Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 2205: Occupation of three-quarters of the area

The result was almost the same as Du You had imagined. After a decisive battle, many of these guys who had already got the red eye started the death battle mode. I really don't know how there was such a big hatred between them.

The result is that these eighth-tier mid-term powerhouses, in the end, only four survived, and they were not lightly injured.

The other eighth-level powerhouses also suffered heavy losses, and because the eighth-level powerhouses did not keep their hands and directly attacked the seventh-level, the seventh-level was even more dead. After the decisive battle, he was directly surrounded by Du You.

At the end of the pot, there are still a large number of corpses waiting to be cleaned up. But it is a pity that many of these corpses are very broken, and there is no way to create undead. But fortunately, most of these broken pieces were Tier 7 and only one Tier 8 corpse was lost. The seventh-order undead creatures can make a lot of them out of thin air.

Those clones who have inherited this part of their abilities are very good at creating undead.

"Surrender, I surrendered." When seeing a large number of undead masters, a mid-tier eighth straight raised his hand and surrendered.

"I surrender too, Sun Yu, don't think that you can get rid of by joining the Empire of Life. I will definitely seek revenge from you." Another person next to him said coldly at the first surrender.

These guys, the contradictions are irreconcilable, and they have become a bunch of lunatics.

Seeing this scene, Du You was helpless. From a long distance away, Du You looked at the screen, and then said to Lin Yushi: "These guys, I'll leave it to you."

"Master, rest assured, I will control them as soon as possible and will not let them mess up." Lin Yushi was also a little annoyed.

If these guys were not fighting each other like crazy, how could they be disrupted.

The current situation is that if you want to complete your plan, you still need to think about a new way, and you have to trouble those clones again. There are only four eighth steps, and it is easy to control.

As for the others, their leader is controlled, what can they do. Besides, after breaking them up, with the current powerful assimilation ability of the Life Empire, they simply couldn't turn the tide.

Because of a decisive battle, the high-level people here were all killed, and then it was easier for the South to control it.

In just one month, the southern region belonged to Du You in name. In addition to some areas in the north, now the entire world is controlled by oneself to three quarters of the territory.

Although the central area has always been regarded as a separate area, it is a bit too small and far less extensive than the other four areas. Of course, the resources occupied here are the most.

After the southern occupation, Du You simply used a lot of power to control this place, and then slowly developed and expanded bit by bit to improve the people's living standards, but everything was not so fast.

Because of the chaos of these guys in the South, many local cities have been destroyed and countless civilians were killed and injured. It takes a lot of time to fully recover.

But this also relieved Du You a lot, he was not prepared.

Besides, the South has become like this, and it is easier to collect resources. Resources in many places can be found directly from the ruins. Many people in other areas surrendered directly, and Du You couldn't take out the things in their homes directly. It would be unsightly if he even robbed his own subordinates.

But the things in the ruins were different, that was their own, and no one dared to grab them.

There are also fewer strong men here, and the dead strong men, and the resources in their city, Du You is not polite.

It seems that before the South takes complete control, one's own resources can be prepared this time.

As for the Northern Empire, there is a strange atmosphere now. Originally, the South had perished, and the North felt tremendous pressure. Concentrating more power in the three areas to suppress yourself is simply not something you can resist.

But what they didn't expect was that when the southern region was occupied, the troops on the northern side not only did not increase, but decreased instead. The Empire of Life drew a lot of troops from here and left the northern region.

"What is their reason for doing this? Will it be a deliberate display of weakness and want us to relax our vigilance."

After all, this is the case in the South, because after the pressure is reduced, contradictions within the South erupted.

The northern empire is better than the south. At the beginning, relying on his own strength, after the high-levels of several other empires secretly left, he forcibly annexed all those empires, and this time he has the current territory.

Nominally, the land under his control is already close to half of the entire Northern Territory.

If you can occupy some of the vacant land around you, you will be able to get even close to two-thirds of the entire north. It's a pity that my own combat power is still lacking a lot.

The eighth level and the seventh level are not good, they are now using those cities to cultivate a large number of strong people madly.

Even if the strength is weaker, at least the number should not be too small. Many people have just become the seventh rank with the help of the city, and then they are replaced to create more seventh ranks. The same goes for the eighth order. Although the city itself has not been greatly affected, the people will hear news of the change of the city lord every once in a while.

They also know what is going on, but there is absolutely no way about it.

Even many people are very happy, because this frequent means of substitution means that they also have a chance.

As long as one can reach the pinnacle of Tier, there will be a chance to become Tier 7 with the current form. Sure enough, the period of war is when the internal balance is most likely to be broken, and everything is about preserving oneself.

Under the weird atmosphere of this song, the Life Empire and the Northern Empire are preparing one after another.

At this moment, there are also many people in the central core area. Some people want to wait until the final reunification to directly send out an invitation to control, but some people feel that this is too risky.

After all, the surrounding area is controlled, and I don't know if there will be a saint.

Most people don't care, but there are still some people who are worried.

Similarly, there are some people who think that the time has come to divide the troops into two groups and control two empires at the same time.

It's just that some people want to catch it all in one go, and some people want to take advantage of this opportunity to grab part of the rights, and the two sides quarreled. The senior executives in the core area, to be honest, it has not been so lively for many years.

However, there is a problem with being strong and living long, and that is a problem they need to discuss for a long time. It is impossible to study the results of this kind of discussion within a few years or even decades.

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