Shen Jianian was very impressed at the time. Half of the dozen or so teenagers died. Some of the children recovered had all kinds of weird physical problems. Some lost their memory, and some lost their minds and turned into stupid people. , Some become like sensitive little beasts, vigilant about everything around them, and don't let anyone get close to them...

Ask them what happened, and they can't tell.

Among them, the one who looked the most normal and recovered the fastest was Mu Xuanqing.

Mu Xuanqing was also obviously hit hard at that time. He also had problems with his body, and even almost died at one point. Neither Chinese medicine nor Western medicine could cure him.

He became taciturn and didn't say a word, but everyone gradually discovered that his power became extremely powerful, his five senses became extremely sharp, and sometimes even a car passing a hundred meters away could feel it. I can even tell how many people are in the car, and what the appearance of the people above are, as if I saw it with my own eyes...

Although he was a genius in the past, he was also a genius in general, but since then, Mu Xuanqing has reached the point where he never forgets the book. As long as he reads the book once, he remembers every word, even the punctuation marks. Can be silent. As long as it is someone who has seen it once, he will remember it, smell it once, hear the sound once...

Compared with the other teenagers who seemed to be failures, Mu Xuanqing seemed to be the only finished product.

However, this finished product still has flaws. Every once in a while, he will encounter a life and death test. When they sent him back to China, a doctor who the Shen family knew once shook his head and told them that even if the boy went back, he would not be able to live. How long……

But he didn't expect that he survived, and he lived a prosperous life. He used his own magical powers to do many things that ordinary people couldn't do, and did a lot of great things for China.

His personality has changed drastically, he doesn't like to talk, he never laughs again, and he isolates himself from everyone he knows, and he hardly even returns home...

Because the Shen family was one of the participants, Shen Jianian knew a lot of things back then.

He was very glad that the child did not die, and was glad that he became stronger and stronger. He was even like other people who knew Mu Xuanqing, who respected and feared him.

After all, although Mu Xuanqing was young, his strength had grown to a terrifying level. It was so terrifying that when Shen Jianian heard about some of the things he had done, he was both amazed and horrified.

Mu Xuanqing was not an ordinary person.

It's not necessarily someone that the Shen family can control.

How did he and his niece... be connected?

Shen Jianian had a headache.

Mu Xuanqing was too dangerous, not only himself, but also the people around him.

Therefore, he did not want to let his niece, whom he finally found, be with such a dangerous man.

There is no need to question Mu Xuanqing's character. I haven't seen him do anything bad all these years. On the contrary, everything is beneficial to the country and the people. He even keeps a low profile and does not let the outside world know. So powerful, there are all kinds of women, and there are even people who keep sending all kinds of beauties to him...

However, there was only one ending, and it was thrown out by Mu Xuanqing, and the person who sent the beauty would completely offend him.

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