Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1978: 1 interesting world

When the war was on the right track, Du You's affairs were reduced again, and his clone was very busy, but it had nothing to do with the main body. Basically, I resumed a leisurely life every day.

Of course this is Du You himself, and the others are different from Du You. They have to deal with things every day.

It's just that none of these people dared to come to Du You, the level gap was too big.

Du You, who is free, also has time to take care of other things. Du You also saw that after a period of busy work, Xi Qianxue and others were more leisurely than herself, and it seemed that she had adapted to this situation a long time ago.

Du You was a little depressed. For a while before co-authoring, they were all watching their own jokes.

As these days passed, it seemed that the fierce frontline war had nothing to do with them.

After years of war, the abyss is close to the earth, and the periphery has been basically occupied. Although up to now, no world purification has been completed. And because of the battle, some worlds were destroyed. But on the whole, the earth still has the upper hand, and the power of the abyss has weakened a little bit visible to the naked eye.

But this is already the limit, and it is impossible to go deeper. Even if it is the front, it is an emergency stop, temporarily digesting and absorbing this part, it is impossible to continue to expand.

Continuing, the powerful existences in those abysses will probably not be able to recognize them, and the loss would be great.

Besides, I thought that the number of professionals on this side of the earth was always insufficient, and now we need to digest this area first. Otherwise, the professionals will be scattered, and it will be easy to be broken by each person, which is very dangerous.

Because the war has entered a phase of relaxation, there will be fewer external battles. Everyone is basically consolidating the front line, and then cleaning the interior, and all aspects of the rear are gradually eased.

The large amount of income in these years has allowed the major forces on the earth to develop rapidly. It is also a good thing to stop and digest well now.

During this period of time, many forces have emerged, and there have been more and more new great forces. Similarly, some unlucky forces are directly destroyed, or they are desolate, and this is also the case.

As for how many people have problems inside, no one knows. Just taking advantage of this opportunity to ease down, the Alliance is also preparing to clean up the interior. Some cults and the like are now beginning to emerge, and they all need to be cleaned up.

Du You didn't pay any attention to this either. Anyway, he has more time now, so it's okay to find a chance to have some fun.

"Is there anything interesting recently? I feel like I'm going to be moldy."

"There are no interesting things. After all, at our level, it is already very difficult to find interesting things. But there is a world that is quite interesting, don't you go and take a look."

"What kind of world can make you say interesting, it must be very interesting."

"I can't say that. It's just that this world looks a bit similar to the earth, but it's not exactly the same."

A copy of the document fell into Du You's hands. While Du You looked at the document, a strange light flashed in his eyes. "It's really similar, but it's more like a world of infinite flow."

Others don't know what Du You is talking about infinite flow, but Du You has an idea about the world in his heart.

This is the world that an Earth team entered before, and that world is very weird. At first, they thought they had entered an ordinary world, but later they discovered that something was wrong.

This world is weird. Although it is obviously a derivative world, there are people in it who do not belong to this world.

After investigating, they discovered that these people are not professionals on their earth at all, but they also have all kinds of weird combat skills, which are as messy as their professionals.

But they are even more chaotic, because these people don't even have a systematic career, and they are all mixed up with a lot of chaotic skills. The mix-and-match style is very serious, and it seems that their tasks are more stringent.

After investigation, they finally discovered that this derivative world was one of the subsidiary planes of their native world. And there are many people in their world who will be sent to these worlds on a regular basis to do tasks.

The task is very strict, and it is death if it is not accomplished. Even if you use various methods to shield, the final cost of not completing the task is very large. It is said that there are many derivative worlds around that world.

After years of exploration, the team later discovered that they could not reach the homeland of that world at all, and could only continue to take risks in some derivative worlds. As a result, it was finally discovered.

That world treats them as intruders, and then sends out the task of cleaning up the intruders, followed by a series of escapes.

When they came out for the last time, there were only a few people left in this team. Not only did this world not make them strengthen, but instead let them fall into this fate, frustrated, they sold the world coordinates to Du You's company.

And this kind of world was sent directly to it because of its particularity, and was taken away by Li Mengyao who felt interesting. But after a while, I forgot it. If it weren't for Du You to mention it, I still don't know when to wait.

After reading the information, Du You's eyes flashed with light. "There are so many subsidiary derivative worlds, I am afraid it is not formed by special conditions, but the world itself has the ability to create such derivative worlds. To be able to create so many derivative their local world I am afraid that the strength is not weak."

"Why, do you want to see it." Xi Qianxue seemed to see Du You's thoughts.

Du You nodded slightly: "I have this idea. Anyway, there is nothing we need to do here. If the world is not high, it would be good to occupy the world as the company's internal development."

They have their own careers, so they don’t have to worry about losing their own development path due to chaotic skills.

Besides, a world that is completely controlled by him, Du You can completely improve it with the help of the earth's will. No matter how dangerous the world is, after changes, it will become something suitable for you.

In such a world, Du You saw great potential. Especially in terms of training low-level professionals, this kind of world should be very suitable. Although the planet is developing on a large scale, the number of professionals is still insufficient.

A large number of medium-level professionals is an urgent matter. Du You's gaze now is at the height of the overall situation. Of course, we must visit a world that is beneficial to the overall development of the earth.

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