After several rounds of fighting, Natsuki approached the final.

Among them, Xiaofu Egg and Ibrahimovic each fought two matches, and Coco Dora fought one, winning both.

It’s just that Coco Dora almost dug through the ground of the cruise ship by digging a hole, just a little, mainly because the materials for building the Saint Teanu are very good, and Coco Dora likes it very much, so she quietly dug a little more.

Fortunately, the Saint Teanu did not let Xia Shu pay, otherwise he would have run away!

And the surrounding audience already knows that Natsuki’s little lucky egg is a heavenly grace feature, because when using the effect addition trick, nine times out of ten will trigger the additional effect.

The trainer and the elf were numb, if it weren’t for the fact that this kind of thing was impossible to cheat, Natsuki’s opponent would definitely let Natsuki and Xiaofu take a urine test.

The urine is full of lucky potions, not a little pee!

But coincidentally, Natsuki’s opponent in the final was Daisuke, the Fire Ibu fanatic.

However, when Natsuki saw Daisuke, he was a little embarrassed.

Because he and Konah were intoxicated by his speech while Daisuke was intoxicated, he and Konah quietly slipped away.

Although it is very rude, Daisuke this guy is too wordy.

“So it’s you! I remember you left with your friend first, did you go to the bathroom? Daisuke said with a look of excitement.

Hearing this, Xia Shulen froze for a moment, he didn’t expect Daisuke to actually make excuses for the two of them, which was really good.

So the trainer in front of him must be a hot-blooded young man, and he likes this hot-blooded young man the most.

“Ah! That’s right, it hurt my stomach at the time, so we went to the toilet and we’re very sorry! Xia Shu said with a sincere face.

Daisuke believed.

“So it is! But are you and your companions also going to this year’s quartz conference? Daisuke asked.

Hearing this, Xia Shu nodded and said, “Yes!” ”

“We will participate in this quartz conference!”

Natsuki has only one goal in participating in the Quartz Conference, and that is to be the champion.

After all, no one will remember who the runner-up is, and he wants everyone to remember him in order to achieve his goal.

If it doesn’t sound, it’s already a blockbuster!

“Fantastic, I’ll be at the Quartz Conference too.”

“It’s just that I didn’t expect that we would fight here in advance, and I would defeat you with my fire Ibu!”

Excited Daisuke threw his elf directly, and Fire Eevee appeared.

It’s just that this battle was Natsuki’s first move, but Daisuke took out his elves first.

But it doesn’t matter, the elves for Daisuke only have Fire Eevee, and it doesn’t matter if they don’t start first.

“The winner will definitely be me!”

“Go! Eevee! Natsuki pointed ahead.

Standing next to Natsuki, Ibrahimovic jumped into the middle of the battlefield.

[Fire Eevee: Fire Elf].

[Feature: Ignition (This characteristic elves will not be damaged when attacked by fire attribute moves. Instead, it will increase the power of his fire attribute moves. )】

[Attribute: Fire].

[Tricks: Shout, Impact, Sand Picking, Tail Wagging, Spark, Jet Flame, Flame Fang.] 】

[Strength: Senior].

“This fire Ibu is a little weak!”

“When he was in Eevee, he didn’t let him learn most of the general system tricks, too many general system tricks will not, it seems that he should use the Fire Stone to force evolution shortly after receiving it, but it’s a pity!” Xia Shu said secretly in his heart.

After the elf evolves, its strength will become stronger, but if the foundation is more solid, then the strength after evolution will be stronger.

Daisuke’s Ievee was apparently taken in shortly after birth, and then evolved into Fire Eevee after obtaining the Fire Stone.

Although Ibrahimovic evolved into Fire Eevee, the foundation was not laid at all, many tricks would not, and even the strength had not improved much.

This is a complete waste of the energy of the Fire Stone, and it is a storm of heavenly things!

The best way is to let Eevee learn as many general tricks as possible and other tricks that can be learned, and then evolve so that he can maximize the energy of the Fire Stone.

Of course, this Ibrahimovic still has a chance to save, sink down and try to lay a solid foundation, then there will be no problem.

The question, though, is whether his trainer, Daisuke, is willing to do so.

But Natsuki is not a trainer of Fire Ibu and is not qualified to meddle with other trainers.

“Fire Ibu vs. Ibrahimovic, this will definitely be a wonderful battle!”

“It must be my fire evee who will win!”

“Fire Eevee, use jet flame!”

Daisuke made a quick decision and let Fire Ibu attack Ievee.

Jet Flame is a fire trick, which has a mediocre effect for the general Eevee, but Jet Flame has an additional effect, that is, it can burn the elves who are hit.

“Flash of electricity!”

Ibrahimovic moved, and his speed increased sharply, and the speed of the jet flames was not at all as fast as Ibrahimovic.

And quickly approached Fire Eevee.

“Stop Eevee and continue to use the jet flame!” Daisuke shouted.


When Fire Eevee was ready to use the jet flame again, Eevee had already come to Fire Eevee and slammed into it.

The electric flash hit.

Eevee’s violent impact caused Fire Eevee to fly upside down and slide several meters on the ground.

Taking advantage of your illness and killing you, this is Natsuki’s consistent style.

“High Speed Star!”

The energy of the general system turns into golden five-pointed stars.

The golden stars rained down towards the fire.

And after the energy has accumulated to a certain extent, it exploded.


After a large number of high-speed stars were superimposed, the energy instantly burst.

Layers of qi waves hit all around.

“Ask for rain!”

The energy on Eevee’s body burst out, and dark clouds appeared in the venue, which is the weather trick of the water system, asking for rain.

Originally, Eevee didn’t know this trick, but he couldn’t stand that there was a water system plus an ice system and a super power system around him, Sister Fan Lip.

Over time, Ibrahimovic learned to ask for rain.




Rain fell from the venue, and smoke from the explosion was drowned out by the rain.

At this time, Huo Yibu struggled to get up from the ground, but at this time, Huo Yibu’s situation was not very good.

The continuous attack just now made Huoyevee injured not lightly, and coupled with the rain at this time, Huoyevee made Huoyevee even worse.

“Don’t give up, Eevee uses the Flame Fang!”

Daisuke is ready to fight to the death.

“It’s over, Ibrahimovic, weather ball!”

The weather ball is a rather special trick that changes its attributes depending on the weather.

Sunny or cloudy, it is a general attack.

A sunny day is a fire attack.

Rainy days are a trick for the water system.

The rain began to gather, and a pale blue water ball condensed in front of Ibrahimovic.

And when Huo Yibu saw the formation of the water ball, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes!

The weather ball was launched and hit Fire Eevee accurately.

The effect is outstanding!

“Fire Eevee loses the ability to fight, Eevee wins, so the winner is trainer Natsuki!”

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