Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1866: Viral development process

People's concerns and public opinion matters have nothing to do with Du You. So Du You just took a look and then completely ignored them. They still had a lot of things to do.

Those dragon races on the frontline are getting more and more over, and there are a lot of dragon races, and there are more levels of masters. In order to prevent possible problems, Du You also had to improve his own strength.

For example, Du You currently does not have Tier 7 corpses to use, but he is still collecting a large number of corpses.

Now his own Demon Flame Bone Dragon is able to help himself make Demon Flame Skeletons, but the sacrifice still needs to be done by himself. A large number of Demon Flame Skeletons disappeared piece by piece under the action of Du You's spells, and then turned into a seventh-order Demon Flame Bone Dragon. The effect of this spell, even if you have seen it many times, you will feel shocked.

Now that Du You used the method of sacrifice to create the Demon Flame Bone Dragon would not cause any loss to himself. The only problem was that Du You consumed a lot of corpses, and these corpses needed a long time to move.

A large number of Demon Flame Bone Dragons gathered, and when the dragon clan launched an attack from a high-level powerhouse, they would surely give them a huge surprise. As for Tier 8 creatures, Du You couldn't do much yet.

Just when Du You created the undead, the development in other worlds still didn't stop, but was getting faster and faster under Du You's secret attention. And this speed of development is also partly attributed to the Dragon Clan. These dragons constantly shifted their forces, resulting in a huge emptiness in the forces and populations of the major worlds.

At this time, Du You took the opportunity to enter and released a large number of created creatures.

These creatures continue to fill vacancies everywhere, and then use their influence to continue to spread, secretly creating a large number of functional buildings. Secretly promoted to a territory above Tier 7, the speed of development is fast.

Moreover, with Du You's current abilities, it was very easy to obtain territory.

With the continuous development of the territory, Du You found that there were more and more dragon people and dragon beasts in his hands.

The dragons have always been paying attention to their own territory, and have no idea about the ordinary world around them. It is precisely for this reason that Du You can easily develop in the world around him.

Because the dragons have very high control over the surrounding world, their own power is also dispersed among these worlds. What Du You wants to use is this special model of the dragon family, and then use his territory to influence the world of the dragon family.

This kind of development speed is very fast, at this moment, some weaker worlds have been controlled. Of course, the world of Tier 7 is not so easy to control for the time being, but the world below Tier 7 is nothing.

As long as the territories of these worlds are raised to the point where they are comparable to the world, they don't need to reach the seventh rank at all, they are more secretive and less easy to be discovered. Speaking of which, the dragon clan dragged a large number of worlds to his side, which also created a very good opportunity for Du You. Because the world is relatively close, it is easier to communicate with each other.

A dragon man has completely controlled a Tier 6 world at this time and is giving a speech.

"Now, our world has been completely unblocked. From now on, this world belongs to our dragon people. However, we cannot stop our pace. There are still many worlds waiting for us to save."

There was a cheering sound from the decentralization, and now this dragon man clone is too prestigious. No matter what you say, these dragon people who had a bad life in the past will respond positively.

"Very well, now we open the passage, and everyone will follow me. Let's go to the next place to rescue our compatriots."

With a command, everyone frantically rushed towards the new passage. What they don't know is that this is not an ordinary passage, but a passage to other worlds.

Although that world still only has Tier 6, the occupation of this world after another is not a trivial matter. This kind of intrusion similar to the spread of a virus is simply impossible to prevent without paying attention.

And Du You is still communicating with the will of the earth now. Du You has only now discovered that when his strength reaches the ninth rank, he can have limited communication and limited equivalence exchanges with the will of the earth.

This time Du You was telling the earth that he had a big plan, and then let the earth's will cooperate. As long as the occupation of other worlds is gentle, it is enough not to make too much movement.

Then the will of the earth agreed. When dealing with other worlds, the will of the earth will penetrate little by little, and will not be discovered by these worlds, let alone the dragon world.

Just like Du You thought, the dragon world is still inferior to the earth in terms of level. This kind of cross-world control, as long as the earth pays a little attention, it will not be discovered by the dragon world that is far away.

When a world is penetrated to the extreme inside and outside, it is too late for the world to resist.

Earth Will will take advantage of the fact that the other party does not react, swallow the origin of the world in one gulp, and then perform simulations to create a situation where the world is still under the control of the dragon world. Speaking of which, there are only these top world wills that can be so flexible. The instinct of the will of these worlds is stronger than that of other worlds.

In this way, Du You used one world as a springboard, and one world after another occupied the past.

And Du You himself can feel that his influence on the dragon world has been growing ~ Once it breaks out, Du You believes that these worlds will definitely make the dragon world pay a huge price.

It's just that the outside world doesn't even know what happened here, they thought Du You was preparing for the front battlefield.

This time it was not Du You who took the initiative, but the Dragon Clan first took the initiative to test. In external propaganda, this time the dragon clan is launching an unjust war.

All in all, public opinion propaganda on the earth and the world is getting more and more heated. This war has also been heated up. Everyone is paying attention to the results of this war, even small battles in every small place.

Similarly, because more and more people successfully broke through on the battlefield, more and more people joined the battle. It was originally a battle within the dark web, but now there are also people from outside joining.

Through the opportunity of this war, Du You discovered that the dark web is gradually merging with the normal world of professionals. I am afraid that one day, the dark web organization will disappear, or even greater changes will occur.


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