Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1990: Of course the more avatars are better

With a flash of light, Du You returned to that special perspective again.

This time, the controlling body appeared in a city.

"Do you join the army in the main task? The second is to kill ten enemies on the battlefield, and the third is to ensure the safe transportation of food and grass. So, my goal is to join the logistics organization, at least at the beginning."

Du You habitually searches for the target of this mission first. As for the side missions, they will not appear until the first main mission is completed. Du You then began to observe the surrounding situation.

Du You is looking for other adventurers, and adventurers are absolutely incompatible with this world.

Although I don't know how many people there are in this world, but since this is a city, if there are adventurers, they should be able to find a lot here. Adventurers are different from normal people, and there are some differences.

But even if you find Du You wrong, you don't care, anyway, the shadow clone created by the shadow ring is infinite, and no amount of death will affect him. Even if the local people are made into the body, they can also help themselves to do something.

Seemingly wandering aimlessly, in fact, Du You went to places where tasks were easier to trigger.

For example, the conscription office I am going to this time, or some other places similar to mercenary unions, adventurers' associations and the like. Generally, the main tasks are more likely to appear in places that are related to combat.

At least the missions Du You saw last time and this time were basically related to combat.

"This is very similar, this is not bad, they are all so similar, then you guys."

As Du You walked, he marked some suspects and turned them into guinea pigs on his list. That night, Du You quietly came out, releasing one by one shadow avatars.

Although these shadow clones are not strong enough, their essence is very high. Easily blended into the night without being noticed by anyone. Then, the shadow merged into the people he chose.

They are all ordinary people who don't even have special equipment. Even though he was afraid to participate in the battle, it was basically impossible for people in this world to do it. These people are likely to be adventurers.

As for the high-end adventurers, Du You won't do it. He is all marked by the will of the world, and if one fails, he will be discovered. After spending a lot of effort to solve those runes, the potential for future improvement is also limited, and the gains outweigh the losses. The targets Du You chose were basically people who came to this world for the first time.

Of course, it doesn't matter if the second or third time, Du You wants Mengxin anyway.

Other people with certain strength, unless they have special talents or can help themselves, otherwise Du You will not control them.

One night, I don't know how many people in the whole city were possessed by shadows in their sleep, and then their souls were swallowed and merged. The difference in nature has caused the difference between the two parties to be too great.

Although the shadow clone can only reach the sixth rank, the ring that makes the shadow clone is the top item of the eighth rank.

In the face of this kind of shadow attack, those who are not very strong have no resistance at all.

"This is, this is not, this is also... Du You closed his eyes and kept talking in his mouth.

"Very well, there are 589 targets. There are more than 300 adventurers. More than 200 of them are adorable. This time there are more clones." For Du You, the more shadow clones are of course the better.

After searching for three days, all suspicious targets in the entire city were cleared, and Du You embarked on the route of conscription.

Because the shadow clone used by Du You is too advanced, and it is used across boundaries with the help of the body power. Therefore, this kind of thing will not be noticed and recorded by the will of the world.

Three days later, Du You joined the army as he wished, and at the same time entered the logistics force.

No way, because the guy in charge of the conscription was also controlled by Du You. The most powerful person in this world is probably only Tier 4. Most of these soldiers are ordinary people, even without rank.

Following the logistics, Du You ran all the way towards the front. On the way, someone came to attack as expected.

"Unexpectedly, there are adventurers involved in this attack. Is it so easy to have opposing missions?"

Du You summoned a few Timberwolves casually, and grabbed all the attackers in front of him. They didn't get rid of it either. Du You saw that these people were a little different, so he controlled them with the shadow clone.

When the control was completed, Du You discovered that there were indeed adventurers in it, and there were not too many. Of the 30 or so people who attacked him, 12 were adventurers. This proportion is really big.

If they hadn't received a similar mainline mission, Du You wouldn't believe it if he was killed.

"Don't you have to attack my side. Okay, I see, I will let the team behind you give it to you, and try to get everyone to complete the task." Du You gave the order, and then let them continue to hide.

After that, Du You led the team to battle easily. In fact, the people in the team were all Du You's shadow clones. Everyone didn't care about what was happening right now, as if nothing had happened. All the way to the army steadily, the first main task was finally completed.

"As I thought, this world really advocates fighting. It's a pity that things won't come out directly."

Du You said silently when he saw the dense branch missions.

Basically as long as fighting on the battlefield, these tasks are possible to complete. According to the number of kills, the strength and status of the enemy, the rank of the enemy, etc., various rewards are available.

"I'll choose the field team, it's more free." Du You thought for a while and chose the field type.

The so-called field battles are often carried out in a single or small team mode. Du You has a special long-range bow and arrow in his hand. Just add some arrows to easily kill many enemy troops.

"It seems that this time I need to exchange for a space ring." Du You said to himself.

There are too many arrows on his body, but it may not take long for him to attack at his own speed. If people know that Du You wants the space ring just to carry the arrow, I don't know what expression it will be.

I wonder if something like the space ring is best at smuggling missions or transporting dangerous goods such as bombs.

But Du You would dismiss it even if he knew it, because in his own hands, arrows were dangerous objects.

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