Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 2207: Steady occupation step by step

Du You didn't care about the turmoil of the Northern Empire. At this moment, the army of the Life Empire had surrounded the Northern Empire. Even though the area is vast, there are still some key positions.

"What to do? The Empire of Life is coming so aggressively this time, we are probably not rivals.

"Don't be afraid, we are not opponents in the first place, but we don't know how much power the Life Empire can use. If there are too many, I am afraid our Northern Empire will soon perish."

A person next to him said angrily: "Shut up, don't say that, our northern empire is very powerful."

The people around rolled their eyes. This guy is a diehard, but he can't tell lies with his eyes open.

But everyone didn't mean to reason with that guy. They all knew that this person was not strong enough originally, because he made meritorious service all the way and got the status of the city lord from the sixth rank to the seventh rank. Recently, he has even entered the eighth rank. This rank was originally a height he had never dared to think of in his entire life.

The Northern Empire gave him such an opportunity to promote him to this point, so for the Northern Empire, this guy is absolutely die-hard. Some people say bad things about the empire, and this guy can work hard with others.

"Hey, I don't know if that person can reach the ninth rank." A person whispered.

Everyone has a complicated face, yes, even if it can't reach it now, it's infinitely close to Tier Nine. If the last area can be unified, although the possibility is relatively small, it is still possible.

The people in the central area don't care about this at all, but they can't care about it, Tier Nine, that legendary level, even if they dream, they want to know if there is still this opportunity.

In their complicated minds, the war began. From the very beginning, the war was in a state of crushing. Even if Du You only used a part of his power, or a small part of his power, it was still not something the Northern Empire could resist.

In every war, there are strong people of Tier 8 sitting in town, even some marginal small teams, there are strong people of Tier 7 dispatched.

At the same time, the army is not simple. Although there are conscripts from various places, most of them are Du You's own troops. Over the years, Du You has gained a lot of points, and the mob has never stopped.

These troops are all of the highest quality, that is to say, the weakest in this batch of troops are in the early stage of Tier 6, and none of them are lower than Tier 6. In the marginal area, these are all top powers.

Using Tier 6 to build a large-scale army, this kind of extravagant thing can't even be done in the central core area.

There are only a few teams in the central area, composed of Tier 6 soldiers, but this is not an ordinary team, it is an exclusive guard team for the holy city, and it usually does not participate in any wars outside.

Not long after the war began, the Northern Empire continued to lose land.

"What to do, we are not opponents at all." Seeing another Tier 8 powerhouse in the air was shot down, everyone else showed a desperate look. It was impossible to win this kind of war.

"Yes, let's surrender. The power of the life empire is too strong."

Seeing several Tier 8 undeads lining up next to them, they all wanted to die. Is this bullying at all? With these powerful existences, the army of the Life Empire is like a knife, cutting in easily without resistance. Although Tier 8 powerhouses come to help out from time to time in the rear, none of them are opponents.

On the contrary, Du You is not too anxious, after all, he still needs time.

Every time Du You captured an area, Du You didn't let the army continue to advance immediately, but stationed in the same place, digesting the city and surroundings first. While building the city's defense system, clean up the surrounding problems at the same time.

Then, it started to assimilate the people here. The governance of the Northern Empire is already pretty good, so it still has a certain degree of popular support. Du You occupied these places, and many diehards of the Northern Empire also came to make trouble.

If you want to completely stabilize this place, it really takes time. In Du You's opinion, it may take ten or twenty years to completely digest this place. This time is not short.

It can also be seen from the side that the governance capabilities of the Northern Empire are indeed good.

It is a pity that this place is not as good as myself after all, but I have integrated all the places with puppets and clones.

Although the Northern Empire is also integrating, they can't do many things at all, such as those strong, no matter where they are privileged. There are always people who want to break the rules.

This has caused some places to recognize themselves.

At the same time, those in power and powerful people are also secretly searching for various things, including the resources Du You needs. As long as you find out where these people live in the city, you can easily get a lot of gains.

During the time Du You stayed, he was also searching for these things.

There is no need to start with the civilians, just the help of these people has given Du You a lot of resources. With these resources, even if the north is completely controlled, he can use this opportunity to improve himself.

Slowly advancing, step by step slowly, the northern empire lost more and more territory.

Moreover, this advance is very firm, and it is not something they can stop or slow it down.

The people in the central core area are also staring at the battle here at this time, but the quarrel between these guys has become more Everyone is expressing their own opinions, always wanting to disagree with others same.

There are always a few people making trouble every day, so they watched Du You's movements, but they didn't move at all. It seems that they are still imagining that they will directly control Du You after Du You is occupied.

And this kind of advancement finally made the kings of the Northern Empire unbearable.

On this day, looking at the report of losing a large amount of land again, the king finally couldn't help it, and stood up by himself.

"It can't go on like this, they must be blocked, this time I will do it myself."

As the empire continues to shrink, the bonuses you get will become less and less. If this continues, after the opponent has occupied most of the empire's territory, even if it is in his own territory, he will not be the opponent's opponent.

Up to now, the king of the Northern Empire still believes that he is invincible in his own territory.

Seeing that the king took the shot himself, the delegation was cheered, and they seemed to them that as long as the king took the shot, there would be no problem in preserving a part of the country. As long as there is this part of the country, they are free.

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