So, although it will take a little longer to help him draw, it is worth it.

it is good.

Gu Qingyu agreed.


Zhuang Ziyi's eyes suddenly lit up.

Then junior sister, after the award ceremony, you can go to our company to have a look!

Gu Qingyu agreed. She was actually thinking about a question. After Zhuang Ziyi left, Gu Qingyu directly asked Feifei to summarize the box office of the earth's animation films in the past ten years. The result made her very interested. It only started to develop in a few years, but in recent years, due to the improvement of the script plot and technology, some of Huaxia's animated films can reach several hundred million at the box office.

The previous foreign movies had higher box office. For example, the global box office of the first film of The Snow Princess was 1.276 billion US dollars, and the second film reached 1.443 billion US dollars!

very profitable...

There were still two hours before the awards, Gu Qingyu was sitting in the cafe in the basement, watching the first part of The Snow Princess on his mobile phone, and summed up a few points that the box office can be so high.

The characters are clear, the story is simple, the pictures are beautiful, and the songs are very good. Whether it is a mother, a young girl, or their children will like it. Besides, in addition to the box office, the peripherals of this kind of cartoon movie are also very popular. Well, that's not just 1.4 billion...

At this moment, Gu Qingyu felt that he had found his way.

It's no longer the 100,000 earning, but the bigger direction!

She's going to make an animated movie!

With her technology and painting skills, it is absolutely possible that she can even independently make a movie that is more beautiful and more shocking than all the existing animated movies on earth without relying on anyone!

However, for now, let's take her award first.

Gu Qingyu won the first prize in the oil painting group by accident. The 100,000 yuan bonus and trophy were immediately distributed on the spot. Although a certain amount of tax had to be deducted, it was still a lot. Although it was still too much for her. not enough.

Now that she has found a direction, she is not in a hurry to be a laboratory. First of all, she has to make money. If she wants to make money with animated movies, she needs to buy and transform a brain that can be used on their planet. Fortunately, she has the technology. In addition to energy, other knowledge and technology on the planet are shared, and almost everyone can research and produce things that people on earth cannot imagine.

Although some of the required parts have no raw materials on earth, she can only make a relatively backward intellectual brain, but it is also much more advanced than the movies on earth, and it is enough.

And this bonus is enough for her to make a brain.

Gu Qingyu happily accepted the award and was about to leave, but was reminded to stay for a group photo. She felt a little boring, but she stayed because she saw Mu Xuanqing!

Why is he here?

Gu Qingyu's eyes lit up, stood up from his seat, sneaked behind Mu Xuanqing who was outside, and hugged him violently!

Mu Xuanqing actually found out that she was here long ago, and knew that she was sneaky, and most likely wanted to scare him.

He didn't move either, waiting slowly for her to scare him, but unexpectedly, she didn't scare him, but hugged him directly from behind!

The body froze, and then quickly relaxed.


Mu Xuanqing's voice was a little helpless.

If Chen Ran heard it, he would be very surprised.

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