The room suddenly became awkward, quiet, and strangely embarrassed.

Xiaoyuan pondered what she said, and regretted when she calmed down. She felt that her facial features were all crumpled together.

Why mention the old things again?

Speaking of starting again, wouldn't it be more embarrassing for her and Wei Zhuang to mention the old things again?

Her face suddenly became hot, her heart beating faster, she didn't know what to look for to break the ice, especially when she touched Wei Zhuang's eyes, her mind was even more unable to think.

The woman's dark and deep eyes stared at her, like a deep pool, wrinkled with a little regret, waves of guilt, her lips tightened slightly, as if trying to say what she was about to say.

Xiaoyuan felt the invisible pressure approaching, and she didn't know how to face it for a while, so she chose to escape temporarily, "Ah, this matter is still in the future, let's talk about it..."

She turned to avoid the bedroom and pushed the door behind her back.

She didn't want Wei Zhuang to think that she was the kind of person who turned over the old accounts. She actually didn't want to do this, but the words came out naturally, and she couldn't help but let her introspect herself. Even if the previous quarrel with Wei Zhuang was gone, both of them helped each other out. Emotions, together determine a new beginning, but deep down in her heart, is she still caring that Wei Zhuang decided to end with her at that time?

She sighed unconsciously.

The matter may have passed, but the emotions are not there, she may still have grievances and sadness.

Gao Tesong came to inform her that night, she felt like she was suddenly abandoned, like when she came home from school one day when she was a child, she was locked out of the door, alone at a loss, and she was sick with her mother and her brother. Zhuang phone, she did not answer the unprecedented helpless moment.

Even earlier, Wei Zhuang always failed to respond to her expectations in time, and she cried many times.

Xiaoyuan sat down unconsciously and brought his face to his knees.

It doesn’t make much sense to entangle the past, but she does have shadows in her heart. She is afraid that these shadows will affect her and Wei Zhuang’s present. She also doesn’t want to turn over the old accounts whenever something happens in the future, nor does she want to leave this to Wei Zhuang. impression.

There is also the sentence "If you don't want me in the future", how can Wei Zhuang answer her?

That person has never said "fancy" love words, let alone make unrealistic promises lightly.

It is true that the words "forever", "absolutely not" and "not next time" are particularly nice and beautiful, but Xiaoyuan is well aware of the unreliability of these words.

That man promised the same when he married his mother.

Before her mother decided to get married, she drew a blueprint for her to be particularly beautiful and happy.

When my mother learned that the man had done to her, she promised her again and again that "he won't do it next time."

These words are good, but they have no effect here. She actually resisted these words. She was also afraid that Wei Zhuang would say similar things, so she avoided.

With this hiding, she hid into the night.

After taking a shower, she secretly opened the door to look out.

The house in Weizhuang is too big, the lights are basically on at night, it is very warm and warm, but it is silent.

She walked out and went around without seeing the shadow of Wei Village. She paced slowly to the bedroom of Wei Village. The door was not locked and was half open.

She stood for a while, her face full of entanglement, she hadn't thought of a way to solve the "small quarrel" just now, so she didn't know what to say when she went in.

She hesitated for a long time, but finally did not go in.

Xiaoyuan returned to the room and lay down.

She hadn't slept in this room for a long time, and the placement of the bed remained the same. It was against the wall. She closed her eyes to brew sleepiness, but she turned around, always feeling very upset.

It's been several hours. Didn't she come to see her if she hadn't been out of Weizhuang for so long?

Well, Wei Zhuang hasn’t changed much from before, she still cold herself as before...

Xiaoyuan started scratching the sheets, thinking wildly.

So is it possible for her not to be herself?

Wait, why does she want Wei Zhuang to not want herself? Why don't you want her?

Who is right?

Stop thinking about it!

Anyway! It's the big villain of Wei Zhuang, come in and look for her!

The more she thought about it, the more she couldn't sleep, and her heart was sour, and tears were about to come out.

She leaned on her side while pursing her lips, her eyelashes were also filled with tears. As soon as she moved her hand, she suddenly heard a slight noise at the door.

Xiaoyuan's heart beat, and quickly closed his eyes and pretended to sleep.

It didn't take long for Wei Zhuang to walk over from the door. In this short period of time, Xiao Yuan's heart was caught uncontrollably high, hanging high.

She walked to the bed and stopped, as if looking at herself, there was no movement.

Xiaoyuan's heart was hanging in the air, and she kept making "boom boom boom" noises.

"Are you asleep?" she asked in a low voice.

Xiaoyuan closed her eyes tightly and said nothing.

After a while, the bed sank slightly, and the familiar fragrance approached. She said a word and was silent for a long time without any movement, as if she was just sitting next to her.

It’s been too long, and I almost lost patience when I got to Xiaoyuan, and finally heard her call herself, "...Xiaoyuan."

She just yelled at herself, and there was nothing to follow.

Xiaoyuan's heart was jumping violently in the air, and she secretly grabbed the quilt.

What do you want to say? Say it quickly!

"...I never told you that I did something wrong." The woman's voice gradually lowered, became faint, slowly, like water flowing through Xiaoyuan's heart, and the irritability disappeared in an instant. Become soft, sour.

She wanted to open her eyes and said to Wei Zhuang: "No, I don't want to hear you say these things. From your perspective, it is understandable to misunderstand that way. Forget it, don't say it!"

But she didn't think she could open her eyes. Maybe Wei Zhuang said that because she thought she was asleep, maybe she knew that she was "pretending to be asleep" and said what she had kept in her heart for a long time without exposing herself.

That's enough!

In fact, she didn't really want to turn over the old accounts!

After Wei Zhuang spoke for a while, Xiao Yuan felt that half of her body was stiff, and the woman's hand stroked her shoulder, and then stood up.

Huh? Is she leaving now?

Did you leave like this?

Xiaoyuan's heart is tangled again. Shouldn't she stop her, but what is she going to say?

By the way, why did Wei Zhuang plan to leave like this? Is there no next step?

Although she doesn't know what the next step is, there should be a next step! Can't be like before, she looked at herself and went back to her room, they have started again now, it should be different from before! She should always give herself a secret signal so that she can turn around and "wake up"!

signal! signal! Give the code!

Please, don't just leave like this! If you leave like this, you are really the "big villain"!

For a while, the room was quiet.

Xiaoyuan couldn't help but bounce off the bed!

Suddenly, her eyes were not completely closed, and she noticed that the woman's figure was lowered, and she held her cheek, and her soft lips lightly touched her cheek.

A soft and charming cheek kiss was on his lips.

Xiao Yuan's whole body suddenly numb, and in the next second, his body has preempted his consciousness to sit up, and a ring of two hands encircles the woman's slender and flexible waist.

Wei Zhuang stood up straight, holding her tightly in his arms with one hand. After she paused, she looked down at Xiaoyuan.

The fluffy and soft hair lifted up a delicate pink face, her thick eyelashes and pupils blinked at herself like cutting water, and Wei Zhuang's heart moved with it.

She stroked Xiaoyuan's cheek, came to her pretty nose, and stroked her aura of little mole, Xiaoyuan wrinkled her nose slightly, met her quiet gaze, and smiled at her.

In the middle of the night, it was more quiet, lying on the bed, Xiaoyuan seemed to hear the worms in the grass.

It must be an illusion, how can a tall building hear the sound of the ground.

But now lying together with Wei Zhuang, as if in a perfect summer night.

Stars, insects, breeze.

And, Xiaoyuan buried her face in the woman's arms, the fragrance of flowers.

The lights are dimmed, warm and dim, suitable for whispering and kissing.

"Are you used to me now?" Xiaoyuan whispered, are you used to sleeping with her at night?

Wei Zhuang did not answer, but stroked her hair gently.

Xiao Yuan was picked up by her movements, raised her head and put on her own lips, and the two of them stuck to one place, lingering warmly.

The atmosphere is too warm and beautiful, no words are needed to increase the movement. The issue that was disputed just now has been thrown away. Both parties will find a common compromise. Other things are not important. Embracing at this moment is the most rare.

Xiaoyuan rested on Wei Zhuang's arms, her eyelids gradually became heavier, the woman's palm was against her ears, and both of them fell asleep unconsciously.


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