""Woo woo woo!!"

At this moment, the Katie looked in pain, lying on the grass and trembling. Its face was almost devoid of its original color, but instead was purple and blue.

""Catti! What's wrong with you?"

Seeing that Catti's face turned so ugly, as if it was poisoned, Qin Ze suddenly became nervous.

Is there something wrong with the purple flame fruit? Or is it because he ate too much?

"Katie, are you okay?

Qin Ze carefully reached out his hand and wanted to touch Katie.


But in the next second, Katy Dog suddenly burst into a fierce flame, wrapping all over his body.

The sparks and heat burned Qin Ze's hand and he quickly retracted it. He was in great pain and kept shaking his hand to relieve the pain.

""Catti! Are you okay?"

Qin Ze looked at Catti anxiously.


Catti would definitely respond to Qin Ze's anxious look.

But now,

Catti was extremely irritable.

Its painful face showed the look of looking at an enemy, staring at Qin Ze with bared teeth. With every heavy breath, sparks would roll in its mouth, which looked particularly weird.

Qin Ze had to take a step back.


The next second, Catie opened her mouth and spit out a lot of sparks to attack Qin Ze.

Qin Ze couldn't react to such a sudden attack.

Fortunately, Scyther reacted in time and immediately stood in front of Qin Ze, raising his two swords to block the attack of the sparks.

"Thank you, Scyther."

Qin Ze expressed his gratitude and quickly looked at Caterpillar. He didn't understand why Caterpillar suddenly attacked him.

"Could it be that it ate too much Purple Flame Fruit and over-replenished it, causing it to go berserk?"

Qin Ze immediately guessed, and after thinking about it, this was probably the only answer.

"This is bad, what should I do? Does it count as getting angry? Will drinking herbal tea help? Or should I just let it vent?"

This made Qin Ze panic. It was the first time he encountered such a problem, and he had no idea what to do.


However, Katie didn't care about that. He was now overwhelmed by the powerful force of the Purple Flame Fruit and only wanted to vent his anger in the battle!

Then Katie actually used the Flame Wheel!

This time, the flames on the Flame Wheel were very large! Like a burning train, it rushed towards Qin Ze!

Scyther immediately grabbed Qin Ze and flew into the sky, avoiding Katie's attack

"Damn it, what should I do now? Should I knock it out?"

All Qin Ze could think of was to defeat Caterpillar through fighting, but would that drive away the fire of the Purple Flame Fruit?

Just as Qin Ze was thinking,

Caterpillar lost Qin Ze as a target, and went crazy, spitting out sparks everywhere to attack.

The power of the sparks was much stronger than before, just like a machine gun firing non-stop, blowing up one tree after another!

""Woo woo woo!"

Just then, a cotton ball floated out from the bushes, with a terrified look on its face. It was obviously blown away by the sparks from Caterpie.

The cotton ball's small eyes were greatly shocked, and it looked around anxiously, trying to see what was going on.

""Ah, woo, woo, woo!"

When Growlithe saw a Kapok Ball appear, he immediately roared fiercely, obviously locking the Kapok Ball as his target!

Growlithe immediately sprayed a large number of sparks to attack the Kapok Ball.

The Kapok Ball was frightened by the sudden attack and quickly jumped up to avoid it.

In the next second, Growlithe immediately used the self-sacrifice collision to rush towards the Kapok Stick!

Because Growlithe's whole body was on fire at this time, even if it used ordinary moves, it would look like a fire-attribute move.


A fierce and fiery Caterpie rushed towards him, causing Kapok to exclaim in surprise.

"Not good!"

Qin Ze was anxious when he saw this. The current Caterpillar didn't know how to control its strength. It would be bad if it killed Kapok Ball!

Just when Qin Ze was thinking this, Caterpillar was about to hit Kapok Ball!

But at this critical moment, Kapok Ball just jumped lightly, turned its body, and easily avoided Caterpillar's attack.


Seeing this scene, Qin Ze showed a puzzled look, feeling something was a little strange.

The action of Kapok Ball just now didn't seem to be an ordinary evasive action?


Kompok Ball seemed to be angered by Growlithe's attack, and it erupted into a fierce pink whirlwind, blowing towards Growlithe, which had just stood firm, and blew it away!

Then Kapok Ball spun at high speed, releasing many leaves, which cut through the air like blades at an astonishing speed and stabbed Growlithe one after another!

""Woo woo woo!!"

This made the Caterpie feel very uncomfortable, and it couldn't help but howl loudly, but it immediately emitted flames all over its body and burned the leaves, and then its eyes were red, staring at the Kapok Ball with murderous intent.

It seemed that it would not stop until it defeated the Kapok Ball.

The Kapok Ball also changed its panicked look just now, and stared at the Caterpie with the same momentum.


Kartie took the lead, continuously spitting out sparks, while Kapok used the Flying Leaf Blade to intercept so many sparks.

The next second, Kartie used the Flame Wheel and rushed towards Kapok.

Kapok did not dodge immediately, but waited for Kartie to get close.

When Kartie was about to hit Kapok, Kapok immediately jumped to the side and easily avoided the attack!

Kartie immediately changed direction and turned around to roll towards Kapok!

Kapok just jumped lightly to avoid Kartie's attack!

No matter how Kartie chased, Kapok could dodge immediately.

Now this jungle has turned into a sea of fire because of Kartie's Flame Wheel, and the environment is particularly harsh.

Kapok also noticed this, and every time it dodged, it would keep a distance to avoid being caught in the sea of fire.

"The movements of this kapok ball are so light, is it because it is so light?"

Qin Ze kept watching the movements of the kapok ball, its every move���It was very light, just like a feather.

Then Qin Ze immediately looked at the kapok ball with appreciation.

【Elf: Kapok Ball (♀)】

【Level: 15】

【Attribute: Grass + Fairy】

【Features: Mischievous Heart (Can be the first to use a change move)】

【Individual stats: HP (31), Attack (24), Defense (26), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (25), Speed (31)】

【Skills: Fairy Wind (Novice), Leaf Blade (Novice), Super Absorption (Novice), Paralysis Powder (Novice)】

【Carrying items: Blue tangerine fruit】

【Potential: Quasi-king】

【Elf Future: A cotton ball with the potential to be a quasi-king. He is not competitive, but things come to him. After passively fighting with many opponents, his strength becomes stronger and stronger. He also studies the skill of improving his movement speed according to the wind generated by the opponent's attack. Finally, he is lucky enough to get the Sun Stone and evolve into a wind fairy. With his light body, he floats in the wind and spends his life freely.】


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