Eldest Senior Brother is Ordinary

Chapter 6: Daluo Immortal Palace

Senior Brother, the Daluo event will start tomorrow. The headmaster asks you to go to Daluo Palace and prepare.

Outside the door, I don't know which disciple's voice sounded.

Inside the door, Lu Changsheng frowned and wrote Dan Fang.

However, this so-called pill recipe was completely written by Lu Changsheng.

Writing medicinal herbs is not a difficult task, because medicinal herbs are divided into five elements, and a reasonable combination is a medicinal formula, and if you want to refine a different medicinal formula, you need to fine-tune it.

So in less than ten days, Lu Changsheng wrote more than a dozen different pill recipes.

As for whether there is an effect or not, it is unknown, after all, it has not been practiced yet.

Big Brother!

The soft call sounded again, bringing Lu Changsheng back to his senses.


After replying a word lightly, Lu Changsheng stood up, stretched his muscles and bones, and walked straight to the door.

The disciple outside the door stood respectfully. As Lu Changsheng came out, he raised his head slightly, and then showed a look of shock.

Obviously another shallow man.

The Daluo Palace is located in the center of the Daluo Holy Land. The Red Peak is not very far from the Daluo Palace, but it is also dozens of miles away, so the transportation is naturally a magic weapon such as a flying sword.

However, the transportation that Zongmen arranged for Lu Changsheng was not a flying sword, but a jade boat, which was one level higher than the flying sword.

Stepping onto the jade boat, this magical instrument will soon rise into the air, with no noise or pollution. The speed is extremely fast, but it will not make people feel too fast. There is a formation in the jade boat to block the wind, and the flight is extremely stable. , so that people can read the scenery with peace of mind.

View from above the jade boat.

Daluo Holy Land is splendid in style, with Qionglou Yuyu, Zidian Jinque, and mountains and peaks, like a constellation, with abundant vegetation and Xianmen Holy Land.

Pull out any place, and it can be selected as one of the top ten scenic spots, suitable for old age and health preservation.

And if you say the most magnificent, of course, the Daluo Palace.

The Daluo Palace is not a hall, but a combination of hundreds of halls. Each tile is a five-color glazed tile. Under the sunlight, it flashes five-color light, the cranes fly, the rainbow bridges are everywhere, and there is also the ancient sound of chanting. It shows the extraordinaryness of Daluo Palace.

Looking up, even if he didn't learn the Qi technique, he could see the purple qi above the Daluo Palace, which represented the supreme destiny.

One of the top ten holy places in the world, well-deserved reputation.

However, at this moment, there are many figures in the Daluo Palace, busy and busy, and the lights are decorated everywhere, which is very lively.

Tomorrow will be the Da Luo event, and naturally, the entire sect must be mobilized.

Will you invite outsiders to this event?

On the jade boat, Lu Changsheng opened his mouth and asked the young disciple behind him.

The latter was stunned for a while, as if he didn't expect Lu Changsheng to take the initiative to talk to him, which made him a little overwhelmed, but he quickly recovered and said, Reporting to Senior Brother, this Da Luo event is mainly about The canonized senior brother is the senior brother, so there are no invitations to be widely distributed.

No outsiders were invited?

Lu Changsheng frowned slightly, but said nothing.

Just can't help thinking.

This script is wrong.

It stands to reason that when he canonized as a senior, he should be widely invited to witness the righteous path of the world, and there will be many young heroes just like him.

At that time, if you follow the script, there will be a few Tianjiao with higher hearts than the sky, humiliating themselves with words. At this time, the system in my body should be activated. Even if it is not a system, activating an old grandfather is better than now. So unremarkable, right?

As outstanding as Senior Brother, it may not be many years before he can be titled as the Holy Son of Daluo. At that time, the Holy Land will invite the world's most respectable sects to come to the Holy Son Conference.

The young disciple didn't know what his senior brother was thinking, and said something irrelevant.

At the same time, Yuzhou also came to the Daluo Palace.

Elder Brother, please!

The young junior brother asked Lu Changsheng to disembark.

Thank you, brother, I don't have anything for you. I will give this pill to my brother. You have to work hard. Seeing that you are still an inner disciple, you need to know that there is a long way to go. I will seek it up and down.

In the past few days, I have to deal with the Da Luo event, and the alchemy can only be put aside. I don’t know how to deal with dozens of alchemy recipes in my hand. Right now, this junior brother is a good candidate. Let him go to refining and see. If you produce a good pill, everything will be fine, if you don't make it.

I'm sorry, junior brother, you and I don't know each other. Why do you have to force the relationship?

If there is something wrong with the refined medicine pill.

This junior brother, you can't make alchemy by yourself, why did you forcibly frame the blame on me? Come on, drag it to face the cliff and face the wall for ten years.

Lu Changsheng had already figured out the countermeasures for all the consequences, and it was a bit shameless, but as long as it didn't stick to the pan, everything would be fine.

Lu Changsheng's thoughts are very strange, but the young junior brother is different. He was originally ordered to bring this senior brother over, and he also wanted to witness this legendary figure, but he never thought that this senior senior brother was so polite. And he also gave himself a pill.

To be honest, he has been thinking recently, whether to choose a left-handed technique to practice. Now that Lu Changsheng sent the pill recipe, he couldn't help but be sure of the idea of ​​pill concocting.

At the moment, Wang Ming was very grateful: Thank you, brother, for giving the recipe. The brother will not disgrace the name of brother.

Don't be like this, since it is given to you, then this pill is yours. What my brother has learned is the Way of Selflessness. All fame and fortune are nothing but the past. But if you really make a good pill, remember to inform your brother, it is also considered a A creation.

After finishing the conversation, Lu Changsheng walked directly into the Daluo Palace.

Outside the Daluo Palace, from the bottom to the top, there is a ladder to the sky, made of top-quality mutton fat. This kind of spiritual jade is very precious, and ordinary monks can't get one piece, and only the Daluo Holy Land dares to take this kind of jade. Jade builds nine hundred and ninety-nine ladders.

There is no one beside the ladder, but tomorrow there will be inner disciples standing on the left and right sides, and a grand ceremony will be held to show the grandeur.

Nine hundred and ninety-nine ladders, it sounds tall, but it will kill people to walk.

Ten steps are one zhang, and nine hundred and ninety-nine steps are equal to one hundred zhang, which is three hundred meters in height.

Fortunately, there is a certain level of cultivation, although weak, but at least not unable to climb mountains.

But when Lu Changsheng walked up the ladder, he couldn't help but feel depressed.

There is an inexplicable formation on the ladder to limit mana, which means very simple, you have to climb up step by step.

When I become the headmaster, I must cancel this rule-breaking.

Although he was saddened in his heart, Lu Changsheng's face was calm, with an indescribable demeanor.

Dressed in white, it was as if an exiled immortal was in the dust.

At this time, the wind was blowing, and the corners of Lu Changsheng's clothes were blown.

About half an hour later, Lu Changsheng climbed the ladder, but he was also very tired.


At this moment, a familiar voice sounded.

It was the voice of Daoist Qingyun.

Lu Changsheng, who had not had time to rest, couldn't help but look away.

There were three people standing in the hall, all of them old people. At this moment, they were twisting their beards and looking at themselves with a smile.

For some reason, Lu Changsheng wanted to swear.

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