Edo Traveler

Vol 10 Chapter 65: Like a thunderbolt in a clear sky

"A feudal clan is like a big tree, with warriors as its backbone, and rich farmers and tycoons as its roots. Cut its backbone and dig its roots!"

Yoshida Shoin first pointed to Chuemon, and then pointed to the outside. The key point of this incident must still be Chuemon.

"Your kid...hahahahahaha..." Chuemon suddenly understood.

The reason is very simple. The strength of the vassal daimyo's ability to resist the shogunate is that once the shogunate begins to cut the feudal clan, the hundreds of thousands of samurai who are worried about their future livelihoods will be bound by the feudal lord to launch a rebellion against the shogunate.

Hundreds of thousands of samurai, plus hundreds of thousands of samurai's servants, that is an army of one million!

No matter how much moisture this army is, it is one million people. Can the shogunate guarantee that it can withstand the counterattacks of the millions of troops? Obviously it can't.

But this problem, Chuemon has already started to solve the problem. Once the 600,000 samurai were settled by the shogunate, they continued to retain the hereditary iron rice bowl, and at the same time the salary was doubled. Under such circumstances, what kind of stupid embryo would follow the lord to rebel?

The loss of the support of the samurai in the feudal clan is one of them. And without the support of the main taxpayers in the feudal clan, that is, wealthy farmers and tycoons, the rule of the feudal lords came to an end.

Of course, this must be done together with drawing the samurai. If the samurai does not come, the rich farmers and tycoons will resist the taxation of the princes, and the princes will directly cut you to death. You have to let the princes have no samurai to mobilize, and it will not threaten your safety, so that you can safely stop supplying the princes.

Without taxes and money, it would be impossible for the princes to buy the samurai. Without money, it was difficult to move, and the princes’ congress quickly collapsed.

In order to obtain that illusory, even worthless vote, the wealthy farmers and tycoons are very likely to fall to the shogunate when the samurai class has been bought.


"But now there are still two difficulties." Yoshida Shoin was optimistic just now, but now he shows a wry smile.

"Where is the difficulty?"

"A general Jian is always sick and weak, and everyone knows it, and he calls it ‘Taro Gongfang’. Although there have been remedies for the past two years, there is still no prestige for major changes in the country." Shoin Yoshida sighed.

If the shogunate really came to the point where it would overthrow the country's feudal system and establish a modern political system. Then there must be a powerful and prestigious monarch to stand on the stage to encourage and strengthen the people who support the reform across the country, and to ensure the smooth progress of the entire reform.

A typical example is the Russian serfdom reform (реформывроссийскомкрепостноеправо) that was carried out soon in history. Due to the failure of the Crimean War, Russia's domestic and foreign affairs were embarrassed, and people's grievances were boiling, which further deepened the crisis of domestic feudal serfdom, greatly intensified class contradictions, and accelerated the abolition of serfdom in an all-round way.

From 1858 to 1860, there were nearly 290 peasant riots and uprisings in Russia. Driven by the peasant resistance movement, Alexander Ivanovich Herzen (Алекса?ндрИва?новичГе?рцен) and Nikolai Gavrinovich Chernyshevsky (НиколайГавриловичЧернышевский) The Democrats such as Ge Ming and the liberals started a debate on solving the peasant problem.

The liberals к.д. Caverin and others proposed to abolish the serfdom system while preserving the tsarist regime and not touching the landownership system of landlords. Geming democrats advocated the complete abolition of the serfdom system and the overthrow of the tsarist rule. Since Russia did not form a revolutionary force sufficient to overthrow the serf system and autocracy, the reform to abolish serfdom was carried out by the tsarist government from top to bottom.

This is a very crucial point. At that time, Tsar Alexander II Nikolaevich (Russian: Александр II Николаевич, English: Alexander II; April 29, 1818-March 13, 1881) was forty-three years old. A man's heyday.

Because of the long-term internal political propaganda, the Tsar in the hearts of the Russian people is everyone's "father" and the people's "little dad". Only with old age and prestige, but also stable support, such a tsar can achieve corresponding success by carrying out serfdom reforms.

If at that time was a five-year-old 10-year-old doll on the throne of the Tsar, or a sick child like Tokugawa Isaiah who doesn't know about tomorrow, you can see if he can reform.

The main energy of the upper strata of the ruling class must be focused on fighting for power or deciding on the next successor. Who has the mind to reform and daydream?

Just knowing that it's over, it's not about playing music and dancing.

Even if the reigning person is Tokugawa Jiaqing, who was fifty years old at the time, this reform can be promoted normally, even very strongly. After all, Tokugawa Jiaqing ruled the country for a long time, and the princes convinced him that he was able to implement reforms.

At the moment, the shogunate is also carrying out a certain god-making movement for Tokugawa Iamatsu, but after all, it has not yet gained popularity. Moreover, the Tokugawa family used to make a mess, and everyone who has worn it for a long time already knows it. It takes at least a generation of people for more than 20 years to completely whiten it.

Another example can be cited, such as King Rama IX. Maybe we wrote this sentence here. If you travel to Thailand in the future, you will be sent to jail for "great disrespect" when you get off the plane. But this is indeed a very good example. He is clearly not a wise and martial monarch, but he can wash himself into a white lotus in the hearts of the people. His methods are definitely worth mentioning.

The fact that he was able to resume his kneeling ceremony and turn tens of millions of people in Thailand back into slaves at his feet shows how excellent his brainwashing skills are~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The shogunate still lacks time...

"What about the two?" Chungemon nodded. There is no way to solve the problem of Tokugawa's body.

Perhaps it will take Shimaru to inherit the throne and then become an adult, and after two decades of the god-making movement, can the shogunate have a king with enough reputation to promote a major reform that will change the country.

Calculating in this way, the shogunate may still need to barely maintain for more than ten years. Over the past ten years or so, earth-shaking changes will take place all over the world. How the shogunate responds to these changes is a big problem.

"His Royal Highness, I have a word, I don't know if it should be said or not."

"But it doesn't matter."

"While looking at the princes of the Yujiamen, only His Royal Highness is the older Dezhao. If the time is right, why not take the throne and come to the Sixty-Six Kingdoms!"


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