In that art competition, Li Qingquan won the first prize because Zhuang Jing's plagiarism was exposed by Gu Qingyu in public. He admired Gu Qingyu very much. Although he painted well, he did not really learn to paint. Instead, he studied history. He gained a lot of fans because he participated in a certain quiz show and won the championship. After that, he and Lin Hanjiao were invited to participate in the same show because of their outstanding performance in their respective fields. When they talked about Gu Qingyu, they had a common topic, and the two slowly came together.

Shen Cheng was rejected, a little disappointed.

When he saw that Li Qingquan, whose conditions were not inferior to him, came to pick up Lin Hanjiao, his mood was even more complicated.

The woman he despised at the beginning has learned to shine with the help of Gu Qingyu, and she shines brightly in her field, but he is still a rich second generation who only relies on his family to achieve nothing...

Shen Cheng was stimulated, and then he began to change his previous prodigal style and began to work hard.

Shen Cheng also met Gu Qingchen, who had already returned to China, and brought her foreign boyfriend. Her foreign boyfriend looked good, like a movie star, and treated her very well. However, in In Shen Cheng's opinion, this foreign boyfriend is so kind to her mostly because of money.

It's not that Gu Qingchen doesn't know, but she doesn't care at all. Anyway, she doesn't have much affection for this boyfriend. If he doesn't treat her well one day, won't she give money for another one?

Gu Qingchen's return this time has nothing to do with Gu Qingyu. Her friends in China are basically unwilling to care about her now, and her domestic friends are also very narrow, and no one knows that Gu Qingyu is married. She didn't know who she married, but Gu Qingchen came back just because of Gu Wenqiang.

Gu Wenqiang was stimulated by Gu Qingyu's words before, and the picture of Gu Qingyu jumping off the building and committing suicide always appeared in his mind. As a result, he could not eat well, sleep well, and had a nervous breakdown. Dismissed, the whole person looks a lot thinner.

Probably Gu Qingyu's hint to him was too obvious, Gu Wenqiang really thought that Gu Qingyu was forced to death by him, and had several nightmares, dreaming that Gu Qingyu was covered in blood and asked why he did this to her ...

After a month like this, Gu Wenqiang finally couldn't take it anymore. He went to the temple and started to meditate. He actually became a lay disciple. The quietness of the temple calmed his heart, and he stopped having nightmares. Gotta fall asleep.

After that, Gu Wenqiang actually started to become a Buddhist, no longer obsessed with his company, and even found out with his conscience. He divided his property into three, Gu Qingyu and Gu Qingchen each, and he kept it for himself. one serving.

When he came back this time, Gu Qingchen naturally came to get his share of the property.

Gu Qingchen actually thought it was very strange. Based on what she knew about Gu Wenqiang in the past, it would be good for Gu Wenqiang not to sell her as a marriage tool. How could he give her so much money? But don't do it in vain, taking advantage of Gu Wenqiang's abnormal situation, get what you deserve first, and it's useless for Gu Wenqiang to regret it later!

Gu Qingchen quickly converted all the wealth she had acquired into cash, and became a rich woman with a net worth of billions. Fearing that Gu Wenqiang would regret it, she even immigrated directly. She only visited her mother once, and stayed behind. Give her a sum of money and go directly with her foreign boyfriend.

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