

This time, all the students put away their small thoughts of looking down on others, and looked at Qin Ze seriously.

"Challenger, congratulations on your victory in the first round. This time your prize money is increased to 3,500 yuan. Do you want to continue the competition? If not, you can get the prize money now. If yes, then you have to continue the competition."

The coach came over and said.

At this time, Qin Ze was stroking the Caterpie and praising it for doing a good job.

When he saw the coach coming over, he stood up and responded

"I want to continue the game"

"Okay, blue orange fruit, every time we win we will prepare a blue orange fruit to restore the elves' physical strength."

The coach took out a blue orange fruit and handed it to Qin Ze.

"Thank you."

Qin Ze took the blue orange fruit and fed it to Caterpie.

Although it only consumed a little energy, he believed that the next step would not be so easy, so it was best to stay in the best condition at all times.

"Second round, Lin Yong! Fight!"

The coach shouted to the crowd.


Then a tall and thin boy came out with big strides.

"Come out! Little Charmer!"

Lin Yong threw out the Poké Ball and released a little Charmer.

The color of this little Charmer looked particularly good, and it was obvious that the owner had put a lot of effort into maintaining it.

"I'm telling you! I won't be like that idiot Wang Lin, who lets you do anything!"

Lin Yong pointed at Qin Ze and shouted

"Of course, if you still do the same thing after learning from the past, I will have to study your IQ."

Qin Ze replied calmly.

"Challenger Qin Ze, do you need to change your elf?"

The coach looked at Qin Ze and asked according to the procedure.

"No need."

Qin Ze shook his head. He only had one level 15 Kapok ball left. How could he possibly use it to fight?

"Second round! Start!"

The coach shouted

"Little Fire Horse! Charge Flame Attack!"

Lin Yong immediately gave the order!

Little Fire Horse's whole body was emitting blazing flames, and its four legs turned into afterimages and stomped rapidly, rushing towards Caterpie like a train.

""Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Every time the little fire horse stepped on something, there would be a loud explosion.

Fortunately, the floor here is very solid, otherwise, if it were the concrete floor outside, it would have been blown into countless potholes.

And I don't know if it's an illusion, Qin Ze feels that every time the little fire horse steps on something like an explosion, it will go a little faster.

But before he could figure out why, it had already rushed in front of the Katni.

Without Qin Ze's order, the Katni was very conscious and rolled to the side, narrowly avoiding the little fire horse's move.

""Little Fire Horse! Continue to use the Charged Flame Attack!"

Lin Yong continued to give orders.

Little Fire Horse, once again burning all over, rushed towards Growlithely with explosive footsteps!

The Charged Flame Attack will increase speed every time it is used.

If Little Fire Horse continues to use it, its speed will increase to a very scary level! It must be eliminated as soon as possible!

However, having said that.

First of all, the venue here is not big, and Little Fire Horse is very fast. Qin Ze will not be able to seize the opportunity to counterattack for a while.

He can only let Growlithe avoid first.

"Come on! Lin Yong defeated him!"

"Take back the face that Wang Lin lost just now!"

"Let him know how powerful the Red Flame Gym is!"

The students around cheered for Little Fire Horse and Lin Yong.

Wang Lin's failure just now made them feel quite embarrassed, so they had to regain their face here!

Qin Ze didn't pay attention to the shouting around him, but watched Little Fire Horse's movements.

As Little Fire Horse used more and more times of charging flames, its speed also became faster and faster.

According to Qin Ze's estimation, if Caterpie didn't counterattack within two rounds, he would lose!

"What's wrong? Why do you just hide? Are you scared? If so, give up now, so as not to hurt your partner too much."

Lin Yong sneered and mocked.

Qin Ze just smiled slightly after hearing this, and ignored him, staring at the little fire horse with his eyes wide open.


Katie felt particularly painful when being rubbed by the little fire horse's hoof. He was also blown away by the explosion caused by the little fire horse's trampling, suffering some injuries.

As a result, his movements began to slow down, and he could no longer dodge as neatly as before.

On the other hand, the little fire horse was not tired at all, but was getting faster and faster, and his attack became more and more fierce!

"Now! Flame Wheel!"

Qin Ze's eyes widened when he saw this!

Just now, when the little fire horse touched the caterpillar, it was accompanied by flames, which just activated the fire-inducing characteristic of the caterpillar!

If not now, when will it be!


Katie Dog roared immediately after hearing this, and then burst into flames, turning into a rolling tire and crashing head-on into the little fire horse that had just turned back!


After the two powerful flames and bodies collided, an explosion of astonishing power was produced.

The powerful blast wave almost made it difficult for everyone around to stand.

At this time, on the second floor of the gym, a sturdy middle-aged man was walking with a student in his early twenties. Next to him was a secretary with an outstanding figure, holding a financial report and reporting something.

"Gym Manager, this quarter's gym revenue is 10% higher than last quarter...Ahhhhh!"

Then the secretary was frightened by the sudden explosion and could not help but stand behind the curator.

"Hmm? This flame..."

The director looked at the explosion site and felt that the flame energy was quite extraordinary!

Because he was the director of the Chiyan Dojo, Yin Yanshan, he had a profound understanding of the fire attribute.

Just by feeling it a little, he could feel that this flame energy was different from ordinary fire spirits!

"There must be some powerful challenger coming."

The young man behind him looked at the explosion and said

"It looks interesting. Let's go over and take a look!"

Yin Yanshan showed a hint of anticipation, and then he jumped down from the second floor and walked towards the battlefield.

The young man shook his head helplessly and could only take the stairs.......

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