Eight-year-old Princess: Phoenix Reborn

Chapter 141 One by one liquidation

After Yunshang returned to Qingxin Palace, she felt a little bit regretful, what was she doing just now, did she want to get married so impatiently? I also made a special trip to choose a suitable day for getting married, which will be next month, and now it is the sixth day of the first day, and the sixth day of the next month, but only one month.

Princess, are you really going to get married? Qianyin stared blankly at Yunshang, with a bit of disbelief in her eyes, although she always thought that Prince Jing would be a good husband-in-law, although in recent days, Jing Jing The relationship between the king and the princess seemed to be developing rapidly, but she still couldn't believe that the princess was going to marry Prince Jing.

Yun Chang nodded slowly, with a bit of a sigh.

Qin Yi also had a slight disapproval in her eyes, but she didn't speak, she just quietly helped Yun Shang remove the outer clothes, took the tea from the maid and set it up before standing aside.

Yun Chang turned her eyes to look at her, with a bit of helplessness in her eyes, Qin Yi, you also think that I shouldn't get married in such a hasty way, don't you? Without waiting for Qin Yi to answer, she sighed again, But, I have no choice.

She was reborn in this life for revenge, but if she did not marry Prince Jing, more than half of her previous arrangements would be ruined, and some suspicions would be aroused for no reason. If you want to blame, you can only blame yourself. You are too impatient. You have pretended to be sick and weak for so long, but you still failed.

Yun Chang laughed bitterly, this must be her retribution. It doesn't matter, she will marry someone eventually. Fortunately, in this life, at least she will marry Mo Jingran no longer. As long as it is not Mo Jingran, it means that her struggle in this life has paid off.

However, she will never let Mo Jingran go. She will never forget that it was him who threw Huan'er from the attic with his own hands. In such a high attic, his Huan'er is so small. , It must have been extremely painful.

Thinking of this, she felt as if her heart was being pricked by thin needles one by one.

Princess, the princess's wedding dress has already been brought by the servants. The master is careful, and even the bridegroom's official wedding dress is prepared. This wedding dress was originally embroidered by the master before he left the cabinet. He wanted to wear it when he was married to the emperor. , but later...it couldn't be used, so the master made another bridegroom's wedding dress, saying that no matter whether the next child is a little prince or a princess, it can be used. Qin Yi took it from a box that looked old. Putting out a bright red wedding dress, he said with a smile, The master has kept this dress very well. After so many years, it still looks like new.

Yun Chang smiled slightly, raised her hand to touch the phoenix embroidered on the wedding dress, and said with a smile, My concubine's embroidery skills are excellent, unlike me, when I pick up a needle, this silk thread has to be tied with many knots. What? After finishing speaking, he looked at another piece of clothing in the box, which was a little more plain, with only a few auspicious clouds embroidered with gold thread on the hem, but it looked very simple and elegant.

This...send it to Prince Jing's mansion. At the latest tomorrow, Father will send General Manager Zheng to Prince Jing's mansion to announce the decree. You can bring it with you when the time comes. Yun Shang sighed again , lying crookedly on the soft couch, his eyes fell on the wedding gown in his hand, and a somewhat bitter smile appeared, perhaps, he had already lost King Jing's favor before he even got through the door, and was forced to Getting married, presumably, this kind of feeling is not good, Prince Jing, I am afraid that she will hate her father, and also hate herself by the way.

Okay, I will go and tell Mr. Zheng later that if I want to pass the decree to Prince Jing's mansion, I will ask my servant to go with me. Qin Yi responded shallowly.

Yun Chang closed her eyes, hugged the wedding dress and fell asleep.

When I woke up, the sky was already bright, and only one palace lantern was lit in the room. The dim light made the palace a little softer. As soon as Yun Chang moved her body, she heard Qian Yin's voice softly, Is the princess awake?

Yunshang said hmm, and lay down with her eyes closed for a while, before she heard Qianyin's voice again, Is the princess hungry? It's almost noon, and the princess hasn't had breakfast today, but she has to get up ?”

Yun Chang nodded and opened his eyes. Qianyin lifted the curtain and asked the maids to move all the washing things into the clean room. Yunshang lifted the quilt and got up, went into the clean room to wash, went back to the inner hall, changed into clothes, and combed a Simple bun.

Qianyin ordered the maid to prepare the meals, and seeing Yunshang's eyes looking back and forth, she knew that she was looking for Qinyi, she smiled and said, Just now the emperor drew up the imperial decree of marriage, and Director Zheng went to announce the decree. , Sister Qinyi brought her wedding clothes to Prince Jing's mansion.

marry? Yun Chang froze for a moment, then remembered what happened yesterday, nodded, and walked out of the inner hall. The food was already set, Yun Chang picked up the bowl and ate some casually, and then returned to the inner hall.

Princess, that Wen Ruyu is back... Qianyin leaned towards Yunshang and said softly.

Oh? Yun Chang raised her eyebrows, only to think of the Wen family lady who pretended to be herself but was kidnapped, her brows and eyes were involuntarily tinged with coldness, that girl, at a young age, was full of thoughts. It's rare to be vicious, but also very bold.

Qian Yin saw that Yun Shang didn't seem to be very interested, so she lowered her voice again, and said with a bit of mystery, Does the princess know? How did she come back?

Huh? How did you come back? Yun Chang asked lightly, expressionless.

My servant heard from the spies that Miss Wen's family was thrown at the gate of Wen's residence early this morning. The clothes on her body were all in tatters, and many people saw her naked body. Moreover, her forehead On the ground, someone even wrote a cheap word. Although Qianyin had never seen such a situation with her own eyes, she couldn't help imagining it countless times in her mind, and couldn't help laughing out loud, that woman dared to hit her. Princess's idea, deserved it.

Yun Chang nodded, but there was no trace of joy in her heart. She knew that it was probably because the person who captured Wen Ruyu found out that she was not herself, so they let her go. If she really fell into the hands of those people , I'm afraid I won't be able to come back.

But did you see who threw Wen Ruyu? Yun Shang asked softly.

Qianyin quickly straightened her expression, The people monitoring Wen's mansion saw it. It was a very ordinary carriage. The driver was an old man in his fifties, so there was no one else. The boss sent someone to follow the old man and arrest him. But, the old man said that a man dressed as a servant hired him to do this job, and gave him fifty taels of silver. The old man couldn't remember the appearance of the man, but said that he should not be a local , although he spoke the dialect of the imperial city, it was a bit strange, as if he was deliberately covering it up.

Yun Shangzai carefully sorted out all the things that Qianyin reported, and then asked, I asked someone to investigate Qilin Mountain yesterday. Has there been any progress?

Qianyin shook her head, A letter came in earlier, saying that the spies had just arrived in the village under Qilin Mountain, and the miasma in the mountain was a bit serious, and it had been raining around Qilin Mountain for the past two days, so they were going to wait, but, The letter said that besides our people, three groups of people have arrived near Qilin Mountain in the past two days, and it seems that they also came for this matter.

There were three groups of people, Yun Chang pondered for a long while, she could guess that Prince Jing and Emperor Ning would both send people to investigate, but the third group of people did not know who they were.

Test, find out who sent these three groups of people. Yun Shang frowned and said sharply.

Qianyin responded, and said again, By the way, princess, the seventh prince of Xia Kingdom seems to be ill again. Last night, many doctors frequently went in and out of the post station, but the sisters originally wanted to catch one to ask the seventh prince. What exactly is the disease, but I don't want to, the doctor seems to be frightened, fainted, and he still hasn't woken up, fearing that the doctor's failure to return will cause suspicion, so he sent the doctor to his house again.

Sick again? Yunshang sneered, this Xia Houjing, the illness came as soon as it came, and it was all right? This is the right time to choose.

Pay attention to the people who come in and out of the post house. I suspect that Xia Houjing will change clothes and sneak out of the post house. Yun Shang ordered softly.

Qian Yin quickly responded.

There were footsteps outside the door, Yun Chang listened intently, and knew that it was Qin Yi who had returned. Sure enough, the curtain was lifted, and Qin Yi walked in with a smile, Princess, fortunately, this servant did not disgrace her life, and handed the wedding dress to Prince Jing's hands.

Yun Chang nodded, but couldn't help thinking in his mind, wondering how he reacted at that time.

Prince Jing said that we are going to get married on the sixth day of next month. I'm a bit rushed, but I have to do what I have to do. I can't wrong the princess, so I ordered that on the eighteenth of this month, the preliminary ceremony will be held. The princess's mansion It is already under construction, the prince said, although the princess will probably live in Prince Jing's mansion in the future, but this princess mansion still needs to be well furnished. Prince Jing also said, thank the princess for the dress he prepared for him, he can't think of it He gave the jade pendant that he had been carrying since he was born to the princess, and hoped that the princess would take good care of it.”

Qin Yi smiled very happily, and handed over a green jade pendant. Just now she was a little uneasy when she followed Mr. Zheng to announce the decree. She has been by Yun Shang's side, and she knows Prince Jing somewhat. But she knew her master better, and she was afraid that Prince Jing would wrong him. It's just that she carefully observed Prince Jing's expression just now and saw that she was calm and didn't seem to be dissatisfied at all, and she took off the jade pendant and handed it to Qin Yi in front of everyone.

Qin Yi originally thought of it as a precious jade pendant, but she didn't want Mrs. Zheng to tell her that this jade pendant was the only precious thing Prince Jing carried before he was adopted by the late emperor, and it was probably the only thing that Prince Jing could know about his own life experience. up. Director Zheng also talked about a trivial incident twenty years ago, saying that when Prince Jing was still young, the emperor wanted to see the jade pendant, but he didn't expect that as soon as he touched the jade pendant, Prince Jing would go crazy and beat the emperor to the jade pendant. He fell to the ground and fought hard.

Presumably, this jade pendant is not just an ordinary jade pendant to King Jing, but also represents his relatives who have never met, but now he is willing to give it to the princess, presumably he is also pleased with the princess, The princess is a smart person. If she marries someone who likes the princess, she must be happy.

Yun Shang took your bi-color jade pendant and looked at it for a while in his hand. This jade must be an excellent jade, and the bi-color seems to flow. He wrote the word Luo.

No wonder King Jing's surname is Luo, presumably because of this jade pendant. Thinking about it, Yun Shang lightly rubbed the warm jade pendant with her hand, a faint smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, Qin Yi, teach me how to tie knots.

Qin Yi smiled slightly, with a playful smile in her eyes, Okay, the princess never touches these things, but I don't think I want to learn this today, the princess might as well learn embroidery, at least Know how to make shoes and underwear, the princess will be married soon, the prince's personal things, it is best for the princess to do it herself.

Yun Chang's face turned red slightly, like a lotus flower in full bloom, with a bit of shyness, she refused to raise her head for a long time.

Qin Yi looked at it, and felt a little relieved in her heart. It seems that the princess and the prince are in love with each other, so that's good, so that she can explain to the master.

Although they are going to get married soon, but the Ministry of Etiquette is worried about everything, and the queen occasionally asks, but Yun Shang is busy, so she thinks about Mr. Wen's affairs, Where is Mr. Wen being imprisoned?

Qianyin didn't know why Yunshang asked about this, but she quickly replied, Where is Dali Temple?

Yun Shang nodded, Did the Minister of Dali Temple interrogate him in the past few days?

Qianyin shook her head, The emperor made an order, and the minister of Dali Temple did not dare to make decisions without authorization. This matter involves the prince of Yelang Kingdom...

Well, Wen Qingzhu is unlucky, I see that he seems to have a little bit of thought for my imperial sister, hehe, unexpectedly, my imperial sister has a good admirer. Yun Shang lowered her head and laughed, By the way, how is my sister Huang doing now?

I'm afraid it's not very good. Princess Huajing was banned in the Princess Mansion. Now there are gossip about her everywhere in the imperial city. I'm afraid many people know that Princess Huajing is a womanizer. Her husband disappeared, but she hurriedly made contact with her. The third prince of Yelang Kingdom has hooked up, and that is a crime of treason, and I wonder if Princess Huajing can bear it? Qianyin's eyes were a little excited.

Treason? Yun Shang shook her head lightly, No, Father has always liked the reputation of the royal family, so he will press such a thing no matter what, but I think I should go and see What about my dear imperial sister... Thanks to her care all these years.

Qianyin was a little worried, Princess, I see that the empress seems to attach great importance to your marriage. I am afraid that she will do something wrong. The princess is going to see Princess Huajing at this time. If the empress finds out...

Yun Chang smiled, What if she knows about it? Although she hates me, she doesn't dare to do anything about my marriage. Now the emperor is very displeased with her. If she does something else Come on, I'm afraid it will be difficult for the Li family to keep her. Yun Shang smiled softly, Besides, since I went to see my imperial sister in a fair manner, how could I let others take advantage of it...

Qian Yin thought about it, her master was always very measured in doing things, so she let go of her heart and went to make arrangements.

That night, two uninvited guests appeared in the princess mansion. Yunshang walked into the main courtyard of the Princess Mansion, and before she entered, she heard the sound of ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping-pong The tea is cold, how dare you bring it to this princess!

Yun Chang stood at the door, and when she heard Hua Jing's angry voice, she couldn't help laughing out loud. She, the imperial sister, really has a big temper.

A few maids ran out in a hurry, all of them looked embarrassed, they ran out covering their faces, and almost bumped into Yunshang, Qianyin pulled Yunshang away, and the maids realized that there was someone , quickly raised his head, frowned and looked at the startlingly beautiful woman in front of him.

It took a long time to recover, frowned and said, Who are you, why are you here?

Yun Chang smiled lightly, but did not answer, her eyes fell on the gate. After a while, I saw Hua Jing walking out with some doubts, What's going on? Who is it? What else can there be in this house now...

The voice with a bit of impatience stopped the moment he saw Yunshang. Hua Jing's eyes widened, and she looked at the person in front of her. Yun Chang was dressed in blue, with a clear and shallow appearance, like a tall and straight green lotus, elegant and noble, with a peerless temperament.

Being stung by Yun Chang like this, Hua Jing gritted his teeth, but he didn't want to make a fool of himself in front of Yun Chang. After a while, he suppressed the hatred in his heart, straightened his clothes, and looked at Yun Chang coldly, Why are you here? The princess mansion is heavily guarded, how did you get in?

Yun Shang let out a puchi laugh, The emperor's airs are really big, and I have troubled the imperial guards in the palace to guard the door for the emperor. It is really well-guarded, but fortunately, the new imperial commander said, Chang'er is a princess, and she has never made any mistakes, so naturally she can go wherever she wants.

Hua Jing heard the strong irony in Yunshang's words, and couldn't help but burst into a fire in his heart, Ning Yunshang, you came to my mansion today to see my jokes? I'm sorry, let me You are disappointed. I, Ning Huajing, are very good. Even if I die, I will die more noble than you. I am the eldest princess of Ning Kingdom. Your mother is just a past concubine who has been in the cold palace for more than ten years. These years, the Queen Mother has given you food and drink, and loved you a lot, but she didn't expect to raise such a white-eyed wolf like you!

Yun Shang laughed out loud, feeling that she had just heard the funniest joke in the world. Yun Chang walked towards Hua Jing slowly, with a smile on her face, but coldness in her eyes, Well, your mother is really good to me. When I was young, she pampered me very much. , let me not think about making progress, and even the Taifu didn't want to teach me, so, under the care of your mother, I became a famous woman in the imperial city. Get rid of me, instigate people to make me almost fall to death, and invite fake Taoist priests to tamper with my food and spare no effort to assassinate me...they care too much for me...\u003c

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