Mu Ai quickly entered the institute and became a receptionist.

Although it is only the front desk, it can be regarded as a successful mission.

Mu Ai said proudly: I succeeded, what about the reward?

No. 00 felt that this woman was really stupid, and the first thing she thought of was these useless appearance rewards, but he knew very well that he had to continue to give her sweets so that Mu Ai could continue to do things for him.

On the 00th, he directly gave Mu Ai a lottery. Under his control, on the virtual panel that Mu Ai saw, she drew a perfect figure. Mu Ai failed a little, It's not youthful forever...

No. 00 complained in his heart, without enough energy, how can ordinary humans stay young forever? Did this Mu Ai read too many novels to think that this kind of thing could be realized? Just having a perfect figure will cost him a lot of energy...

Gotta get more energy quickly.

Mu Ai muttered, However, it's not bad to have a good figure. Youth will last forever. If my face is also permanent, then I have to become perfect in my face and body, and then I can live forever...

No. 00's mouth twitched, too lazy to care about her.

Mu Ai successfully entered the laboratory. She was very peaceful at first. What does a front desk need to do? What's more, the researchers here basically stay in the laboratory, and the entire institute rarely has a guest for ten days and a half months. To put it bluntly, she is just a decorative vase.

Mu Ai didn't care, anyway, she didn't work more than eight hours a day, and she just left when the time was up.

She didn't know that as long as she stayed at the front desk, it was enough for No. 00 to secretly scan all the structures and settings of the entire laboratory. It's just that his energy is limited now, and he is afraid of being noticed by Gu Qingyu, so he only dares to be careful. Just check it little by little every day.

Finally, when Mu Ai was a little impatient to sit at the front desk and play with her mobile phone every day, No. 00 decided to do it. He gave her a new task: enter the laboratory.

Moreover, it is the most important laboratory that only a few senior researchers can enter.

He could feel that there was energy in it.

Mu Ai frowned when she heard the task. Although she had nothing to do all day and just played with her mobile phone, she also knew very well that the security of the research institute was strict, and that the laboratory was not accessible to ordinary researchers. There are only so many people who can enter the research institute, and she can count them with one hand. She is just a front desk, how can she get in?

System, isn't this task too difficult for you? Besides, what's the use of going inside?

No. 00 said: Go in, there are naturally useful things for you. Don't you think it's strange? It's been a few years, and Gu Qingyu and Mu Xuanqing still look exactly the same as before... They don't have a system, but , they have something else...

Mu Ai's eyes lit up, You mean, what they study is...

The magic drug that can make people look youthful forever? !

Mu Ai was instantly moved, and No. 00 sneered at her simplicity and deceit, and said: Yes, you can get the host by completing the task, but what if you get the results of Gu Qingyu's laboratory? You even You can find someone to make it yourself, create your own company and brand, and sell it all over the world. At that time, you will not only be the most beautiful, but also the most powerful woman...

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