Eldest Miss’s Style Isn’t Right

Chapter 315 Honeymoon trip?

The cabin is a good place, no one can enter it, and it is full of energy, which is very comfortable. I don’t know if it is because of the abundant energy or because it is too shameful to do this kind of thing in the cabin of the spacecraft. Mu Xuanqing discovered that originally Gu Qingyu, who was very sensitive, became more sensitive, and even more...

Addicted him.

So they didn't come out for several days.

Chen Ran and the others didn't think too much, they only thought that their husband and wife were replenishing energy in the laboratory. Infringement, but after understanding how to use energy under the guidance of his wife, he did not hate energy so much. In the past two years, they gradually began to feel that they are in control of energy, but he never tried to use energy like No. 00. Terrible means, because Mr. is the most aware of the damage to human bodies when there is too much energy. He just taught them slowly, so that they can master the energy well before using them.

This time, the husband and wife dealt with No. 00 and cured so many of them. They definitely need to replenish their energy. They just need to guard them and let the husband and wife replenish their energy.

How do you know that after the husband and wife finally came out, the husband was addicted to his face, and the wife...

Ahem, well, they didn't dare to look at the lady who stepped on her husband's foot when she was so embarrassed.

So, they thought they were replenishing energy, but they were replenishing energy and doing something else...

Cough, Chen Ran don't show his face, forget it, he should not worry too much about his husband, he should worry about himself.

The husband trotted to catch up with the wife, and quickly coaxed the lady, and the two showed their affection in front of their group of single dogs.

The corners of Chen Ran's mouth twitched, and he couldn't see it.

Gu Qingyu stared at the trapped No. 00 and squinted. With the technology on Earth, No. 00 can't completely disappear now. It would be great if it could be thrown into the universe. Go to the planet, one hundred and one hundred.

She doesn't think it's cruel to kill her own kind. No. 00 destroyed her hometown, and almost everyone on her home planet had to flee due to energy exhaustion. Now I don't know how many culprits are still alive, and on Earth On, he didn't know how many people he had killed, and No. 00 should have died.

However, it is not good to throw it directly into the sun. Who knows if there will be any bad effects? There is only one earth, and there are so many living people on it. She doesn't want to take such a risk. She can only find a planet that is far away, similar to the sun.

After knowing her thoughts, Mu Xuanqing said thoughtfully: It seems that it is not impossible. Qingyu, or, let's go on a special honeymoon trip.

Space travel is definitely the most special honeymoon trip that no one on earth has ever experienced.

Gu Qingyu glanced at him sideways, a little speechless, Sir, we have been married for several years.

Mu Xuanqing smiled slightly, hugged her and kissed her, and said cheekily: Oh? Is that so? But, I always feel that my wife and I were together yesterday...

Gu Qingyu rolled his eyes.

It's not impossible to travel in space. She actually wants to go out and have a look. It's better to find more energy. After all, energy will always run out...

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