Elemental card king

Chapter 76 Su Chen is not a human being

When Su Chen threw out a blank sealing card, he sealed the Thorny Flower Demon Queen in one fell swoop.

Wang Liyang, who was leading the team, suddenly appeared out of thin air.

In other words, everything has already been under his mental observation.

When the previous flash of malice flashed through Bai Bowen's mind, he planned to take action. However, seeing Su Chen's arrival, he hesitated for a while and decided to witness the other party's response with his own eyes.


He could only use this word to describe it.

This kid's fighting awareness is simply unparalleled.

Except this.

The 100% compatibility of the Imperial Spirit Armor and the ultra-high fusion of the Ice Fox Spirit Body both gave the opponent an increase beyond imagination.

This guy was truly born to be a warrior.

"Well done." Wang Liyang praised.

It turned out that the devil Wang who led the team could also praise others. The two students who were rescued from the training team felt that this scene was really unbelievable.

"Thank you, Brother Chen." They also immediately expressed their gratitude to Su Chen.

Since the first day of hugging each other and having some interactions, most of the formal training team members, regardless of age, have changed their name to Brother Chen.

In order to save his life, this title was even more sincere.


Teacher He Yun and several instructors rushed there one after another.

"Call the police."

After learning the ins and outs of the incident, Teacher He Yun looked at the blooming Blood Spirit Flower deep in the cave and chose to call the police on the spot.

20 minutes later.

Su Chen met an old acquaintance, Ma Heyu, the captain of the city's card enforcement team.

"This bunch of Corps bastards waiting to die were warned a week ago to be careful about suspicious characters."

The Achen police officer said with a face full of resentment: "The growth environment of the Blood Spirit Flower is highly matched with the realm of the Fairy Wilderness. These people who are just waiting to die are really going in one ear and out the other. This is not true at all." Dry."

If they hadn't specifically investigated Bai Bowen's mobile phone equipment, the members of the Law Enforcement Team would have thought there was insider trading.

But what is even more chilling is that the entire garrison has no understanding of what is going on under their noses.

"Thank you for your help."

The cavalry team looked calm and showed no resentment. They just thanked Su Chen again for his help.

"You will definitely be selected as a model representative of outstanding citizens. In addition, Bai Bowen is a wanted criminal in the next city, and his 500,000 reward will be paid directly to you in the near future."

The horse team assured: "Of course, everything is anonymous and will not have any impact on your life."

After all, the cultivation expert Bai Bowen, nicknamed "Lao Bai" on the road, also has a partner in charge of sales channels. In order to dispel Su Chen's concerns, the horse team said this.

After adding contact information and taking notes, Su Chen returned to the training team accompanied by Teacher He Yun.


During this time, the four-day trip to the Fairy Wild Hunting Ground also came to a successful end.

Su Chen also successively counted and sold the sealed cards obtained in the past two days.

This time, he exchanged 10 kilograms of fine gold materials and some related material cards.

Fine gold, a magic metal, is much more expensive than ordinary gold.

This is very suitable for absorbing the metallic form of Yao Jin Jing Ling.

Su Chen also wanted to see how outstanding the effect of permanent growth was.

Before that, he also exchanged some metallic material cards, preparing to crack and strengthen the only growth-producing skill 'Gold Source Extraction'.

On the way back, I still took the same fighter plane.

One student suddenly asked: "Is the main plane we are on really unique?"

The definition of the main plane, from a slightly general perspective, requires not only having a very large geographical territory, but also nurturing a brilliant and advanced intelligent civilization.

Blue Star, the main planet of the main plane of the sky, is still expanding by merging with the smaller planes.

"What if one day we encounter a main plane that is highly similar to our civilization level?"

This is a statement that caters to doomsday theory, especially after the establishment of a plane observatory. After everyone begins to open their eyes and see thousands of planes, they always feel an inexplicable feeling of suffocation.

But hundreds of years later, the theory of doomsday was self-defeating, and instead the theory of destiny became very popular.

We are born special, the only beloved ones, born to transcend thousands of planes.

This is destiny!

This is obviously an extreme theory, seeking a reasonable basis for conquering extraterritorial planes and enslaving all races.

Since this theory originated from extreme card masters who insisted on bloodline theory, it was absolutely banned by the Blue Star Alliance.

So are we unique?

Returning to this question, Teacher He Yun smiled and said: "The universe is very big, I dare not guarantee it, but major plane observation stations tell us that even if a main plane is discovered, at least until you grow old, None of them can reach our homeland.”

"That's great."

Many students breathed a sigh of relief. At least the garrison corps' greedy nature taught everyone a lesson.

The peaceful and stable Fairyland has corrupted a group of soldiers from well-connected households, but the peacekeeping troops outside the territory have long heard that military discipline is lax.

It would be very difficult to really expect them to fight.

"Don't think about those who have something but don't have it. There is less than a month left before the provincial preliminaries. You should seize the time to improve yourself." Teacher He Yun said.


After arriving home, Su Chen counted what he had earned over the four days.

88W alliance coins.

10 kilograms of fine gold material.

11 material cards, including 4 spiritual material cards, 4 space material cards, and 3 metallic material cards.

It is different from the previous free material resources that required the provision of synthesis formulas, clear on-the-spot meditation enhancement, and were not allowed to be taken away for resale.

This time it requires students to put in a certain amount of strength and labor expenditure. How to deal with it after the exchange depends entirely on personal wishes.

In order to prevent others from delving into the uses of so many material cards, Su Chen did not redeem all the material cards at once.

"That's enough. The round of strengthening is almost over. Next, we will crack the strengthening at full speed, and then directly let the little spirit become a true spirit body and be promoted to a demon envoy."

In fact, his mental strength just measured was only 171, which was a little lower than teacher Wu Zhongming expected.

Su Chen is not in a hurry at all and will not meditate and practice again.

“Three goals before the provincial tournament.”

"1. Xiao Ling is promoted to Demon Envoy."

"2. The fourth card of the contract."

"3. Practice the sun contemplation method to the proficiency stage."

From easy to difficult.

Su Chen circled a total of three dates on the October calendar on his mobile phone.

And after turning the calendar to November, he circled a date during the provincial competition.

"Four. Promote to intermediate card master."

After making a clear plan, he also began to practice sun observation that night.

The next two days are the monthly exams for No. 1 Middle School.

In addition to successfully answering all the five liberal arts test papers, a physical test record is also required.

"Brother Chen is no longer a human being."

At the training venue, ever since a student unfortunately picked Su Chen as his opponent in the ring and begged him to show mercy, an incredible scene immediately unfolded.

"A Lin can't break through the defense at all."

On the stage, classmate A Lin was wearing a training uniform and holding a Kawu that integrated a gun and sword.

He kept pulling the trigger, delivering extremely comfortable remote output.

Su Chen on the other side of the ring remained motionless, perfectly demonstrating what a fixed target was. However, the jet of bullets that flew away could not get close to him, and was constantly blocked by small barriers that intertwined and permeated the air.

This is not an integrated barrier that surrounds the entire body.

However, it is about the size of a palm, has a hexagonal shape, and looks very thin, but it is enough to easily block metal jets.

"It's very easy."

Teacher Yu Dong, who was watching the battle from the side, was also secretly shocked. This delicate mental manipulation power can be said to have saved too much mental energy consumption.

The Sun Observation method can use external light to ward off enemies, which saves even more effort.

But without extraordinary courage and perfect prediction ability, a single mistake will result in missing a bullet.

"In addition to being brave and careful, his fighting awareness is amazing!"

Teacher Yu Dong commented.

Under the admiration of all the students, the battle gradually became one-sided.

I saw the bullet jets that were fired away constantly refracted and returned. Under Ah Lin's strange scream, the weapon in his hand that successfully switched to sword mode kept slashing back and forth.

The operation of cutting bullets with the sword is quite good.

Especially after the effect card [Concentration] was activated, he was actually hit by two bullets, but it was of no avail. The three missed bullets directly hit the left and right chests. The strong impact force made him only feel a pain in his ribs.

"No more playing, surrender!"

Ah Lin raised his hands high on the spot and motioned with his eyes to the referee to announce the result quickly.

Oh my god, he didn't want to be tortured.

"This guy really has no fighting spirit at all." Du Hanping despised this kind of behavior.

"It's not obvious."

Huang Haoliang said with a smile: "The Contract Concentration Card is more intended to be used in reading comprehension and rote memorization, and not everyone wants to fight and kill."

There is no place for heroes, and in the prosperous era of harmony and stability, more auxiliary functional cards are becoming more and more popular.

In addition to the physical test, the monthly exam requires two recording sessions of actual combat.


Du Hanping unfortunately got Su Chen in the next round of drawing, and he gradually walked onto the ring with a complicated mood.

"Don't worry, the score won't account for much, not to mention that if Brother Chen is too strong, the loser will also increase his performance score appropriately." Huang Haoliang consoled him from behind.

"Come on, President!"

There were a lot of sparse cheers from the side of the ring.

Du Hanping, who was determined to reform his childhood environment, was not without achievements. Within this month, he became the president of the school's practical club.

But the comparison between club members and training team members is undoubtedly very different.

What's more, Du Hanping was once defeated by the blazing demon spirit.

No one thought he had any chance of winning.

After coming to the ring, this tough man was also very courageous and did not ask for mercy.

The battle began, and the strong man carrying a heavy hammer accelerated his sprint.

The first card of his contract [Heavy Attack] and the second card [Barbarian] were activated one after another, which allowed him to launch a charge with a heavy weapon. The whole leaping figure really looked like a heavy tank.

But if you face an elemental demon with a large immunity to physical damage, you still have no chance at all.

So Su Chen went up alone.


Du Hanping was shocked.


A dull clashing sound sounded.

The slender figure holding the war sword met head-on. When Du Hanping met him, the heavy hammer that Du Hanping was about to drop was held up by the slender sword in the opponent's hand, and the momentum of his own impact was completely resolved in an instant.

The long-handled heavy hammer has an advantage in strength, and its entire body is glowing with a blazing white luster. This is the effect of the heavy attack card.

When the two were superimposed, Du Hanping, who also had the protection of a barbarian body, had no advantage at all in the battle of strength.

"What's happening here."

He was shocked.

The mediocre training sword turned into a peerless sword. Under the forcible suppression, Du Hanping was not only stopped from moving forward, but also took a step back.


Another sword slashed down quickly. Du Hanping reacted hastily, but the heavy hammer that he barely raised to block could not hold on. Under the pain of the tiger's mouth in his hands, he was completely discouraged from the effort, and the heavy weapon in his hand fell to the ground.


Du Hanping wanted to cry but had no tears.

A month later, the gap in strength between the two became even wider.

He had no idea that Su Chen could crush him just by relying on his physical strength and sword skills without activating the card.

What does this mean?

"Sorry to disappoint everyone."

It's hard for a bunch of people to cheer him on.

"The president is the best." There was still cheering coming from below.

It seems that Du Hanping does have a certain degree of prestige in the society. It is unclear whether the reform of the atmosphere will be successful. The establishment of the status of the boss is real.

"Su Chen's body has improved to this point." More people were shocked by Su Chen's performance.

It is not a secret that the other party has started to understand the sun contemplation method.

But within such a month, the refraction and mental barrier were covered by his meticulous skills, but the effect of the inner divine light infiltrating the whole body was really eye-catching.

A normal person can tell that the other party is quite sophisticated in cultivation and has put in a lot of hard work.

"Good guy, this is a direct reproduction of the card-free style of the past."

Under the amazement of everyone, Teacher Yu Dong has realized that Su Chen's Sun Viewing Technique seems to be not far away from the proficiency stage.

"How many meters are there left now? 200 meters or 400 meters. I've already set a trap, brother." Lin Zhexian joked.

Xu Zigui on the side didn't do this anymore, and he didn't blush.

"What's going on, buddy, I went to the Fairy Wild Hunting Ground for four days and I'm convinced." The bad friend looked at him suspiciously.

Xu Zigui just said calmly: "People, you have to look further ahead and don't waste one day or another."

"Just accept your fate, and you're talking so politely." Lin Zhexian smiled.

After the practical exam, the head teacher specifically talked to Su Chen.

"Can you make it in time?"

Teacher Yu Dong expressed all the doubts in his heart. He was afraid that the high-intensity practice of sun contemplation would delay the progress of his mental power.

If this goes wrong, then he will be self-defeating.

"No problem." Su Chen said.

It is hard to explain to outsiders that the cracking and strengthening of the colorless transparent divine card is a big help. There is no need to show it to the outside world such as the Heart of Holy Glory and other auxiliary divine objects.

"Okay, then I'm relieved." Teacher Yu Dong smiled.

Su Chen has always felt the class teacher's trust and expectations for him.

Teacher He Yun also joked that Teacher Wu's year-end performance was entirely due to herself.

Mr. Qian's argument that if you eat seven times the resources, you have to use the power of seven people.

Even my uncle hoped that after he won the national award, he would take a group photo and prepare it to be framed in the office to show off to the grandson of the engineering department in the first town.

All these things are urging Su Chen himself intentionally or unintentionally.


He is not a person who needs advice before he can move forward. His strong self-motivation is enough to keep him moving forward.

"Everything is for yourself!"

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