Gao Tezhu realized with an idea that the boss really cared more about Xiang Xiaoyuan than she did. Although she decided to end the "contract" first, from the various traces, she obviously did not let go. Xiang Xiaoyuan.

She feels very understandable. The boss has never been in a relationship before, and his temper is so boring, and he is holding everything in his heart. If you don't say it, don't take the initiative, how can young people know?

She still remembered that the two of the Magnolia Award last year had an unpleasant mess. The little garden boy was uncomfortable when he didn't win the prize, and was looking forward to Wei Zhuang’s comfort. Who knew that the boss would be better, so he just threw a sentence, "It’s just a small prize." "She was stunned by the side, although after that she saw the little garden in Venice, she added, "This is the stage that belongs to her, so she said that Magnolia is a small prize," Ke Ke Renjia Xiaoyuan The cub didn't know.

She had hinted that the little girl needed to coax, and Gao Tezhu decided to hint again today.

"Mr Wei, time flies so fast, it's the Magnolia Award again!"

She saw her boss's eyes flashing slightly, and boldly guessed that she should have listened to it, so she didn't say more.

Alex thought that they would have a turnaround. He didn't expect to see the hot search every other morning, and he didn't expect that the boss had no other expressions except the air pressure all day.

At most, I watched the phrase "currently single" for a few more seconds.

Something is wrong, something is wrong, something is really wrong.

Although she couldn't see anything wrong, the sixth sense told her that it was a big deal. She smelled a scent of tranquility before the storm.

The boss has socializing tonight.

Gao Tezhu changed her formal dress. The boss was more casual than her. She just changed her shoes, changed the color of lipstick, curled her hair up, and was still in the daytime suit.

Alex sighed. As far as the social status and aura of the boss are concerned, she no longer needs to rely on clothes to set it off. She is casual, and she comes with a kind of expensiveness that is not easy to provoke.

The location is in a very high-end clubhouse, quiet, with few people. Those who come here are big bosses from the business world, and only the boss is a woman.

Gao Te helped his gaze swept over, among a group of men who were superb or beer belly or lackluster appearance, the boss was simply a snowy peak under the moonlight, dazzlingly stunning and deserted.

But these men didn't dare to underestimate her, they didn't dare to make jokes about her, they spoke decently and knowingly.

Some of them brought their companions, and some of them brought assistants or secretaries. They couldn't come forward, but could only be in another place.

After a while, several female publicists came in to cheer.

It is said that it is a female publicist, but it is actually a relatively advanced call girl. This is too common for this occasion, but Alex's eyelids jumped inexplicably.

She was far away, and saw someone sitting on the sofa in the same row as the boss.

She had been with her boss several times before, but Mr. Wei refused every time, and the men who came before were all men. Why are they women today?

Gott helped lift the champagne glass, and walked closer and closer.

The chattering and laughter over there floated over, "Mr. Wei, every time I see you alone, I will let her accompany you today, and I can just pour you wine, nothing else."

"Yes, they are all women, do you mind?"

"This is Abby, do you think she looks a bit like the very popular actress now, whose surname is Xiang..."

"Xiang Xiaoyuan, right? That one really looks good."

It happened that the person named Abby got up to get the wine, and Gott's eyes flashed over, and the corners of his mouth twitched:

【That's it? Just her? Like my garden boy? Do you have problems with your eyes? 】

[Just her? It’s not as good as a smile on my cub’s face after ten more births, okay? 】

Gao Tezhu kept staring at that Abby, he was only in his early twenties, with rosy lips and fair skin. He looked bright when he smiled, and certainly not bad for senior public relations.

She kept staring at that Abby, but she suddenly made a chuckle in her heart.

Why doesn't Wei always refuse? Still letting Abby pour her wine, letting Abby sit next to her?

Gao Tezhu's eyes almost shot past.

【what happened? Is Wei always stimulated by hot searches? Haven't all been clarified? 】

She didn't dare to take it lightly all night, and her eyes were locked over there without blinking. The woman was quiet and didn't talk to the boss. She noticed that the boss didn't look at her much.

Gao Tezhu's heart was relieved for the most part, and finally finished socializing, she followed Wei Zhuang out.

"Mr. Wei..." At this moment, Abby chased him, and Alex raised his foot and walked two steps without a trace, and he stood in front of his boss without a trace.

Abby shrank slightly, his gaze crossed her to look at Wei Zhuang, her cheeks flushed.

"President Wei, in fact, I don't want to come here either. I am a student of Shencheng University, just for tuition..."

Gao Tezhu frowned and looked impatient.

[Shencheng University is a good school, are you still here? Why do you say this? We, Mr. Wei, are not interested in you at all! ! ! No! ! ! 】

Abby lowered her face, straightened her waistline, and showed her good figure as much as possible. He lifted his eyes and looked at Wei Zhuang, "Can I see you in the future?"

Gao Tezhu's heart was like boiling water, and his eyes secretly looked back at his boss.

[Mr. Wei, you must not be confused! 】

She heard Wei Zhuang’s cold voice saying: “Lu Hua has set up a scholarship in Shenda. If you don’t want to, you don’t need to use this method to earn tuition.”

After speaking, the boss turned around and left

Gao Te help pursed her lips and smirked. Then Abby was taken aback, her face flushed instantly, she walked forward and wanted to say something, Alex blocked her with a high smile, "Miss Abby, study hard, come on and get the scholarship. "

After getting in the car, Gao Tezhu was in a relaxed mood, the night was as cool as water, the fragrance of flowers was faint, the bustling night scene was not asleep, and everything was lively.

She quietly looked at the boss, and saw that she closed her eyes and calmed down, half of her face was hidden in the dark, seeming to be a bit tired.

"Are you tired?" Gao Tezhu asked tentatively.

"Yeah." Wei Zhuang unexpectedly responded softly.

The carriage was quiet for a few seconds.

Gao Te helped hesitate to speak.

"Just say what you want." Wei Zhuang still closed his eyes.

Gao Te helped take a deep breath, paused, and then took another breath, boldly asking, "...I thought...Are you interested in that Abby?"

After she finished speaking, her heart was pounding and she was so nervous to death.

Wei Zhuang opened his eyes, startled slightly, and glanced at her, "I haven't thought about it that way."

Gao Tezhu was also taken aback. He didn't expect Wei Zhuang to answer her question directly.

Except for official communication, she and the boss did not have any communication on private affairs in a few steps. Gao Tezhu always feels that she has to be very different from her, she can care about the boss, but can't be too inquiring about the boss's personal affairs.

Secretly knocking on her and Xiang Xiaoyuan's CP is enough to be both public and private and exciting enough.

She didn't expect that at this moment, the answer back and forth was a bit of a private chat with friends.

Gao Tezhu suddenly felt a little complicated in his heart.

In fact, although the boss is a boss, although she looks a little bit colder, she is not close to strangers, but in fact, she is very nice to people around her.

The Mercedes-Benz currently driven by Uncle Wang was given to him by Mr. Wei, and it was registered under his name.

And the first sports car of his life was also awarded to him by the boss.

She just doesn't know how to express, in fact, there is a very warm side, very kind to others.

"What do you think of Miss Xiang?" As soon as Gao Tezhu came up, he blurted out and asked.

Wei Zhuang's expression became slightly stiff, and his lips were pursed.

Gao Tezhu couldn't help but dare to ask again, "Miss Xiang is so good, if you don't act, maybe she will soon..."

Her tone was stagnant, Wei Zhuang seemed to already know what she was going to say, and her expression became cold.

"I was soon goodbye, others chased, chased, chased...go, go..." Gao Tezhu didn't expect that he stuttered, his voice gradually weakened, and he also said a little echo effect.

The atmosphere froze for a minute or two.

Wei Zhuang suddenly lowered his eyes, tiredness overflowed from the end of her eyes, the slender and cold white knuckles rubbed her forehead, her face was condensed with a bleak gray cold.

"It's the end of the contract that I said first, right?"

Gao Tezhu closed his mouth and nodded silently.

She looked out the window and slowly said, "I gave her a message last night, but she didn't reply to me."

what? This?

Is that so?

Gao Tezhu gathered and blended the information he received in his mind. Instead of returning the information to the boss, the boy went to dinner with his colleagues and was photographed after the meal.

Zou Yirui and Lu Jingnian came out to clarify that it was a dinner, and Yuan Zai also said that she is currently single, but she did not deny that Zhou Yu and Xu Muyi were interested in her...

A discerning person can also tell that the two men are interested in her.

Ah, this...

Now I think that the garden boy wore the ear studs, but he didn't wear the bracelet Wei always gave her. Maybe he really put President Wei in his current post, right?

The carriage became silent again, and Gao Tezhu suddenly didn't know what to say.

When passing Luhua Square, there are traffic lights for nearly one and a half minutes.

Advertisements are being broadcast on the big screen in the square.

On the seashore, the yacht leaping up and down with the waves, the woman in black skirt is standing in it, her rugged and exquisite figure shakes gently with the waves, the camera zooms in, and her black straw hat has black gauze hanging down from the brim, her face is invisible, only one Plump, delicate red lips, light and shadow swayed on the snow-white skin.

Suddenly, the sea breeze blew and the black gauze fluttered away, the woman's facial features were exposed, her red lips pouted, and her eyes slightly bent towards the camera.


In the next second, the lipstick slogan came out-Lancome M804, a deadly bewitching, unforgettable dream.


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