Eighties Sweetheart Wife

Chapter 631: No internal strife?

Song Yunuan and Hai Shaoqing don't know how the farce in the courtyard is developing.

She and Hai Shaoqing returned to the villa.

On the way, Song Yunuan asked Hai Shaoqing what he thought.

Hai Shaoqing glanced at Song Yunuan and told her to listen to her. Step by step, Zhong Daqiao will eventually pay the price.

Song Yunuan: "Well, it's best if the dog bites the dog."

Hai Shaoqing smiled. It feels so good to have everything under control.

Song Yunuan wanted to have dinner with Mrs. Ai, so she simply called Huang Mingqian and Liu Ye's daughter.

Mrs. Ai's three children are already three years old, but ordinary people can't see them.

Mrs. Ai now invested in the Xishan Villa District with Song Yunuan. During the meal, she asked Song Yunuan that at this time, the opposite side began to attract large-scale investment. While investing, she also wanted to do some good deeds, some meaningful good deeds.

Mrs. Ai Chang Dan asked Song Yunuan where she should start?

There is definitely a lack of funds in the mainland, and in all aspects. If you want to invest, you will basically get a sure thing, but if you want to do something meaningful, you can't be blind. At least the money should be spent on the right things, which is truly meaningful.

Song Yu Nuan smiled and said, "Then invest in building a school. This is the most meaningful charity at present."

Chang Dan agreed happily.

Building a school is a great charity.

These people are now close, and they talked about the main business while eating and drinking. Huang Mingqian also talked about some things about the company.

Then Chang Dan smiled and said to Song Yunuan: "I read the newspaper and watched the news on TV. The photo and video of Zhong Daqiao pinching Xue Meirou's neck were also published in the newspaper and on TV. Zhong Daqiao's eyes were about to bulge out, and he was obviously very angry.

But the person who was monitoring just now said that the three people quarreled in the yard and then fought again. First, Zhong Daqiao slapped Xue Meirou, and then Zhong Tianci pushed Zhong Daqiao to the ground. Later, I don't know how, the three people went into the house together again..."

This is normal. The three people have common interests and common enemies. They will definitely cooperate for the time being.

Song Yunuan and Hai Shaoqing began to close the net.

Because Song Yunuan was going to solve this matter before leaving Hong Kong.


Zhong Daqiao felt that he was enduring humiliation, but he had to endure it. All his assets were transferred to those three people.

Every time he thought about it, it seemed like a knife was cutting his heart.

He even wanted to kill Xue Meirou and Zhong Tianci immediately, but he didn't dare. He had to pretend to be nice and not anger Xue Meirong and Zhong Tianci. He had to treat them as before.

Pretend that none of this happened. This is a very difficult thing, but Zhong Daqiao really did it.

But Xue Meirou knew what kind of person Zhong Daqiao was.

Hai Mingzhu and the Hai family had done their best for him. He was able to be where he is today because he married Hai Mingzhu.

But she knew best how he treated Hai Shaoqing. He really didn't care about the father-son relationship at all, not to mention that Tianci was not his flesh and blood.

Zhong Daqiao didn't even ask what happened, and he had already accepted the result.

Even when she wanted to explain what happened in the past, Zhong Daqiao refused with a sullen face, saying that he didn't want to hear a word.

The past is the past, and it's useless to dwell on it.

This proves that he didn't really accept it at all.

But Xue Meirou didn't dare to provoke Zhong Daqiao too much.

The three people continued to live together in a very weird way.

But they were on guard against each other.

Chen Youcai was now in Country X, and he was in control of the electronic technology company.

He also knew the situation here at the first time.

Chen Youcai read all the newspapers.

He really didn't find his name.

Because when the reporter left, Hai Shaoqing hadn't told Zhong Daqiao who Zhong Tianci's biological father was.

After all, there were still things to do in Country X.

But the next day, several tabloids guessed this person, and it was him.

At this time, Chen Youcai had already talked to Xue Meirou on the phone.

Chen Youcai knew all of Zhong Daqiao's reactions.

Chen Youcai told Xue Meirou: "It's not the time to break up yet. You have to be patient for a while. Hai Shaoqing definitely wants to kill Zhong Daqiao, but he can't do it through you.

If the three of you kill each other, it will be Hai Shaoqing's wish. No one knows how many cards Hai Shaoqing has in his hand. You must not fight among yourselves at this time, otherwise Hai Shaoqing will definitely be the final beneficiary.

Since Zhong Daqiao still wants to maintain the previous status, you and Tianci must continue to maintain it, and even do better than before. After this difficult time, our family of three will finally be reunited."

Xue Meirou was in a complicated mood.

She liked Zhong Daqiao. Since she was taken back by Zhong Daqiao, she has been living the life of a rich lady. Moreover, Zhong Daqiao kept his promise, did not mess around with other women, and always treated her consistently.

This is really rare in the entire Hong Kong wealthy family.

But Zhong Daqiao approached Hai Mingzhu with ulterior motives for wealth and glory. Although Zhong Daqiao's name is ordinary, he is not ordinary. When he was young, he looked like a handsome man.

Then he was really favored by Hai Mingzhu. The old man of the Hai family opposed it but failed. In the end, he still became the son-in-law of the Hai family.

Zhong Daqiao promised to give him a status after he got the Hai family and asked her to wait for him patiently.

It was an accident with Chen Youcai. In fact, she was not sure whose child this was, but she looked at Tianci carefully and found that he looked very much like Youcai.

After all, Chen Youcai is not her cousin, and the two have no blood relationship.

So even if Chen Youcai goes to the Zhong family villa, it is limited.

But who can think in this way?

Xue Meirou naturally agreed.

At this time, we must not let the two sides fight and the fisherman benefit.

Because now the fisherman is Hai Shaoqing and Song Yu Nuan.

They just want them to fight each other.

So we must not let them do what they want.

Xue Meirong really endured all the grievances as a humble young woman.

Zhong Tianci didn't dare to go out because there were many reporters surrounding the gate.

Before the asset transfer, if he knew that Chen Youcai was his biological father, Zhong Tianci would feel that the sky was falling and the earth was collapsing.

But after the asset transfer, he had more assets in his hands than Zhong Daqiao. Unless Zhong Daqiao started from scratch, he would be an ordinary person.

There is no longer the halo that a father and a successful person should have.

So Zhong Tianci felt that Zhong Daqiao was just like that.

But emotionally, this is the daddy who has spoiled him for more than 20 years. He thought that as long as his daddy didn't hold grudges, he would take good care of him in his old age and let him live the same life as before.

Zhong Daqiao naturally knew where the assets transferred to him were.

After the cash was withdrawn, it was not deposited in the bank immediately, because Hai Shaoqing and Song Yunuan would definitely find out in the end.

Therefore, including the priceless jewelry and jade, and even antiques, were placed in a secret place.

This secret place was only known to the three of them.

Zhong Tianci wondered, should he transfer those treasures?

But how to transfer them?

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