Eldest Miss’s Style Isn’t Right

Chapter 200 No one will find out!

However, Lin Xiao also wouldn't show it.

Because of Zhuang Jing's closeness to Lin Xiaoyi, several girls who got close to Zhuang Jing after school because of her generosity also agreed with Lin Xiaoyi. Lin Xiaoyi successfully made friends again and entered a new She cherished it very much in the circle of her husband, so even though she knew that Zhuang Jing was Shao Zihan's current girlfriend, she was a little uncomfortable and still did not reject Zhuang Jing's acceptance.

On the other side, Gu Qingyu also knew about it, but she didn't take it seriously.

There is another international competition in the new semester, and this review Qingyu is still ready to participate, but she is going to participate in the Chinese painting group. It happened that she had studied at Bai Xiuqi for two months during the summer vacation, and it was time to take the exam.

I must get a good prize in this competition and show it to Teacher Bai Xiuqi.

Gu Qingyu participated in this competition, and Zhuang Jing also participated, but she participated in the oil painting group.

This time the competition is different from the last one. Last time, I had to submit my own paintings based on the theme, but this time the works were painted on the spot, and Gu Qingyu naturally performed very well, while on the other side, Zhuang Jingyi Seeing the proposition of the oil painting group, after thinking about it, she started to write, but when she drew a prototype, she suddenly found that the painting she drew was somewhat familiar!

This composition and this color scheme are simply the painting of Gu Qingyu that she stole from the gallery before!

Zhuang Jing became a little uneasy for a while. Although she didn't like Gu Qingyu, she liked this painting so much, and her style of painting was also influenced by Gu Qingyu's painting. The subject, even directly thought of Gu Qingyu's painting, and drew it directly according to her...

She was a little confused for a while, should she repaint it? The repainting time is not enough, and she understands that at her own level, it is not a big problem to win a consoling excellence award like Shao Zihan, but it is difficult to get a better award...

Shao Zihan admires Gu Qingyu, isn't it because she has won awards and is good at painting?

If she could also draw like Gu Qingyu...

Zhuang Jing sighed and continued to draw. The judges at the scene stopped behind her for a long time, and even looked at her with admiration, she felt a little empty in her heart, but more than that, she was excited.

Even the judges stopped to watch, and their eyes were full of admiration and excitement, it seemed...

It's more likely that this painting of hers will win!

So be it……

When the game time came, Zhuang Jing gritted her teeth and handed over the painting. Although she was still a little uneasy and guilty, she thought of the painting of Gu Qingyu that was hiding in her home instead of the dormitory, and nodded again.


The original version of the painting is in her home, as long as she doesn't take it out, no one will find it!

Moreover, the signature on the painting has been covered by her paint of other colors, and it has already dried up. Even if someone saw the original version, they would not be able to guess that the painting was painted by Gu Qingyu...

But her paintings were painted on the spot in front of so many people and in front of the judges.

Well, no one will find out!

Zhuang Jing thought so.

Her works are really good, or in other words, Gu Qingyu's paintings are really good, even if she can only imitate one shape, without Gu Qingyu's god, the effect of the painting is good, and it is easy to pass the many levels , entered the finals and won the first prize!

Zhuang Jing was too excited.

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