Eight-year-old Princess: Phoenix Reborn

Chapter 761 Breaking Through

Qian Zhuo quickly responded, lowered her head, and looked at Yunshang with eyes full of admiration: I feel that your mother is omnipotent. She knows everything, understands everything, and can solve everything. In the future, my servant will definitely Love to learn, learn more from Sister Qinyi.

Yunshang nodded, pondered for a moment, and then said: Qianliu is back, and I plan to let her return to Weiyang Palace to wait on her.

When Qian Zhuo heard the words, a look of joy flashed in his eyes, and he said again and again: Sister Qian Liu is back? Where is she?

Seeing her bluffing, Yun Shang frowned slightly, and just about to speak, she thought that she and Qian Liu would train together and enter the mansion together, and the relationship would be better, so she let her go.

She can't appear in the palace for the time being. After a few days, my Majesty and I will go to Lingxi, and when we come back, we will bring her back with us. Otherwise, it would be against the rules for an extra person to appear in Weiyang Palace, Yun Shang said softly. should be.

Qian Zhuo nodded again and again, and said with a smile: Your Majesty is what you say.

Yun Chang nodded slightly, thinking of the three people just now, but a stern look flashed in her eyes, and when she returned to Weiyang Palace, she wrote a letter and ordered the secret guard to send it out of the palace.

The matter of Yunshang's going to the Taiji Hall must not be hidden from Luo Qingyan, but after Luo Qingyan returned to Weiyang Palace, Luo Qingyan did not mention a word about the abolished empress or the Taiji Hall. Luo didn't say anything, Yun Shang naturally pretended that nothing had happened.

After the two had dinner, Luo Qingyan went to the soft bed and lay down, then raised his eyes to look at Yunshang: Zheng Qiming, I have already seen it.

Yun Chang was taken aback for a moment, then looked at Luo and said lightly: How?

Luo Qingyan did not answer, but frowned slightly and said: Now that Zheng Qiming is in our hands, I have no idea how to sing the next play.

Yun Shang raised her hand to support the Phoenix hairpin on her head, pondered for a while, and then said: Zheng Qiming can do three things by Xia Houjing's side, and the first thing is also the simplest, which is to inquire about news for us. Since Xia Houjing began to trust Zheng Qiming, some things must not be hidden. Zheng Qiming will definitely get more news than our hidden guards. The second thing is to affect Xia Houjing at the right time. Decision-making. The third thing, the most difficult, is simple for Zheng Qiming. Drugs, as long as the timing is right, can definitely play a vital role.

Luo Qingyan clenched his right hand into a fist, put it on the side of his head and held his head, and his voice was three points softer: Yes, Zheng Qiming can do all these things, but now we are facing a very critical problem, that is, the original With so many Xia Houjing's people, but now none of them are left, only Zheng Qiming survived, Xia Houjing must feel a little strange.

Yun Shang nodded lightly: Your Majesty is worried about how to let Zheng Qiming return to Xia Houjing's side in an open and honest manner, without being suspected by Xia Houjing?

Luo nodded lightly, with a tired look on his face.

Seeing this, Yunshang remembered that Luo Qingyan stayed up all night yesterday, and today he dealt with political affairs all day. He was afraid that he was already exhausted, so he hurriedly said: Your Majesty, don't worry about these troublesome things. , let’s go and rest for a while, let the concubine think of an idea for His Majesty, and His Majesty will be satisfied.”

When Luo Qingyan heard the words, he laughed, the corners of his mouth turned up, and there was a little tenderness in his eyes: I see you are resting, so you won't be tired.

Yun Chang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and hugged a thin quilt to cover Luo Qingyan, pulled out the phoenix hairpin from her head, dipped it in tea, and wrote and drew on the table.

After a long time, he laughed and said, Your Majesty's concubine thought of a way...

Yun Chang raised her head to look at Luo Qingyan, but saw that the person on the soft couch had fallen asleep. Yun Chang laughed, stood up and tucked the corner of the quilt for Luo Qingyan, his eyes fell on Luo Qingyan's face, but he found a circle of black and blue under his eyes.

Yun Chang felt a little pain in her heart, and sat down beside Luo Qingyan.

After sitting for a while, Yun Chang stood up, took the cloak that was placed on the side, and went out of the dormitory, and waited at the door of the dormitory. Seeing Yun Chang coming out, she hurriedly greeted her: Niang Niang...

Yun Chang nodded lightly, stretched out her hand to hold the bead curtain hanging at the door of the bedroom, raised her head to look at Qian Zhuo and asked, Where is Liu Wen'an?

I'm telling you, Mrs. Liu, Mr. Liu has gone out to pay respects... Qian Zhuo responded softly.

Yun Chang rolled her eyes, lowered her voice and ordered Qianzhuo: I need to go out for something. If Liu Wen'an comes back, remember to stop him. While Liu Wen'an is away, send a letter to Ning Qian and tell her, This afternoon, I will do what I have ordered her to do earlier, so as not to have long nights and dreams.

After Qian Zhuo agreed, Yun Shang put on the cloak, put on the hood, and left Weiyang Palace.

Yun Chang went straight to the dark cell in the Tai Chi Hall, and the dark cell was guarded by Luo Qingyan's dark guards, and when Yun Chang entered the dark cell, he said directly: Bring people up.

The dark guard responded, and after a while, he led Qianliu up, because Yunshang took off his mask, Qianliu showed his original appearance, when he saw Yunshang, his expression was still timid and low I dare not look at Yunshang.

Yunshang looked at Qianliu for a long time before opening her mouth: Qianliu, if you want to get my forgiveness and come back to me, it's not impossible, but you have to help me with one thing. I also Have a good look, you have been away from me for such a long time, and your skills have deteriorated.

Hearing this, Qian Liu stayed for a while, then suddenly raised her head, with an expression of disbelief in her eyes, and then hurriedly said after a while: Although the master will do as you say, the servant will definitely be able to handle the matter well.

Yun Chang nodded lightly, raised the corners of her mouth and laughed: Tomorrow at noon...

After about an hour, Yunshang came out of the Taiji Hall. The night was already very dark, and there were occasional patrolling servants passing by in the palace. Yunshang held the lantern alone and walked slowly towards Weiyang Palace.

After crossing the hanging flower gate, there is the imperial garden, but Yunshang suddenly saw a somewhat familiar figure flashing past the imperial garden holding a lantern.

Qi Ruihai?

Yun Chang was startled, why did Qi Ruihai appear here at this time? And look at the direction he is going, but it is not where the inner servant is.

Yun Chang thought secretly for a moment, then blew out the lantern in his hand, and quickly followed the figure.

Qi Ruihai turned east and west in the inner palace, walked to a small door and knocked on the door, the wooden door was opened, Qi Ruihai turned his head, Yun Shang quickly hid his figure behind the tree. After staying for a while, Yun Chang poked her head out, only to see that the door had been closed.

Only then did Yun Chang think about looking at the place where the door was, and it looked like a palace, and that door should be the small door left by the palace to transport Ye Xiang. Just where is this?

Yun Chang looked around, raised his hand and took out the small white jade flute to blow, and a hidden guard appeared beside Yun Chang: Master.

Which palace is this? Yun Shang asked softly.

The secret guard hurriedly said: Sir, it's Huaixiu Palace.

Yun Chang was slightly taken aback, Huaixiu Palace, that is the palace where Concubine Wan, the mother concubine of the Nineteenth Prince, resides. This Qi Ruihai, could it be that Tong Concubine Wan has some...invisible secret?

Yun Chang bit her lip, raised her eyes and told the secret guard: Go, listen to what they said, and then report it to Ben Gong verbatim.

The hidden guard quickly responded, and jumped onto the roof of Huaixiu Palace within a few ups and downs.

Seeing this, Yun Chang thought that she had a special status. If she was found here, she was afraid that something would be wrong, so she turned around and quickly returned to Weiyang Palace.

Back in Weiyang Palace, Liu Wen'an seemed a little surprised when he saw Yun Shang: Hey, isn't your lady in the inner hall?

Yun Shang raised the corners of her mouth, raised the herbs in her hands, smiled and said, Your Majesty is too tired to deal with political affairs all day, I took his pulse and found that he was a little bit angry, thinking that there are some herbs in the imperial garden. It can be used to make water for His Majesty to drink, and I happened to be fine, so I went to pick some.

Liu Wen'an's eyes fell on the herbs in Yunshang's hands, and the smile on the corner of his mouth seemed to pause for a moment, but in the blink of an eye, chrysanthemum folds appeared on his face: Your Majesty, if you want to burn the herbs, you can let them go directly. Grab a few pictures from the Tai Hospital.

Yun Shang didn't seem to care about it at all, and her smile was still very warm: Mr. Liu, you don't know this, your majesty doesn't like the bitter taste of medicine very much. Drinking this soaked water only has a sweet taste. It is as bitter as boiled medicine. And in this Weiyang Palace, I am the only one who knows this herb, so there is nothing wrong with it, it doesn’t matter.”

As Yunshang said, she stopped looking at Liu Wen'an, handed the herbs in her hands to Qianzhuo, and instructed softly: Wash it, pick a few more leaves, and soak them in boiling water. You don't need to add anything else. Bring it over when it's ready.

Qian Zhuo agreed, took the herbal medicine and retreated, Yun Shang opened the bead curtain and went straight into the bedroom. Liu Wen'an was the only one left standing at the door of the bedroom, with suspicion flashing in his eyes.

Yun Chang entered the dormitory, only to find that the person on the couch had opened his eyes, staring at Yun Chang intently, but there was still a bit of confusion in his eyes as if he had just woken up.

Yun Shang walked to Luo Qingyan and sat down: Your Majesty is awake? It's not time yet.

Luo Qingyan's eyes fell on Yunshang, and he said with a smile: It's okay, I suddenly couldn't sleep.

Yunshang sat with Luo Qingyan for a while, then came in after Qianzhuo, and put the teacup on the table beside Luo Qingyan. Yun Shang smiled and said: Your Majesty, drink some of this later, clear the fire and remove the heat.

Luo Qingyan nodded lightly, Yunshang saw that he still seemed to be in a daze, so she waved her hand to let Qianzhuo back out. Luo Qingyan picked up the teacup, blew on the water in the cup, drank a few sips, and then regained consciousness: Where did you go just now?

Yun Shang knew that she couldn't hide it from him, so she responded with a smile: Go to the prison, Your Majesty, Zheng Qiming is collaborating with the enemy, and my concubine thinks that Shi Cao should be beheaded.\u003c

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