Bai Xiuqi really feels a pity. From this painting, we can see how talented the author is. Although there is still room for improvement in some skills, sometimes talent, the worldview and emotions conveyed by the painting are more important than skills. a lot of.

This is also the reason why Mrs. Mu asked him several times, and he only agreed to give instructions occasionally, and did not accept Mu Ai as his disciple.

But at this moment, seeing Gu Qingyu's painting, Bai Xiuqi somehow felt the same feeling that he saw Mu Xuanqing at first, and his blood boiled with excitement.

Apart from Mu Xuanqing, he has only one disciple in his life, and the other party has already achieved considerable achievements in the industry. He sponsored this international painting competition. Tens of thousands of contestants from dozens of countries participated, and the final competition was held in China because of he.

But that disciple was far less talented than Mu Xuanqing in his heart, he was just diligent enough.

Bai Xiuqi has always wanted to accept another disciple. He originally thought that the girl named Mu Ai from the Mu family was also the niece of his proud but regretful eldest disciple. Although he had no talent, he had good skills and enough attention. Almost every week, I come to him with new works for guidance, and after his guidance, her painting will indeed improve next time...

In this way, he will not lose to his second disciple. He is old and probably won't be able to meet the second Mu Xuanqing...

After thinking about this competition, if there is no accident, he will officially accept Mu Ai as his close disciple.

Unexpectedly, when I met Mu Xuanqing, I was pleasantly surprised!

This Gu Qingyu... is someone you know? Bai Xiuqi asked.

He was really curious, Mu Xuanqing had no interest in anyone's paintings in the past ten years, why did he come here to see the paintings of this girl named Gu Qingyu? However, the painting is really good, very similar to Mu Xuanqing back then...


Mu Xuanqing nodded. For some reason, seeing Bai Xiuqi appreciating Gu Qingyu's words so much, he had a subtle and proud feeling that his own child was praised by the teacher.

Bai Xiuqi nodded, Yes, you ask her, is she interested in being my disciple? Well... No, I'll ask myself later. For a work like hers, the first prize won't go away, and I'll be able to do it later. seen.

Mu Xuanqing laughed, Well, let's ask the teacher herself, I don't know if she will be interested.

After all, although Gu Qingyu painted this picture very well, it might be too good. Mu Xuanqing always felt that the world of Gu Qingyu... Perhaps, painting is not the most important thing.

Therefore, she may not agree.

From a distance, Mu Ai stared at Bai Xiuqi, her face turning pale.

She has been instructed by Bai Xiuqi for several years. Almost every week, she will bring her paintings to Bai Xiuqi for guidance. She has a good relationship with Mrs. Bai. After guiding, she often chats with Mrs. Bai for afternoon tea. What, over the years, she was more like a junior in Bai Xiuqi's family than a disciple.

She had many opportunities to meet Bai Xiuqi, and when Madam Bai was chatting, she guided her to talk more about Bai Xiuqi, Mu Ai knew Bai Xiuqi that no one else knew.

So she knew very well that Bai Xiuqi would only show this expression when he came across a painting he liked.

Over the years, neither Mr. Bai has shown such an expression of admiration for her works, nor the works of his second apprentice Lin Xiuchen, the organizer of this competition, Huaxia...

Mu Ai's heart sank.

Thank you Beixi for the reward, add another chapter

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