Eighties Sweetheart Wife

Chapter 582 An abandoned woman should behave like an abandoned woman

Song Yunuan didn't expect that Chu Zizhou's mother would also come to the wedding.

He is a distinguished guest invited by Mother Su.

When he saw Song Yunuan, he was also smiling.

The same is naturally true for Song Ting.

The two people also call each other his own name.

But the atmosphere is harmonious.

Mother Su was also surprised when she saw this scene.

After he found out about Song Yunuan, he whispered to Su Junze: "Son, do you know that Song Yunuan too?"

Su Junze had no choice but to nod.

"Then why don't I see you interacting with them on weekdays, and why don't you hear your wife talking about her? By the way, that Song Ting is her sister-in-law, and she is also from Nanshan County. Have you contacted your eldest sister?"

Su Junze said in embarrassment: "Mom, you don't know what's going on here. It's been several years. Do you have to tell me this now?"

Mother Su actually knew something vaguely, but this matter had nothing to do with her, and she never paid attention to it.

He glared at his son and finally shut up.


The land in Xishan District is not open to the public for sale. This is a pilot project and the results need to be seen before the final conclusion can be made.

Just start selling in a certain circle.

Song Yunuan, who was well prepared, not only had a complete plan and design, but also had abundant funds.

Gu Huaian also has the backing, whether it is connections or technology, it is all provided by Gu Huaian.

After the office building in Xiangjiang was completely owned by her, in just half a year, Song Yunuan earned more than 8 million yuan.

Coupled with the original more than 20 million and the bonus from Fanhua Company, it turned out to be the first among the participants.

So, it was a matter of course that we took over the land in Xishan.

With this momentum, Gu Huaian obtained the construction approval document from Song Yunuan.

In a few years, even if you have land, you won't be able to do whatever you want because it's very difficult to get approval.

After walking out of the venue, Luo Shuxiu was still excited and excited.

She has now been admitted to a correspondence university.

Study hard and work hard at the same time.

Because of this extra pursuit and having money in his hands, his whole temperament changed.

Lin Han hadn't seen Luo Shuxiu for a long time.

He was riding a bicycle, with Ben Haiying sitting behind him.

I didn't expect to see Luo Shuxiu who seemed to be a different person on the roadside.

Because today is a formal occasion, Luo Shuxiu also dressed formally.

Wearing a crisp silver-gray suit and slightly curly short hair, his face looks like a full moon.

In fact, Luo Shuxiu's appearance is the favorite among the elderly in this era.

Look generous and blessed.

She stood with a group of people, holding a briefcase in her hand and wearing a pair of black high heels.

More knowledgeable and gentle.

The unit behind it turned out to be the Bureau of Land and Resources.

Standing with Luo Shuxiu were Song Yunuan and Gu Huaian.

He knew these two people.

Then he saw a leader from the Bureau of Land and Resources talking to them with a smile on his face.

You must know that he also knows that leader.

He is an old classmate of his father's.

It's just that with the huge disparity in status, it's pretty good to just nod when meeting.

At this moment, Lin Han's heart seemed to be soaked in bitter water.

There is nothing more disturbing than seeing your unwanted ex-wife living so glamorously and even better than before.

He stopped the bike unconsciously.

The sudden stop made Bian Haiying almost fall off the bicycle seat, and then she turned around and saw Luo Shuxiu.

This is a very strange thing. Gu Huaian and Song Yunuan are obviously better.

But the first thing these two people saw was Luo Shuxiu.

She stands with these people no less.

Ben Haiying's face immediately darkened.

Luo Shuxiu sensed something and glanced this way.

After just one glance, he calmly looked away.

Bian Haiying pinched Lin Han's lower back hard, gritted her teeth, and said in a sharp voice: "Why did you stop the car? Do you still want to talk to her? Are you sick? That's your ex-wife. You two no longer have any relationship. , why don’t you leave quickly, hurry up..."

Bian Haiying didn't want to see Luo Shuxiu like this, let alone Song Yunuan like this.

Especially the man next to Song Yunuan was dazzling.


There is no way not to be jealous.

At this moment, she felt hatred in her heart again.

How could the abandoned Luo Shuxiu live a better life than before?

She should live in mud, she should be precarious, she should be unkempt, and she should be dressed in rags.

Living like an abandoned woman.

An abandoned wife still looks like an abandoned wife!

Rather than being as glamorous as she is now, she is even younger than before.

When the divorce happened, wasn't she also devastated?

He looked like he couldn't live without this man.

But how could this happen now?

Yes, this should all be attributed to Song Yunuan.

Song Yunuan, this little bitch, is nosy. If she hadn't helped Luo Shuxiu, Luo Shuxiu would have lived as she imagined.

I really get angrier the more I think about it.

Ben Haiying didn't notice that her face was ferocious and twisted.

Lin Han was also confused.

He got on his bicycle numbly and quickly left the area.

This is just an insignificant passerby.

After Luo Shuxiu looked at it, she withdrew her eyes and attention.

Song Yunuan glanced at it.

I don’t know if Lin Qing’s system is still working?

She saw the fleeting look that Bian Haiying gave her just now.

Jealousy, still jealousy.

Human nature is complicated. With billions of people on the earth, God will really create all kinds of weirdos.


Lin Qing completed the first step of changing her life and married Su Junze. She first had a good love relationship and then took the next step.

Jealousy points are really good. She doesn’t care about anything and just waits for the points to arrive.

There are always jealousy points every day, and I don’t know who contributed them.

Lin Qing has secret happiness again.

Song Yunuan naturally didn’t know, but Gu Huaian’s other secret research has already made some progress.

He said to Song Yunuan: "We can already capture weak strange signals."

Song Yunuan’s eyes sparkled: "When can it be successfully developed?"

Gu Huaian looked at Song Yunuan deeply and said meaningfully: "When you can give me a name."

Song Yunuan laughed.


Song Yunuan seldom participated in school activities, after all, she was a busy person.

Chen Aijuan was found by Wang Yaqing from the Arts Department.

Wang Yaqing knew that Chen Aijuan liked him, but he had no feelings for her. However, she and Song Yunuan lived in the same dormitory, so he promised Chen Aijuan with a smile: "As long as you can convince Song Yunuan to host the New Year's Day Gala, I will recommend you to join the Arts Department."

Nowadays, it is not so easy to join the various departments of the club.

Unlike later generations, if you really enter these departments, you will get a bonus when you graduate and are assigned.

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