Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 809: Full facelift

The inspection was simple and passed, and no one would doubt it afterwards. For the inland aristocrats who were naturally disdainful of the border aristocrats, they didn't think Du You had such an ability. Besides, there were only three people when they came.

There are no guards, and there are no powerful people hidden, who will consider them.

The unlucky Earl Keller was taken care of, and the whole family was invited to stay in Kassili City, and it was impossible to leave within a short time. The entire city has also been under martial law for three days, and there were strict inspections everywhere in the three days.

But it hasn't been found in three days, there is no way. After all, these are all nobles, and the city of Kassili is not an ordinary city. If we continue to prohibit people from entering and leaving, there will definitely be problems.

So three days later, the city reopened, and Du You was finally ready to leave here.

For three whole days, because the atmosphere was not right, no one brought out new things to show to others. Du You did not find anything suitable for him and the two sisters to improve their skills, so he could only regretfully continue northward.

"This time the destination is the Demon Crimson Plain. Here lives a kind of monster insect called the Demon Crimson. Adults are Tier 4 creatures. It is said that apart from the powerful attacking power and relatively secretive, everything else is not troublesome."

"Then why don't the local nobles come to clean up."

Du You shook his head and said: "It is said that this kind of thing lives underground. It is difficult for ordinary people to find out. If there are too many people, the demons will not appear. Only a few people will come out. The strangulation loss is too great. Otherwise, in the middle of the Shenyan Empire, why? There will be this kind of restricted area controlled by monsters." Because the loss of clearance was too great, no one came here to clean up.

"Before we arrive, let's change the equipment first." Since the upgrade, the equipment Du You brought hasn't been replaced by everyone, and now it can be replaced.

Sniper Bow: The maximum pull is 36, the penetrating power is increased. Automatically condenses arrows, with skill lock +30. (yellow)

Dragon Hunting Bow: The maximum pull is 35, the arrows are automatically condensed, and the shadow arrows are attached, which will add a second damage to each arrow attack. Damage to dragon creatures increased by 20%. (yellow)

"Yes, equip them. Both bows have the ability to automatically condense arrows. The emerald bow does not need to be retained. There is also no need to keep the centipede thorn quiver. The condensed arrows of the quiver are basically It's not as good as the arrows of the yellow longbow."

The two replaced the dragonbone longbow, Lin Yucha used the sniper bow, and Lin Yushi replaced the fiery dragon bow, which was just right for him. "Leave things first," Lin Yucha said.

"Why, it's obviously useless anymore." It was the same before, and the equipment that was replaced was all disposed of.

"We don't lack that little coin, and we don't need to sell these treasures. Besides, isn't the owner planning to build our own city? We will definitely not be able to rely on us at that time. We have to recruit professionals and train ourselves. These things, each The big powers all remain, and they are prepared for the growth of their own professionals."

Du You thought for a while, and it made sense: "That's right, it seems that from now on, I will keep the things I replaced in the future."

Just like what Lin Yucha said, anyway, I don't lack this coin, it seems that keeping it will be more beneficial. As for the establishment of a city, that is certain. With the development of the territory, the establishment of a city is essential.

To promote the development of the territory, more people must be needed to help collect all kinds of things that are needed. And if you want to be safer on the earth and get more of what you need, you must also build a city.

Besides, living in other people's cities is still a lot of inconvenience after all.

Had it not been for Du You to feel that his strength was not enough now, I am afraid that construction would have already begun.

Forget it, what do you think about so much, let's change your equipment first. Du You took out the shadow ring that his sister had prepared for him a long time ago, and replaced the magic spirit ring on his body.

Shadow Ring: Increases the power of spells by 33, increases the power of dark spells by 37, increases the casting speed of spells by 20%, and increases the casting speed of dark spells by 10%. (Dark yellow)

"After breaking through to Tier 4, the effect of green quality equipment on us has been reduced a lot, but there is still a little bit. The previous red equipment has no effect on us."

The two sisters felt the same way. The equipment that used to be pretty good is now at the point of being eliminated.

Du You removed the griffon eye bracelet on his body, and there really wasn't much change. Lin Yucha also took off the diamond bracelet and flying snake ring from her body. This used to be very helpful equipment for them.

Now, it can only be used by people in the future. Du You didn't have any feelings for these equipment, otherwise it would not be possible to replace them and sell them. However, the two sisters seem to be a little different from Du You, reluctant to give up.

"Okay, okay, I'll find better ones for you in the future. The effect of this green equipment is also very poor. Tier 4 is indeed a qualitative change. By the way, my badge can also be upgraded.

Du You took out the killing badge, the killing value was already enough. Only after the upgrade, Du You's eyes condensed.

"What's wrong, Master, do you need other conditions to upgrade?"

"No, you can see for yourself, you won't be able to upgrade in the future." Du You revealed the attributes directly.

Killing badge: A proof of killing. Wearing a killing badge can restore some physical strength and magic power after killing an enemy. The stronger the enemy killed, the more recovered. (Dark yellow)

The killing badge has turned into a dark yellow quality but the word "upgradeable" has disappeared. You can no longer upgrade through killings in the future. But think about it, this killing badge was obtained in the Great World of Demon Disaster, and the Great World of Demon Disaster itself is only a third-order world, and it is not easy for the items inside to be upgraded to deep yellow quality.

I don’t want the badge anymore, so I can do it all at once. Du You began to upgrade his personal space. Du You can still use the crystal coins to upgrade his personal space. One hundred topaz coins burned quickly.

Personal space: 80 cubic meters (space folding*2)

The total capacity has reached 160 cubic meters, which can be compared to a small warehouse. So far, the upgrades have been completed, and the strength of the three people has once again been greatly improved.

"Next, let's see what the devil's chrysalis are, which can make people around here change their conversation." The speed of the flight is very fast. In less than half a day, a group of three people have arrived. destination.

This is a prairie with luxuriant water and grass. From a distance, you will know that it is a good pasture. If it weren't for the devil here, I'm afraid it would have long been a treasure trove for countless nobles.

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