Several judges were a little puzzled, and then they saw Gu Qingyu took out his mobile phone, and it was the painting that they selected for the first prize in the oil painting group today...

Huh? ? No, except for the composition and color of this painting, which is almost the same as the one with the first prize today, the painting skills are completely different!

The picture on the photo is obviously more mature, and the painting is better. Several judges originally won the first prize. This painting is very good, but now they have the comparison of the original version, they found that the one they judged This first prize is simply a naive copying like a beginner.

Teacher Huang frowned, Student Gu, what's the matter with this painting?

Gu Qingyu smiled, As the teacher saw, I painted this painting. A few months ago, I sent it and four other paintings to my brother Chen Gaoyu's gallery and asked the gallery to sell it on their behalf. The painting has disappeared inexplicably, and today, here I see a painting so similar to mine...

She didn't continue talking, but several judges understood, and all of a sudden their faces darkened.

If they do art, they can copy and learn. However, in this kind of competition where the theme is given on the spot and the original idea is fancy, there are people who imitate other people's paintings directly, which is simply an insult to this competition!

Another upright teacher Liu suddenly gritted her teeth, It's really unreasonable, she's bullying others who haven't seen this painting, can't she treat us as fools?!

Several other teachers also looked gloomy, I immediately cancel her grades and put her on the blacklist! People who don't respect the competition are not eligible to participate in our competition!

They had no doubts at all. After all, they watched Zhuang Jing draw the painting on the spot with the painting tools they provided, but the photo in Gu Qingyu's hand was obviously painted before, even if they didn't look at the picture above. A few months ago, Gu Qingyu was able to take out this photo on the spot, which proved that this painting was earlier than their competition. Therefore, Zhuang Jing's charge of plagiarism and imitation is definitely established!

On the stage, Zhuang Jing looked at Gu Qingyu with a pale face, her lower lip was almost bleeding...

She guessed it.

yes, photos...

How could I forget that, although Gu Qingyu didn't have the original painting in her hands, she might take a picture after she painted it. If she imitated the painting on other occasions, it would be fine, even if it was like other competitions before. The work was submitted directly. Gu Qingyu took out the photo. She also had a way to explain that Gu Qingyu had secretly photographed her work, but this time, she was painting on the spot...

No, no, she's only a freshman, she can't carry the bad reputation of plagiarism...

Yes, she has other ways...

Anyway, isn't Gu Qingyu just pictures? She can take out the original version and say that Gu Qingyu took her painting secretly!

Thinking of this, Zhuang Jing suddenly calmed down a lot, so when the judge stood up and asked, Student Zhuang, are you sure this painting is your own original creation? Zhuang Jing pretended to be innocent. :

Yes, teacher.

Teacher Huang squinted his eyes and said in a dangerous tone, Student Zhuang, can you be responsible for what you said?

Zhuang Jing was sweating coldly and wrinkled her skirt with her hands behind her. The boy next to him who won the second prize squinted at this little detail...

Her movements were so subtle that people in the audience couldn't see her, but they only thought that the girl was beautiful and calm. Could it be that the judges made a mistake?

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