Eight-year-old Princess: Phoenix Reborn

Chapter 773: True and False

Seeing that Yunshang said this sentence without beginning or end as soon as she came back, Peilan asked softly with curiosity in her eyes, But what happened?

A cold light flashed across Yunshang's eyes, but the corners of her mouth were still slightly raised, with a half-smile: The things I suspected in the imperial city before are indeed true.

Pei Lan didn't understand, but just looked at Yun Chang's appearance, and didn't dare to ask any more questions, but followed behind Yun Chang with lowered eyebrows, and followed her into the room.

Bao'er was playing on the soft couch in the house, holding a book in Yunshang's hand, the pages were crumpled, Hua'er knelt on the ground, her face was full of anxiety, and she kept muttering He said: Oh, my little ancestor, little prince, this book is your mother's book, so don't tear it apart. As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to grab the book.

Bao'er was holding the book with both hands, clutching it tightly, seeing the painting coming to snatch it, but seemed a little more excited, laughing loudly.

Yun Chang smiled, walked in, let Hua'er back to the side, then hugged Bao'er and said, What is Bao'er playing with? So happy?

Seeing her mother coming, Bao'er quickly put her head into her mother's arms and rubbed it, and threw the book aside. Yun Shang picked up the book that was ravaged by Bao'er and took a look. It was the book of formations she read yesterday.

Yun Chang smiled and said: This book is very good. If you like it, when you grow up, mother will give it to you, okay?

Bao'er couldn't understand, she just smiled and stared at Yunshang fixedly, after a while, she plunged into Yunshang's arms again.

Yun Shang played with Bao'er all morning, and then it was lunch time, and Luo Qingyan came back just as the lunch was ready.

Seeing this, Yun Chang stood up with a smile and greeted him: The lunch has just been prepared, and His Majesty just came back just in time.

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and instructed Pei Lan: Go and invite the Supreme Emperor and Empress Dowager to have a meal together.

Luo Qingyan paused, looked at Yunshang, his eyes were calm: Have you seen them in the morning?

Yun Chang nodded lightly, I've seen it.

Luo Qingyan's expression became even weirder, and finally Yunshang couldn't help laughing: Your Majesty is asking, since the concubine has already gone to see it, she didn't find anything?

Seeing Luo Qingyan lowered her head, Yunshang carefully arranged her clothes without opening her mouth, so Yunshang smiled and said softly: The concubine found out, the two who were rescued last night , not the real Supreme Emperor and Empress Dowager.

Luo Qingyan raised his head to look at Yunshang, was silent for a while, and then asked, How did you find out?

Yunshang smiled and said: I saw that you looked wrong, so I called the dark guard to ask about the rescue situation yesterday. One of the tiny details made me a little suspicious. The dark guard said that they entered the camp. During the middle period, the Supreme Emperor and the Empress Dowager should be taken away, and the Supreme Emperor reminded the Empress Dowager to take the Buddha beads with her.

Luo Qingyan's eyes fell on Yunshang's body. Hearing what Yunshang said, doubts flashed in his eyes.

The Empress Dowager believes in Buddhism. That Buddhist bead is her treasure. How could she forget to take it away and need someone to remind her? This is one. Second, when I passed by just now, my steps were already very light, but they But the two of them raised their eyes almost at the same time and looked at me. I know that the Supreme Emperor is because he knows martial arts, but Hua Ling's martial arts should not have reached this level, right? And thirdly, Hua Ling saw me Afterwards, she acted too coldly, and seemed to be a bit timid, and even when I mentioned that Bao'er was here, her expression didn't change. Yun Shang listed them one by one, and then said with a smile: Therefore, I It can be concluded that the two people who were rescued should not be Xia Huanyu and Hua Ling.

Luo Qingyan did not say yes, nor did he say no. He just went to the side and sat down: In this case, why do you still ask them to come over for dinner?

After hearing the words, Yun Shang thought for a while and said, Since the two of them are not Xia Huanyu and Hua Ling, where did they go? Are these two people a plan by Cangjue Qingsu, or prepared by the Supreme Emperor? Don't you think so? know?

Luo Qingyan fell silent, and didn't speak again until Perrin walked in with the two of them.

Yun Shang smiled and ordered Peilan to lift the stool, waited for the two to sit down, and then sat down beside Luo Qingyan, looked at the two with a smile and said: I don't know what the queen father and mother like to eat, I So I prepared some at will, I don't know if it suits your appetite. Perrin, let's serve.

The fake Xia Huanyu didn't respond, but Hua Ling who was on the side quickly said, No way, we don't have anything in particular.

Yun Chang smiled, but didn't speak. Peilan brought the maid to put the food on the table, and the four of them ate in silence. Seeing that everyone put down their chopsticks, Yunshang smiled and said, Are you full?

Hua Ling nodded in response, I'm full.

Yun Shang laughed when she heard the words: Since you are full, please trouble the two of you to tell me, where are the real Empress Dowager and Empress Dowager now?

When the two people on the opposite side heard the words, their bodies froze suddenly, but the fake Xia Huanyu sneered and raised his voice a little: Could it be that the queen thinks that we are fake?

I don't think so. Yun Chang didn't look scared at all, and the smile on her face remained the same: I'm sure. I'm afraid you don't know how many flaws you have missed. Your Majesty can tell at a glance that you are fake , although I'm a little dull, after I said a few words in the yard earlier, I can tell it. You don't need to imitate the emperor and make such a stern look, no matter how deliberate it is, the fake is the fake after all Yes, I will never learn from it.”

The fake Xia Huanyu stared at Yunshang for a long time, seeing that she didn't look like she was deceiving him, maybe she had conclusive evidence to prove their identities, so she said lightly: The emperor and empress dowager are safe now on.

When Yun Shang heard what he said, she raised the corners of her mouth and laughed: Oh? So it was arranged by the Supreme Emperor?

Luo Qingyan beside him looked even colder, stood up and left the room without saying a word. Yun Chang looked at Luo Qingyan's angry back, and the smile on his face gradually faded: Do you know how many soldiers Xia Guo killed because of you? Do you know that in order to rescue you, Our dark guards dug out this long secret passage in less than half a month day and night? Do you know that after hearing that you were taken away by Cangjue Qingsu, His Majesty and the Palace put down the court hall that had not yet been fully stabilized, Ran to this Lingxi?

Okay, great. Yun Chang laughed, but his eyes were full of coldness: Now that Xia Houjing has sneaked into Jincheng, he just wants to seize the throne. If the Supreme Emperor wanted such a result, why bother? Entrust this country to His Majesty?

Yun Chang slammed the table and said loudly: Come here, take the two of them down and keep them under strict supervision.

When the hidden guard outside heard the words, he hurried into the room, but the fake two stood up and followed the hidden guard down without saying a word.

Yun Shang rubbed her forehead, but she really couldn't figure out why Xia Huanyu did this. After pondering for a long time, he raised his eyes and said to Pei Lan, Your Majesty didn't eat much just now. You can pretend to have something to eat and send it to the yamen.

Pei Lan responded, Yun Shang stood up again and said, I'll go out of the city.

It was when the sun was at its strongest, Yunshang avoided the patrolling soldiers on the city wall, went out of the city, and headed straight for Phoenix Mountain. When he reached the stone forest on Phoenix Mountain, he vaguely saw a figure shaking in the stone forest . Yun Chang blew a whistle, and the leader of the hidden guards who was hiding in the stone forest greeted him: Master.

Yun Chang smiled and said, How are you getting ready?

Report to master, it's basically done, just wait for the prey to come. The commander of the dark guard responded.

Yun Chang nodded slightly, turned around and looked at the dark guard who followed her up the mountain, and then turned to the commander of the dark guard, Why don't you let them have a try, what is the power of this ten-sided ambush formation? People removed all the deadly weapons in the trap first, and changed the poison, and practiced it first.

The leader of the dark guard quickly responded and gave a secret signal. After a while, he turned to look at Yun Shang and said, Master, it's okay.

Yun Chang nodded, turned around and looked at the hidden guard behind him and said, You don't know the mechanisms and traps in this stone forest, go and try to see if you can break through this stone forest, there is one rule, that is, you can't use Light work.

The hidden guards responded, and quickly dodged into the stone forest.

Yunshang asked the commander of the dark guards to take her to the top of the stone forest, and the situation below could be seen clearly. The hidden guards were nimble, and even though they were restricted from using light kung fu, their martial arts were still much better than ordinary soldiers, so it seemed that they were not at a disadvantage at first.

But gradually, there were more and more traps in the stone forest, people hidden in the stone forest were also looking for opportunities to attack, and many hidden guards also began to appear a little flustered. In the panic, many fell into the trap.

Yun Chang watched and waited at the end of the stone forest. It was not until an hour and a half later that the hidden guard came out of it, but he was already exhausted, and his clothes were cut a lot. As soon as he came out, he fell to the ground, as if all his strength had been taken away.

Yun Shang raised the corners of her mouth and laughed, then turned her head to the commander of the hidden guard and said, Excellent, is everything ready in the dense forest?

Get ready... As soon as the words finished, Yunshang vaguely saw a change in the direction outside Lingxi City, and the sky-shattering shouts could be faintly heard even in Phoenix Mountain.

Yun Chang frowned, with a dark look in his eyes: I'm afraid, this stone forest will be useful soon, and restore all the organ poisons in the forest to their original state.

Yunshang saw a horse galloping towards this side from a distance, Yunshang waved his hand, and the hidden guard hid himself. The horse stopped at the foot of the mountain, and someone jumped off the horse and headed towards the mountain. After walking up, Yunshang walked down slowly, only to see a soldier in armor hurriedly said: Your Majesty, Yelang's army has attacked the city, Your Majesty asked your Majesty to return to the city.\u003c

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