Eldest Miss’s Style Isn’t Right

Chapter 280 Only Madam Can Heal Me

Is this man the 'sir' that the bosses said before?

Madam, sir...why are you calling them that?

Someone replied: Mr. is Mr., and Mrs. is Mr.'s wife, so it's natural to be called Mrs.

This answer is like no answer, so no one pays attention to the correct answer.

Some people have another answer, Mr. and Mrs. are a kind of honorary title. They are both rare good people in this world, and they are good people with ability, so they can get such honorary titles.

That's right, now that Mr. and Mrs. have shown their faces, I dare to say something directly... Maybe, have you heard of the 'Mu Qing' orphanage?

?! Mu Qing orphanage was opened by the two of them?! So, this man's surname is Mu?!

Not only Muqing orphans, but also Muqing Studio, Muqing Research Institute, Muqing Scholarship, Muqing Nursing Home, Muqing Group... Everything you can think of that is related to Muqing is basically Mr. and Mrs. Oh, and the money is all from them.

As soon as this revelation came out, Weibo exploded again. Various organizations related to Mu Qing and their contributions to China and all mankind in the past few years were listed one by one. Everyone was surprised. It turns out that Gu Qingyu has done so many things in these extremely low-key years, and many public welfare projects are completely unrewarded, and many emerging technologies that have changed their lives in the past few years have also It's all about Gu Qingyu!

Not only Mrs., Mr. is also very powerful, do you know the Mu family in the imperial capital...

As a result, Weibo was once again caught in a hot revelation.

At this moment, the protagonists, Gu Qingyu and Mu Xuanqing, who have sparked discussions and even global attention, are walking quietly hand in hand on their way to their laboratory.

Sir, if you don't stop everyone from breaking the news, the cleanliness of many years is likely to be gone! Gu Qingyu blinked and looked at the man in front of him.

A few years have passed, and he has grown taller again. Because her body has been conditioned by her, there is no need to bleed every month. Therefore, his body has become stronger and stronger.

Every time he thinks of this, Gu Qingyu always feels that he has suffered a loss.

It was only after they got married that they found out that Mu Xuanqing no longer had the feeling of being unable to control his energy when he had Gu Qingyu. No longer suffering from that torture, he seemed to have found his youthful self, no longer suppressed himself, and even learned to act like a spoiled child without a teacher.

Gu Qingyu couldn't do anything about him at all, Mu Xuanqing just winked at her pitifully and said, Madam, I'm a patient... Only Madam can cure me...

She couldn't refuse at all.

His body is getting better and better, and under her guidance, he gradually understands how to use these energies. His temperament also became more and more calm, a little less cold than before.

Of course, it was for his own people. In the eyes of others, Mr. is still as cold and difficult to get close to.

Hearing her words, Mu Xuanqing smiled, he stopped and looked at her, It doesn't matter, they can't do anything about us anyway.

This is also true, even if people from other countries use the most powerful weapons to deal with them, it is useless. After all, their bodies are now half energy bodies. Moreover, Gu Qingyu also carries a spaceship with him, and he can sit on it and leave the earth at any time. .

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