Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 811: Yin Chong Incense and Demon? Amulet

After reaching Tier 4, it was different. Du You found that the burst rate was much higher than before, and there were more topaz coins in each sphere, which was no longer as scarce as before.

"With one plus one minus, not only will the income gained through hunting not decrease, but if you kill faster, it will be more. The number of monsters above Tier 4 is less, but the explosion rate of crystal coins is indeed much higher."

After hunting for a while, Du You came to this conclusion. Now he hunts these fourth-order demons by himself, almost every time he kills two, he can burst a ball. And basically every ball can harvest more than one hundred topaz coins.

If hunting at a low level can also have such a harvest, I am afraid that everyone can get a lot of high-end skills. It is a pity that after Tier 4, the skill wants to reach Tier 4 is too difficult. Therefore, people after Tier 4 rarely construct new skills. These all take time, and it is not a good thing to waste time.

Of course, the monster's strength after Tier 4 will also become very powerful, and it will no longer be so easy to deal with before.

Even some relatively weak professionals, facing the natives of the same level, are not necessarily opponents of the other party. Therefore, after reaching Tier 4, if other people want to get benefits, they basically still need to rely on tasks.

Compared with Du You, who can still hunt a large number of monsters of the same level alone, it is far worse.

"It's a pity that the equipment explosion rate has not changed, and it seems to be even less." Lin Yucha also said.

Although I don't know whether all the situations are like this, the equipment explosion rate is indeed not high. After killing more than a dozen demons along the way, apart from some Tier 4 materials, none of the equipment appeared.

"No way, after all, the higher the level, the more the equipment is lacking. I heard that most of the equipment after Tier 4 is made with the help of these materials, and there are not many that really exploded."

Du You shook his head and sorted out the things in his hands. "But it's not entirely without gain, at least this special biological specialty is still good." Du You handed the two demon essences to the two sisters.

The two nodded and ate it, and their strength was improved a little.

"And this, this thing should be able to attract a lot of demon worms around here." Du You said while holding an oval object, killing more than a dozen demon worms, and two appeared.

Insect Insect Incense: After being ignited, it emits a special smell, attracting nearby demon critters to gather.

If this thing is given to other people, they will definitely not dare to use it. The devil is a long-range attack, once set on fire, it is quite dangerous. But Du You was not afraid. After fighting for such a long time, Du You had basically found a way to deal with the devil.

Speaking of which, before this demon died, it was still very hard, and Du You couldn't break through with ordinary attacks. But after death, the demon will slowly become soft.

A dead worm in front of him, a minute later, suddenly began to shrink rapidly. The shriveled skin shrank back into the eggshell of the devil's chrysanthemum, looking like a work of art. This is the complete devil's corpse.

Du You, who wanted to taste the devil's taste, felt crooked when he saw this scene.

Put it away, and Du You will light the incense stick. "It doesn't seem to have any smell." Du You and the others did not notice any peculiar smell.

"I'm afraid this kind of smell can only be smelt by the devil," Lin Yucha said.

After a while, Du You commanded. "Let a demon-killing spirit go over there. This thing does not move very fast underground. We will solve them one by one."

Lin Yushi immediately sent a demon-killing spirit to Du You's command. Suddenly, a big bug rushed out of the ground and ate the hapless spirit of Demon Slayer. And the next moment, a spiral sniper has penetrated the big insect's head.

This thing has a strong ability to hide breath, Du You can't feel it, but Du You has placed a death scorpion underneath before. The Reaper Scorpion turns the surrounding underground into sand, and this kind of deserted land has no effect on the devil. But when they approached, the kind of vibration would be felt by the Death Scorpion, and then feedback to Du You.

That is, with this method, Du You can discover the problem in advance. Next, while Du You commanded, Lin Yushi sent out the Demon Slayer spirits, one by one, to draw out these devils and kill them.

"Fortunately, these demons have no attack power underground, otherwise the Death Scorpion is really not their opponent."

The third-order death scorpion is far from being able to fight against fourth-order creatures, and can only be used for perception now.

In this environment, the natural disaster giant dog that has reached a height of more than ten meters is of no use. On the contrary, because of her size, the devil dared not come out, Du You could only take it back in the end.

Although Xiao Zi's flying back and forth in the air had no effect, but Xiao Zi couldn't see the ground, and it didn't have much effect.

Still have to rely on the spirit of exterminator to attract and then attack. If it weren't for the single method of this big bug, and the bug's physical defenses were not high, it would be really not easy to deal with it.

After an area was cleaned up, Du You found another place to continue cleaning up.

"Hey, the equipment is out, it's still a special product. Speaking of which, the special products of these creatures are indeed good. Unfortunately, I don't know how many of these creatures are and how many can be produced."

Amulet of Demon Crimson: A talisman made from the eggshell of the Demon Crimson of Warcraft. (Light yellow)

Effect: A layer of invisible shield with a defense force of 32 is formed around the has a hidden effect on its own breath.

"Nice good stuff, who of you wants?"

"Master, you should bring them first. We have two charms on our bodies. We will change them when we find new ones."

Du You thought for a while and said, "It's okay. Anyway, this grassland is so big. I don't know how many devils there are, and they will be matched with you at that time." Everyone can only carry two amulets, Du You has only one. Just bring it.

The outfits made several people feel better, so the group continued to hunt. Every time I change a place, I will light the incense sticks, and then wait for the prey to come to the door, like fishing one by one, catch them out and kill them.

With the hunt, Du You's devil's essence is also more and more, it really is a special product. It is a pity that this thing cannot be farmed, and the quantity is not endless, otherwise it can really be developed as an industry.

As for Yin worm incense, it is only useful for these things, but not useful for other insects. After leaving here, Yin Chong Incense can only be stored in the warehouse. As a group of people wandered on the grassland continuously, the number of demon-killing spirits also increased, and it became easier to attract the devil's chrysalis.

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