Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 894: Storm Knight Camp Drawings

"Yes, giants don't have many fighting skills because they are too strong in nature. We don't have to worry about the special skills of giants that will make us hard to defend against." Lin Yucha also came to this conclusion based on this information.

"But still be careful, who knows what we don't know. Giant has developed for so many years and is a complete world system. If it has special abilities, this is also possible." Finally, Lin Yucha concluded.

"Forget it, no matter how much it is, the aura of the law has dissipated, and everything is almost processed. Then, let's go and see if there are any advanced materials we need."

Advanced materials are still the top priority, and you can't give up looking for them at any time. Even if you can't find it in other worlds now, you can go to the material market. I haven't found it for three days, but Du You is not in a hurry. TV mobile terminal/

Their advanced skills are already very much of the same level, and it is habitual to continue to search.

"I think that many people have learned all their skills before entering Tier 4, which is actually to increase the probability of finding advanced materials." Du You suddenly thought of the problem of many people complaining about insufficient skills.

I have been a professional for such a long time, except for the lack of skills at the beginning, I have never felt this way after level 10. Maybe, just as you think.

"The strength of the giant is a bit strong, our current strength may not be enough, let's improve it first."

Du You gritted his teeth and simply raised the strength of all three to level 33. Although it is only two levels of promotion, the more advanced, the more obvious the improvement of one's own strength for each level.

It may not be visible on the panel, but when fighting, the strength is absolutely different. Moreover, the level of promotion is small, they have been to Tier 4 for a while, so after this promotion, everyone quickly adapted to it.

On the fourth day, new news was made public again. "This is really uninterrupted propaganda."

Du You sighed and watched the new announcement. "Hey, I didn't expect it to be like this."

The three people looked at the newly announced news. As a result, the news said that this is a pioneering mission and the Alliance will directly hold it. Therefore, Earth Will is likely to follow up in an all-round way, and the explosion rate in this mission will increase a lot.

The most important thing is the burst rate for those lords. It is said that in this kind of mission, after the lords participate, the probability of the various blueprints exploded will be greatly increased. This is to help the earth swallow the will of another world.

The development of the earth for so many years has always been like this, and the earth has been so supportive, and the benefits to the lord are naturally very great. The more direct impact is that the price of the original price increase drawing suddenly dropped.

Of course, not many have fallen, but at least the drawings in front of me are not as valuable as before.

"The price of the drawings has fallen, and more people will probably have to prepare topaz to participate in this mission. After all, the increase in explosion rate can give them more opportunities, and some uncommon things may be taken out. "This is Lin Yucha's proposal.

Du You thought for a while and said, "Pay attention to the information from the outside world. If there are blueprints or equipment that are useful to us, then take it down. Forget it, the equipment is too expensive, and the price is getting higher and higher, so I don't need it for now."

He also needs topaz coins, and Du You won't waste anything at this time.

Lin Yucha nodded, and soon gave the order to the subordinates of the shop. As a result, only two hours later, Du You found that he had already gained something on his side.

"There are blueprints. The arms blueprints are still Tier 4, so you can get them right away. It doesn't matter if they are expensive." Du You didn't want to wait. Once a blueprint appears, if you don't quickly get it, you will soon be snatched away .

This is a fourth-order, very expensive. After taking it down, Du You had the intention to watch it.

Storm Knight Camp Blueprint: You can build Storm Knight Camp in your territory.

"As the beginning of the storm, it is still a knight. This is either a light cavalry or an air cavalry." Lin Yucha analyzed in a low voice.

"I can't analyze the specifics, but I will know at the time. Unfortunately, the most precious blueprints such as the Lord's Mansion are still not so easy to find." After all, they are the three key buildings of the territory, and even now, there are none on the market.

This kind of drawings will not fluctuate in price due to any circumstances, and is always a hedge.

It seems that this kind of high-level blueprint can only be obtained in the giant world. Du You also wants to obtain the high-end drawings he needs in the giant world, which is very effective for developing his main territory.

Tomorrow is the day of departure. On the last day of Du You, there is not much hope, just taking the two sisters to continue wandering in the material market. In front of me, there is a huge pile of books. There are all kinds of books in it, and there are many parchment papers and scrolls, and some bamboo slips or stone tablets are also available in this place. Recommend to read TV//

A large pile piled up into a ball, if it weren't for these all images, I'm afraid it would have been destroyed long ago.

"We seem to be picking up rags now." Du You laughed at himself, then looked through it.

After just flipping through it for a while, Du You's expression suddenly changed. When there was no hope, there was a book that resonated with him. "The astrologer's secret book, is this a biography?"

"What's the matter, master, have you found what you need?" The two sisters noticed Du You's appearance and immediately understood Du You nodded: "Good luck this time and found a book ,This is it."

With the gradual improvement of your skills, it has become more and more difficult to continue to find advanced materials corresponding to your skills. Du You is also somewhat like others, as long as there is advanced material, then advanced is good.

Even if you don't use it, it is not so easy to find advanced materials corresponding to the same skill. Basically, it can be said that it is a small probability event. So buy it when you meet it.

"This shop is not very demanding, just a piece of Tier 4 materials, not even equipment."

Du You also did not find the owner to bargain, and directly resorted to the rules of the magic net to pay for the transaction. At that time, even if the owner of this store has any other ideas, it will be useless.

The materials and books were transferred to each other, and after a few seconds, the original of the astrologer's secret book arrived in Du You's hands. Du You ticked the corner of his mouth, and the next moment he loaded it into his personal space. When the people around saw Du You's movements, they couldn't help showing envy. This kind of behavior means that people have found what they need, and this kind of luck is not envious.

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