Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 2160: Finally getting serious

The City Lords who were still wrangling all day are not so indifferent after discovering that their foundation is shaken.

   The most serious is the two cities close to the Undead City. Many people have already left. The city lord hadn't felt it before, but now that he feels confident, he suddenly realizes that he has been affected.

   Originally, everyone at the same level was about the same, but now his strength is much weaker than others.

   How can this not make two people angry. Although others have not been affected yet, they can feel that if the population continues to decrease, it will definitely be like this.

   Nowadays, people's grievances are boiling in major cities, and many family members have died on the battlefield. If it's normal, it's fine. After all, the number of people is small, but there are too many people now.

   Not to mention the strong anti-war sentiment, even the current military situation makes them resentful.

   It is not the enemy who resents, but his own people, because it is already like this, his city does not send people to support it. Those with family members in the army are even more worried now, for fear of problems with their family members.

   For a city, a human life is a number, but for a family, it is an indispensable member. Many people are even the backbone of their own families. Once they die, a family is shattered.

   It is precisely because of this that countless people want to escape the battlefield.

   Some people ran back, and then secretly took their families away. Even if there is danger on the road, it is better than death.

  Furthermore, the big cities like them very much, which can enhance their city power. The stronger the city, the more obvious the bonus effect for them.

   Even if they are not of the same race, everyone is willing to accept it. They don’t care if it is a spy or something.

   Anyway, as long as there is a strong person against it, what can the spies below do.

   And this kind of thing has developed to the present, it has intensified, and the city lord can no longer remain indifferent. Next, major cities have issued orders to block the cities directly.

   Even if it provokes people's resentment, it will not hesitate to leave people behind first.

   Even if they are dissatisfied with themselves, even if the bonus effect is reduced, they must stay behind.

After   , as long as you can win and give some compensation, the bonus you need will naturally return to yourself. They have done this all the time, and this time they are familiar with the road.

   Next, the major cities increased their troops one after another, and the original tentative army turned into a full-scale offensive. A large number of troops were sent to the battlefield and began to support the front lines.

   Similarly, I learned that the enemy used the plague and some methods of the undead, and various targeting methods were also taken out, and then everyone sent things to the battlefield to protect the lives of their soldiers.

   This approach can be regarded as a kind of comfort for the people in a certain sense.

   "For Tier 7, you must let Tier 7 play. This time we will stare at it personally, and there must be no problems."

   What happened before, can be regarded as a lesson for them, and it slapped all of them in the face, and their face was lost. Now let alone a joint meeting, they skipped this stage and targeted the Undead City one after another.

  The Undead City has caused such great damage to them, and they are already a common enemy.

   What people said before is really right, something like undead is really a kind of distorted creature, a kind of creature that shouldn't exist. Their existence is a mistake, which needs to be erased.

   As the major city masters started to take action one after another, the battlefield suddenly changed, and a group of seventh-tier appeared.

   Within a short period of time, those seventh-tier powerhouses cleared the battlefield, and countless sixth- and fifth-tier undead assassins and even supporting undead were wiped out. This can be regarded as a heavy loss in a sense.

   However, these undead are all made, and it is basically impossible to break through to the seventh rank, so Du You doesn't feel distressed at all.

   Besides, these things have no capital. They don't care about their lives, and they have no effect on morale. However, with the seventh-order hands, Du You couldn't continue like this after all.

   "It seems that they are finally getting serious, so let's start the next step. I don't know how long they can hold on."

  Du You's ultimate goal is to let their eighth rank come out, and then destroy it by himself.

   For cities farther away, I can excuse them for attacking myself. Although everyone hates the undead, there are limits. The undead with a small number and weak strength were eliminated easily, and they have a good reputation.

   But the undead who are too strong, they dare not act rashly, because it is too dangerous for themselves. If one is not careful, if he is injured, the people around will not just look at it like that.

   Maybe someone has noticed their own right now, but they are all watching the changes here. Maybe there are people who hope that if they can defeat both sides, they will have the opportunity to occupy more cities.

   This kind of city group will be more powerful for itself. It's like those ninth-tier powerhouses, if they didn't occupy the holy city, it would be impossible to raise their strength to that level.

   These eighth ranks also know a little about the existence of the ninth rank.

   The other party is serious, and Du You will not play around. Next, the undead creatures shrank across the board, and two days later, the seventh-order undead appeared on the battlefield. Of course, in addition to the usual large undead, there are also some relatively small ones.

   For example, there are some types of assassins specially used for assassination.

   These are all produced by Du You and his clone during this period of time. The effect is actually verified. Tier 8 undead is not easy to make, but Tier 7 is very easy.

   Du You can make some out of thin air himself, but there is a limit to the total number of making every day.

   So next, the situation on the battlefield completely changed, becoming a battle of Tier 7. The troops below Tier 7 each hide in their own territory, and no one dares to appear on the battlefield casually.

   Because the ordinary troops are safe, the psychological pressure finally disappeared. Some people have fallen into this situation, and some people have begun to work hard, cultivating crazily every day to improve their strength.

   It is conceivable that among these people, a group of strong people will surely emerge over time and become the pillars of their own cities.

   I just don’t know who the city of allegiance belongs to. With the continuous progress of the battle, the two sides entered the battlefield more and more Tier 7, which has reached an extreme value.

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