Eight-year-old Princess: Phoenix Reborn

Chapter 102: The Birthday Banquet at Prince Shunqing's Mansion

Emperor Ning stared at Yunshang for a long time, then stood up, went to the window and pushed it open, looking at the whiteness outside the window, sighed faintly, It's a pity, you are a girl.

Yun Chang was taken aback, not knowing why her father said that, but seeing Emperor Ning's ecstasy alone, Yun Chang lowered his head and didn't ask.

I know about this matter, but let's end here. Is that maid named Bi Luo? I will issue an order later, saying that Bi Luo put the moss in the well on the road without authorization because she hated Concubine Jin. The concubine fell down, and she was afraid that the incident would be revealed, so she jumped into the well and committed suicide. Emperor Ning's voice was somewhat helpless.

Yun Chang was silent for a moment, then lowered her head, and responded docilely, Yes.

Emperor Ning turned his head to look at Yun Shang's trembling earrings, You don't ask me why?

Yun Shang heard the words, thought for a while, and then said, Father is the king of a country, Yun Chang is just a woman with little knowledge, and she is definitely not as thorough as Father, although Chang'er doesn't know why Father made such a decision, It's just that Chang'er can also see clearly these days that the royal father is very concerned about the concubine mother, and this matter involves too much. Concubine Ming, Miss Li, Sister Huang, and perhaps more unknown people, all involved in it. Move the whole body, if the investigation continues, the one who will be hurt in the end is very likely to be the pregnant concubine...

Hearing this, Emperor Ning's gaze added a bit of admiration, he didn't know much about this daughter in the past, he only knew that she was weak and sick, and had a calm temperament, but now it seems that she is smart.

It's good for you to know, now is not the time... Emperor Ning sighed, a look of coldness flashed in his eyes.

Yun Chang lowered her head, and she naturally knew that it was not the best time to move Prime Minister Li's family, so she didn't call anyone else, but she came to talk to Emperor Ning about it alone. The prime minister's lineage is very involved, and I will disintegrate it bit by bit, but now is not the time, if this matter is used to pull out Concubine Ming and Li Yingying, Prime Minister Li will definitely take the opportunity to fight back.

Father, now we are declaring that the mother and concubine have had a miscarriage, but there are some people with bad intentions in this palace. You only need to check casually, and you will know that the mother and concubine's miscarriage is just a cover. The concubine is in a dangerous place, and the father has a palace in Fenglai City, so it is better to let the mother and concubine go to the palace to wait for the birth in peace. Fenglai City is also close to Ningguo Temple, and the grandfather also lives in seclusion nearby, so there is some care. Although the guards are tight, no matter how strong the guards are, they cannot match the means of the women in the palace.

Emperor Ning raised his head and stared at Yun Chang for a while, Have you met Mrs. Xiao?

Yun Shang nodded, Grandpa and Abbot Wuna have some friendship. When Shang'er was recuperating in Ningguo Temple, Grandpa once came to see Shang'er and taught Shang'er some piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.

Emperor Ning pondered for a moment, and then said, No wonder, I just said that the painting you drew at the palace banquet that day had a faintly familiar style. It turned out to be the Taifu... After a long pause, he continued, Since it is Taifu, then I have nothing to worry about, according to what you said, let Shujin go to the palace in Fenglai City to recuperate, but there are some people in the palace who have to guard against...

My son knows, my son will go to the palace to explore the way tomorrow, clean up the palace, and then send the mother and concubine there. What do you think, father? Yun Shang whispered.

Emperor Ning shook his head, Once you pass by, I'm afraid it will attract people's suspicion even more. How about this, I will ask Prince Jing to go quietly. You will go to Ningguo Temple to pray for blessings in a few days. When the time comes, bring your mother and concubine with you. Prince Jing is here, so I feel relieved.

Prince Jing? Yunshang frowned, just thinking that with King Jing around, the safety of the concubine mother and concubine could indeed be guaranteed, so she didn't say any more, I obey the order.

As soon as Yunshang returned to Qingxin Hall, Emperor Ning's order came down, saying that Biluo harmed the concubine Jin, fearing that the matter would be revealed, committed suicide in fear of crime, raped the corpse for three days, and threw the corpse into a mass grave. Along with this decree, there was also a decree from the Empress, to designate Concubine Jin as Concubine Jin, and said that the imperial concubine's body was damaged and needed rest, and she set off for Fenglai Palace on a certain day.

Princess, the murderer is obviously not that maid, so why did the emperor insist on saying it was that maid? Qianyin frowned, she went to inquire about it that day, and the little maid had never been out of Changchun Palace, so she didn't have time to go. do things like that.

Yun Shang raised the corners of her mouth and smiled, There's no need to mention this matter anymore, the real murderer can't move now, it's just that after this incident, they will be accused of another crime in Father Emperor's heart, and when their crime becomes more serious When there are more and more, the gods are hard to save.

Qianyin didn't know what Yun Shang was referring to, but she also secretly defended Yun Shang.

Qianyin, please tell me to let our people in each palace take a good look at what the palaces are doing these days, and report to me if there is any abnormality. There is no vegetarian in this palace. Yunshang closed her eyes slightly, and her heart gradually I want to put my own stakes in various places as soon as possible to form my own source of news. While taking precautions, I can also find the right time to disintegrate Prime Minister Li's power bit by bit. Lose.

On the second day, when Yunshang went to Qiwu Palace to pay her respects, the queen deliberately asked Yunshang to stay until the end. After all the concubines had left, the queen took a post from Xiuxin with a smile and said, This is the right time for you. The post sent by Prince Qing's Mansion, tomorrow will be Princess Shunqing's birthday. King Shunqing is the younger brother of the late emperor, and Princess Shunqing is also getting older. Fortunately, both the eldest son and the county prince of Prince Shunqing's Mansion are outstanding. Characters, the concubines and concubines of the county are all very good. You have been back to the palace for so long, and you haven’t had much contact with the family members of the ministers in the court. Since the emperor has granted you a marriage with Prince Jing, you will also be a princess in the future. If you get in touch with these people earlier, it will be good for you in the future.

Yun Shang was secretly a little surprised when she heard the words. In her previous life, what the queen disliked the most was that she had too much contact with officials and family members. Why did she suddenly think of this and asked her to deal more with ministers and family members? There's something strange about it...

Although she was secretly on guard in her heart, Yun Chang's face knew that she was gentle, Yes, Chang'er just listened to the queen mother's arrangement.

Hmm. The queen tugged at the brocade handkerchief in her hand, coughed lightly, By the way, it's your first time to participate in such a birthday banquet, and the birthday gift for the old concubine should not be sloppy. The old concubine is also a royal, what kind of The baby has seen it all, and I know that you have limited quotas in the palace, and I'm afraid you can't find any outstanding gifts, so I asked Xiuxin to prepare it for you. The queen said, then turned to Xiuxin and said, Go and deliver things to the princess.

Yun Shang's heart tightened secretly, when did the queen become so kind?

Xiuxin moved the things in, and put them in a delicate sandalwood box, which was carved with delicate and dense crabapple flowers. Yunshang stepped forward to open the box, and saw a high-quality emerald in the box. The birthday peaches are made of jadeite which is extremely transparent green, and it can be seen at a glance that it is a peerless treasure. Yun Shang stretched out his hand to caress the longevity peach in the box, and exclaimed, This is the first time for Shang'er to pick up such a transparent jadeite, and it's such a big one, it must be priceless, the old princess will definitely like it, Shang'er Thank you, Queen Mother.

The queen smiled extremely dignifiedly, That's natural, the old concubine can be regarded as a respectable figure in the imperial city, you have to remember, Chang'er, you must do your best to please the old concubine, if the old concubine treats you differently , all the noble ladies in the imperial city have to respect you a bit.

Yun Chang nodded, Shang'er knows, she will definitely behave well, but Chang'er has never seen this old princess, and Chang'er doesn't know what the old princess likes.

The queen smiled and said, Maybe the old concubine is old, she likes quietness, and also likes more elegant colors, especially cyan and blue, likes to drink Dahongpao, and her favorite dish is anchovy fin. Do you remember It's fine...

Yun Chang listened very seriously, nodded repeatedly and said, Shang'er knows.

After talking about Princess Shunqing's preferences, the queen let Yunshang leave Qiwu Palace. Yunshang brought the emerald longevity peach back to Qingxin Hall, took it out and looked at it carefully under the light, It's really the best, it's really beautiful. , this kind of work is very rare.

Qin Yi was a little worried, But the princess, the queen asked you to go to the Shunqing palace, and the slaves always feel that something is wrong.

Yun Shang smiled, Of course something is wrong, when has Li Yiran been so kind and explained to me one by one what Princess Shunqing likes.

Yun Shang beckoned to Qianyin, Send a message, let people inquire about what Princess Shunqing likes and what she hates, remember, the more detailed the better.

Qian Yin responded, turned and walked out the door.

Yun Chang's eyes fell on the emerald, and the corners of his mouth were slightly hooked.

On the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, Princess Shunqing's 50th birthday, Yunshang woke up early, and Qianyin came in with water, Princess, the news has come in, and what the empress said about Princess Shunqing's preferences is correct.

Oh? Yun Chang raised her eyebrows, scooped up water to wash her face, took the brocade handkerchief Qian Yin handed over, wiped her face, and sat down in front of the dressing table.

Qin Yi came over and picked up a comb to dress Yun Shang.

Qianyin hung up the brocade handkerchief before coming over and continuing, Princess Shunqing likes blue and blue the most, so most of her clothes are in blue and blue. What Princess Shunqing hates the most is when someone talks to her. The color of the clothes collided with each other, so clothes of these two colors should never be worn.

So that's how it is... Yunshang smiled slightly, If someone else knows that Princess Shunqing likes these two colors the most, they will definitely try to please them, and in terms of colors, the clothes are the easiest to please. However, If I really dress like this, Princess Shunqing will secretly hate me. The queen mother is very thoughtful, and what she said is not wrong at all, but...

Qin Yi combed her hair, picked up a plain hair band from the dressing table, tied it into a bow on her hair, and frowned slightly, It's just a princess, did the queen let the princess go to Shunqing Palace to celebrate her birthday just to let the princess Wearing clothes of the wrong color to attack the princess? If the princess didn't wear it, would her plan be ruined soon?

Yun Chang's eyes fell on the sandalwood box, and said with a smile, Of course not...

Then the princess should not go. The maidservant is afraid that the queen has vicious thoughts, and she is in the Shunqing palace. If something happens to the princess, she can't be blamed. Qin Yi only felt a little restless in her heart. Something happened to the master of the day, if something happened to the princess, then what should I do.

Yun Shang turned her head, held Qin Yi's hand and said, I can't always be a turtle in the Qingxin Palace, can I? I will be careful, Qin Yi, you can rest assured.

Qin Yi nodded, turned around and took a water-pink dress for Yunshang, waited for Yunshang to put it on, brought a cloak of the same color, tied it for Yunshang, and then hugged the sandalwood box Follow Yunshang out of Qingxin Hall.

When they reached the gate of the palace, the carriage was already waiting, Qianyin helped Yunshang into the carriage, and the three master and servant headed towards Shunqing Palace.

Princess Huiguo is here... With the sound of an announcement, everyone in the garden looked towards the door.

A woman in her thirties came over, with a hearty laugh, I was just saying that I heard the magpies calling early in the morning, there must be a nobleman coming, but just after I finished speaking, I heard the princess coming .”

Qianyin walked behind Yunshang, lowered her head and said softly, This is Wen Ruxin, the eldest son of Princess Shun, the wife of the eldest son of Princess Shun, and the eldest daughter of the household servant.

Yun Chang nodded, raised her eyes and said with a smile, Auntie is so polite, it's a shame.

The woman seemed to be taken aback when Yun Shang called her so affectionately, but she quickly reflected, walked up to Yun Shang and took Yun Shang's hand and said, Look, let me say, although Princess Huiguo She is young, but she is a veritable beauty, these ladies and ladies are still skeptical, saying that they can't compare to Princess Huajing, in my opinion, Princess Huiguo is the most beautiful.

There was laughter from the side, and Yun Chang looked up, but there were many people that Yun Chang had met in her previous life.

Yunshang squinted her eyes. Although the woman in front of her seemed straightforward, she was just a hidden needle. She fell into her way if she didn't pay attention. Yunshang smiled slightly, Auntie is talking nonsense, although Chang'er In the deep palace, but I also know that Huang Jie is recognized as the number one beauty, and Chang'er is not one-tenth of Huang Jie's. Auntie, you are used to comforting people, but if you hear it like this, it is a lie, Shang'er You won't be happy if you hear it.

The Crown Princess laughed loudly, and quickly said, No matter how bold I am, I dare not deceive the princess. The old princess is entertaining guests in her yard. The princess will follow me to pay a visit to the old princess. If you know that the princess is here, She must be very happy.

Yun Chang nodded and said with a smile, Then Chang'er will trouble Auntie to guide Chang'er.

The concubine Shizi said several times quickly, No trouble, no trouble. Then she took Yunshang out of the garden.

Shunqing Palace does not look very luxurious, but it is also full of elegance. The pavilions and pavilions are actually built according to the gardens in the south of the Yangtze River. Satisfied, he smiled and said, This is designed by the old prince himself. The old princess is from Jiangnan. The old prince is afraid that the princess will not get used to leaving home, so he made a special trip to repair the palace like this.

Oh? Yun Chang turned her head to look at Shizi Concubine, The prince and concubine have a very good relationship, which is really enviable.

Hearing this, the concubine laughed and said, The princess wants to get married, right? I heard from the prince that the emperor gave the princess and Prince Jing a marriage. Prince Jing is the wishful man of many daughters in the imperial city. That’s the real good fortune.”

Yunshang followed Shi Zifei around a few gardens, and walked into a yard built along the water. The yard was a small two-story pavilion. One side of the yard faced the water, and there were many bamboo forests planted in the yard. It was indeed a typical Jiangnan water town. amorous feelings.

Princess, please, the old concubine is here. Shi Zifei smiled and walked in with Yunshang.

Yun Chang saw a few old ladies and a few young ladies sitting in the room, and a kind woman was sitting on the innermost mahogany chair, wearing a dark blue dress embroidered with bamboo, with a faint gleam between her eyebrows. With a bit of fierce momentum.

Mother, Princess Huiguo is here to celebrate your birthday. The Concubine Shi Zi smiled and stood aside.

Yunshang walked forward with a smile and said, Shang'er wishes the concubine and empress immortal blessings forever, and live as long as the heavens. Qin Yi on the side quickly handed over the sandalwood box, and Yunshang opened the box and said, Shang'er also I didn't know what to give to the princess, so I asked my mother for this emerald birthday peach, borrowed flowers to present Buddha, and gave it to the princess.

The old concubine stared at Yunshang with burning eyes, and said with a smile, It's the best gift for the princess to come to celebrate my birthday...

A voice came from the side, The color of this jadeite longevity peach is really good. Looking at the jadeite, the color of the water is really excellent, almost transparent. The appearance of this longevity peach is also lifelike.

The old concubine smiled, and asked the nanny to take the sandalwood box, and said with a smile, Yes, this is the first time I have seen such a beautiful emerald. Princess Huiguo really has a heart. Pulling Yunshang to ask some questions, Yunshang answered them one by one, and the old concubine said, This palace is full of old ladies, which are boring. The princess might as well take these ladies to play in the garden, let them It’s really hard for these young people to come and listen to our chatter.”

The old ladies below covered their mouths and smiled when they heard the words, and said to the young woman beside them, In this case, you can go and play with the princess.

Yun Shang smiled and led the women out of the garden, and a beautiful woman walked up to Yun Shang with a smile and said, Princess, you are so beautiful. I have never seen such a beautiful person before.

Yun Shang heard a secret voice behind her and said, The daughter of Taichang Temple, Jing Wenxi.

Yunshang heard the words and was about to answer, but heard a sarcastic voice from another time, Jing Wenxi, you are really shameless, who in this imperial city doesn't know that you like Prince Jing? Prince Jing and Princess Huiguo have given you a marriage. I advise you to put away your dirty little thoughts. Could it be that you are still thinking of flattering the princess and letting the princess persuade Prince Jing to marry you back as a side concubine? ,Innocent.

Yun Chang didn't know that there was such a secret in it, so she turned around and looked at the woman who made the sound with a smile, but saw that the woman had an extremely beautiful face, and when she frowned, it was the scenery, just saying The words were really hurtful.

Jing Wenxi gritted his teeth, but ignored the woman who spoke, only frowned and looked at Yun Shang with aggrieved expression, Princess, Xi'er doesn't think so.

Yun Chang smiled, and was about to say a few words of comfort, but heard a cold voice, It's useless even if you think so, this king will not marry anyone except Chang'er...\u003c

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