Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1976: Finally used normal methods

The impact of this large-scale war is very large, directly mobilizing the entire Earth Alliance, and the impact is extremely huge.

After all, the abyss is also a world much larger than the earth, and its background is more powerful. Different from the Earth Alliance, they are all normal creatures.

The abyss is simply an arsenal. Starting from the lowest-level monsters and low-level demons, all the demons continue to devour the enemy in the fight, and then grow and become stronger.

Those who survive successfully are qualified, and those who die will become nourishment for other demons.

In this way, the abyss can cultivate troops very quickly, and there are no other creatures besides the devil in the abyss. Unlike the earth, every world has many beasts and other things in addition to the main intelligent creatures.

If it weren't for the territories on this side of the earth that could be used for violent soldiers, and want to fight the abyss, it would definitely not be an easy task.

A large number of professionals enter the world controlled by the abyss, and then establish their own territory in it. Then violent soldiers continued to fight. During this time, the war over there spawned more and more lords.

These lords, relying on the battlefield, grew very fast. Although some people continue to die, everyone will always see winners, so more and more professionals are attracted to this battlefield.

In every world, some lords will stay after being occupied, and then begin to develop in this world. No way, Du You had only one clone, so many worlds simply couldn't be controlled. Therefore, Du You's clone chooses the goal of establishing a territory, which is usually a world of rank 7 or higher.

In this way, Du You can have enough power to control it in his hands. Du You is open to other people in most of the world. If not, it would not be possible to attract so many professionals to come.

Of course, sometimes Du You would open the world of Tier 7 to others, after all, he couldn't take it all by himself.

With the seventh-tier world as a prize, some seventh-tier or even eighth-tier powerhouses have also been attracted. As for the combat effectiveness of Tier Nine, isn't it enough to have one of your own family members? There is no need to attract other people.

Those who stayed cleaned up the tentacles of the abyss and the newly born demons and insects every day, constantly cleaning up and purifying step by step. I don't know how long it will take to completely clean up the entire world.

But once they are cleaned up, they will be compensated by a world. Not only oneself, but this kind of world can also be passed on, leaving precious wealth to one's own family and their descendants.

It can be said that a family with a territory will basically remain unfailing for a long time. With a family backed by a powerful world, this family is qualified to develop and grow towards the top family.

A real world, for any professional, it can be met but not desired.

If it weren't for this large-scale war, they would like this opportunity, but they still don't know when they will wait.

The number of subsequent conscriptions is increasing, especially in the graduation season, when a large number of graduates come directly here. Capital University, which has always had a good relationship with Du You, regards it as a place for graduates to experience it.

"Okay, keep up, and we will go to the battlefield of the abyss soon. Your strength can't go to a world that is too strong, follow me, let's go to the weaker. If you are lucky, you can also become the lord."

The students behind are full of expectations. "Is it about to go to the territory of the Dark Lord? I'm looking forward to it."

"Hmph, that's our senior. I heard that seniors also have their own territory in the school, two years old."

"Cut, even if you give you territory, you can't grow to that height. I remember you learned skills that don't belong to you."

A group of people hit the road, and the teacher leading the team looked helpless. These guys are really carefree. No way, now the homeland of the earth is becoming more and more secure, causing them to have no sense of crisis.

Those demons will not show mercy because of their status. Demons are chaotic creatures. Forget it, when they get to the battlefield, they will know it. The actual situation is different from what they imagined.

It is true that Du You is their senior, and the college has always used this as a propaganda.

When the upper-level news is not as closed as before, the major colleges use this method to promote. However, Du You was too dazzling, so he directly suppressed the other academies.

The current Capital University, worthy of its name, is on the earth, no, it should be said that it is the best college in the Earth Alliance.

Even people from other worlds often struggle with joining Capital University as their goal. Now, these guys who are about to graduate have finally come to this place.

At this moment, a group of people at the front-line command are working out the next battle plan.

This kind of battle plan needed to be busy all day at the beginning of the war, but now it has entered a procedure, and there is no need to meet and discuss it every day. As long as there is no problem in the general direction, there is nothing to do.

Looking at Du You, who was always busy, the commander was also very satisfied.

"This one is finally willing to use some normal methods." The others nodded. For a long time, Du You didn't listen to any of their suggestions at all, and was always used to rushing to solve the problem by himself.

Forget it, but every time Du You made a big deal. From the breakthrough to the 9th order Du You has never stopped. Everyone who often gets along is nervous, for fear that what Du You has caused will spread to the earth. Fortunately, this kind of thing has never happened, and Du You's improvement has been smooth.

Until now, Du You's strength had been raised to the pinnacle of the peak, and no one dared to provoke the earth.

Of course, they didn't know that Du You's strength was one step closer. In their opinion, Du You was also one of the best among the peak powers, nothing more.

The earth has a top powerhouse, and then the foundation can be gradually filled.

Dealing with the abyss, there is no worries for the future, and Du You can now fight steadily step by step, which best meets their expectations.

If you like the command, let him play well. Anyway, they are checking the details, and there will be no major problems. The loss of professionals has always been controlled within a safe range.

With these batches of professionals growing up, the lack of troops on the planet will be alleviated in the future. Seek stability in everything, this is what these seniors like to do the most.

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